Waha Desher storyline (2024)

Waha Desher storyline (1)

Spoiler Warning

This article may contain information that most likely spoils the plot or content of Anno 1800.

Waha Desher storyline is one of the side storylines of Land of Lions DLC.

The flowchart below represents the whole storyline of Waha Desher island, showing all possible paths and outcomes. Rectangle boxes with white background contain names of quests; if a chain of quests is linear, they are placed within the same box. Yellow diamond boxes contain names of quests which include decision making and which may have various outcomes depending on your choices, check appropriate section of this page for the specific quest to see which options lead to which outcome. Major branches of the storyline are indicated by blue rounded rectangles. Red rectangles represent a failure - a negative outcome of the storyline, while green rectangles represent a successful outcome or obtaining a reward.

Unifying Waha Desher with Enbesa provides the unique buff Waha Desher storyline (2) Land of the Thousand-And-One Streams, providing your Water Pumps in the region with +15 additional Irrigation capacity.

Waha Desher storyline (4)


  • 1 Beginning
    • 1.1 Where the Djat No Longer Roost
    • 1.2 The Lonely Island
    • 1.3 All That Stretches Before You
    • 1.4 The Sorcerer's Apprentice
    • 1.5 The Sorcerer's Apprentice — Yara's Wisdom
    • 1.6 The Sorcerer's Apprentice — What Lies Below
    • 1.7 The Sorcerer's Apprentice — Blood of Kashta
    • 1.8 The Sorcerer's Apprentice — Ancient Shedyet
    • 1.9 A Positive Report
    • 1.10 They Came With Might, Hammer And Skill
    • 1.11 The Risk of Flood
    • 1.12 The Trees of Life
    • 1.13 And The Waters Rose, And All Was Blessed
    • 1.14 The Many or the Few
  • 2 Ketema’s Path
    • 2.1 An Age of Iron and Industry
    • 2.2 Whence Change Comes
    • 2.3 Fields of Gold And Green
    • 2.4 Fires of Industry
    • 2.5 Let the Waters Flow
  • 3 Individual Path
    • 3.1 A Time of Duress
    • 3.2 Knife's Edge
  • 4 Individual Path – Salt Trade Path
    • 4.1 Much-Needed Supplies
    • 4.2 White Gold
    • 4.3 Seherut-Ships of Salt
    • 4.4 Emergency Ahku
  • 5 Individual Path – Deliveries Path
    • 5.1 Much-Needed Supplies
    • 5.2 Emergency Ahku
  • 6 Individual Path - Continuation
    • 6.1 Preparing the Festival
    • 6.2 A Grand Restoration
    • 6.3 Restoring the Waha
  • 7 Individual Path - Kyria's quests
    • 7.1 Creatures Known From Nut Or Acorn
    • 7.2 Seeding Expectations
    • 7.3 The Fruit of Our Labours
  • 8 Individual Path - Eyasu's quests
    • 8.1 Dangerous Dutiful Goats
    • 8.2 Creatures of Sand and Sun
    • 8.3 Wild Animals I Have Known
    • 8.4 Flighted Heraldry
  • 9 Individual Path - success
    • 9.1 Where the Djat Fly Once More
    • 9.2 The Mesyt of Waha Desher
    • 9.3 The Oracle's Blessing
  • 10 Failure quest
    • 10.1 The End That Came To Waha Desher


Where the Djat No Longer Roost[]

Since the waters of Waha Desher ran dry after several severe droughts, the island's survival has relied upon regular deliveries of supplies from Taborime. The situation is causing increasing strain on Taborime's resources, and as such, Ketema has asked you to oversee the latest delivery.

  • Retrieve the supplies for Waha Desher at Ketema’s Clipper, headed for Waha Desher
  • Deliver the supplies to Waha Desher Trading Post

The Lonely Island[]

Waha Desher's chieftain has invited you visit the island in the company of young Abel, the overseer of the oasis's stores, as thanks for your delivery of the supplies essential to their survival. This is a rare opportunity to investigate the mysterious droughts which have led to the slow demise of the land.

  • Find Abel, the Overseer near the harbour on Waha Desher
  • Follow Abel through the lower ksar
  • Ask about Eyasu, the Herder, in charge of the awut
  • Ask to enter through the door of the Ksar
  • Follow Abel through the upper ksar
  • Ask Abel, the Overseer about the walls
  • Enquire about the house at the top of the ksar
  • Follow Abel to the House of Bloodlines
  • Ask about Matriarch Yara, the last of the governor’s bloodline
  • Ask Abel, the Overseer what „abu” means
  • Follow Abel to the cliff

All That Stretches Before You[]

Waha Desher's chieftain has invited you visit the island in the company of young Abel, the overseer of the oasis's stores, as thanks for your delivery of the supplies essential to their survival. This is a rare opportunity to investigate the mysterious droughts which have led to the slow demise of the land.

  • Select a place to ask Abel about it

The Sorcerer's Apprentice[]

You've been sent by Ketema to investigate Waha Desher's drought problems. Abel told you that the oasis is highly saturated with salt, indicating that its water source has likely dried up. You'll have to find the oasis's source, and the reason for its drought.

  • Seek the source of the oasis
  • Enquire after the inhabitants of Waha Desher
  • Find Yara at the Ancient House

The Sorcerer's Apprentice — Yara's Wisdom[]

You've been sent by Ketema to investigate Waha Desher's drought problems. Abel told you that the oasis is highly saturated with salt, indicating that its water source has likely dried up. You'll have to find the oasis's source, and the reason for its drought.

  • Seek the source of the oasis
  • Follow and listen to Yara
  • Select the wasi to find the kebeh
  • Perhaps Abel can make sense of these words?
  • You can ask Yara to repeat her story at any time

The Sorcerer's Apprentice — What Lies Below[]

You've been sent by Ketema to investigate Waha Desher's drought problems. Abel told you that the oasis is highly saturated with salt, indicating that its water source has likely dried up. You'll have to find the oasis's source, and the reason for its drought.

  • Seek the source of the oasis
  • Remove the rubble on top of the cliff
  • You can ask Yara to repeat her story at any time

The Sorcerer's Apprentice — Blood of Kashta[]

You've been sent by Ketema to investigate Waha Desher's drought problems. Abel told you that the oasis is highly saturated with salt, indicating that its water source has likely dried up. You'll have to find the oasis's source, and the reason for its drought.

  • Seek the source of the oasis
  • Finish clearing the ruins on Waha Desher

The Sorcerer's Apprentice — Ancient Shedyet[]

While investigating the droughts on Waha Desher, a local authority figure by the name of Yara, one of the last descendants of the late rulers of the oasis, has led you to an unexpected find: a hidden shedyet — a water-well — covered by the rubble of an ancient battlefield. It's an important discovery, and one which must be shared with Ketema, as the water may just allow the oasis to thrive once more.

  • Select to investigate: Ancient Shedyet

A Positive Report[]

While investigating the droughts on Waha Desher, a local authority figure by the name of Yara, one of the last descendants of the late rulers of the oasis, has led you to an unexpected find: a hidden shedyet — a water-well — covered by the rubble of an ancient battlefield. It's an important discovery, and one which must be shared with Ketema, as the water may just allow the oasis to thrive once more.

  • Take a picture of the shedyet for Ketema
  • Sail to Ketema’s Clipper, headed for Waha Desher to report the good news to Ketema

They Came With Might, Hammer And Skill[]

Prompted by your discovery of the ancient well on Waha Desher, the Emperor has ordered a team of workers be sent to the island to clear the debris and restore the water source.

  • Pick up Ketema’s workers at Ketema’s Clipper, headed for Waha Desher
  • Take Ketema’s workers to Waha Desher Trading Post

The Risk of Flood[]

While the prospect of restoring the flow of water to Waha Desher raises the people's hopes for the future, the chieftain worries that the old riverbed may not be stable enough to contain the flow, and that floods may devastate the fragile ruins of the oasis. He humbly asks you to visit Taborime and Kidusi Anitoni, to retrieve trees and plants capable of holding the land together.

  • Sail to Kidusi Anitoni Trading Post to enquire about issehds
  • Deliver the Kidusian trees to Waha Desher Trading Post

The Trees of Life[]

No sooner had you delivered the much-anticipated trees to Waha Desher than the inhabitants set to work calculating where to plant them. All that is left now is to actually plant the trees — a task which they are happy to grant you the honour of completing.

  • Select the markers to plant the trees

And The Waters Rose, And All Was Blessed[]

With the trees planted all around the oasis, work has finally started on preparing for the delving of the canals and pools. One last thing remains: the workers await your signal to brush off the last of the debris covering the shedyet, before connecting it to the new pathways.

  • Select the well to order Ketema's workers to clear it

The Many or the Few[]

Ketema rejoices to hear that water has returned to Waha Desher. He now wishes to discuss his further plans for the island.

  • Discuss Waha Desher with Ketema


Part one

Tell me then: why should I squander any more of the resources I need to expand my empire, just so these islanders can feast and waste their days away? It is time for such irresponsibility to change. If Enbesa is to thrive and become great, all must do their part, even Waha Desher. I will not have them merely survive. They must grow prosperous and contribute to the nation's efforts - or be left behind.

  • Keep listening
    • There is land aplenty here, enough to feed the entire Empire! These old stones must be torn down, and water returned to the drylands. No longer will theirs be a language arcane to all - the time for industrious rejuvenation has come for the oasis.
      1. This would destroy Waha Desher's unique identity!
        • That is the point. You think their manners quaint and amusing, but they are foreign and antiquated. There is no place for an alien culture in a united Enbesan Empire. In restoring the oasis and farmland, we will lift them out of poverty and make true Enbesans out of them.
          • Keep listening
      2. Keep listening

Part two

My men will be ready to start as soon as they are needed. In the meantime, I ask you to tear down those forsaken piles of stone. We will need as much ground as we can to carve the deep canals and prepare the farmland.

  1. I will not be a part of this act of vandalism!
    • Then let them be your burden! I will not bleed the Enbesan stockpiles any further for these ingrates and layabouts! If you so wish to keep this piece of mummified history alive, then let it be on your shoulders to not let them suffocate amidst the dust and rags of their dead land!
      • Take your leave - Proceeds to the Waha Desher path, the quest A Time of Duress is started
  2. As the Emperor commands.
    • It is no pleasant duty, but such are also the burdens of an Emperor. We must look to the greater good. History will remember the well-builders and unity-weavers, not the dust-and-ruins hoarders. And so we must settle our consciences with the guilt, that all may thank us for the prosperity this sacrifice will bring.
      • Head out - Proceeds to Ketema's path, the quest An Age of Iron and Industry is started; the quest Preparing the Festival is terminated

Ketema’s Path[]

An Age of Iron and Industry[]

Though it may pain you to admit it, you cannot help but see the wisdom in the Emperor's words: no matter how charming their way of life or how quaint their mannerisms, the people of Waha Desher must take on their fair share of the burden that is raising a united empire. The land is too fertile now, not to mention too vast, to let it lie fallow. There will be fields aplenty here, and a new culture. The people will adapt and change, for the good of all. It's not a pleasant message you must deliver, but one which you feel confident will ultimately be for the glory of Enbesa.

  • Sail to Waha Desher Trading Post to convey their new orders
  • Point the workers to the ancient building

Whence Change Comes[]

Though it may pain you to admit it, you cannot help but see the wisdom in the Emperor's words: no matter how charming their way of life or how quaint their mannerisms, the people of Waha Desher must take on their fair share of the burden that is raising a united empire. The land is too fertile now, not to mention too vast, to let it lie fallow. There will be fields aplenty here, and a new culture. The people will adapt and change, for the good of all. It's not a pleasant message you must deliver, but one which you feel confident will ultimately be for the glory of Enbesa.

  • Remove the dead trees from Waha Desher
  • Deliver to Waha Desher: 12t Mud Bricks, 15t Wanza Timber
  • Wait for Ketema’s men to complete the water network in Waha Desher

Fields of Gold And Green[]

The sheer breadth of Waha Desher's newly fertile farmlands is astounding to all, not least the Emperor himself. Such abundance has led him to believe the island would be a perfect place to establish a flourishing ceramics industry.

  • Point out the second ruin to Ketema's workers
  • Retrieve indigo seeds from Ketema’s Clipper, headed for Waha Desher
  • Deliver the indigo seeds to Waha Desher Trading Post

Fires of Industry[]

The regular crack and crease of Waha Desher's latest flourishing industry has only just become a regular feature of the island's soundscape, yet the Emperor has already revealed further plans for the oasis: the installation of an industrious textile structure that would could provide for most of Taborime's needs for clothing.

  • Select the monuments on Waha Desher to destroy them
  • Retrieve flax seeds from Ketema’s Clipper, headed for Waha Desher
  • Deliver the flax seeds to Waha Desher Trading Post

Let the Waters Flow[]

Waha Desher storyline (5)
Waha Desher storyline (6)

The pump and steep canals on Waha Desher are finally operational! It now falls to you, as mastermind of the operation, to have the honour of setting the machinery to work, and ushering in the new age of Waha Desher.

  • Inaugurate the new water pump!

Result: Waha Desher is unified with Enbesa, Water Pumps receive bonus of +15 to their capacity

Individual Path[]

A Time of Duress[]

A disastrous outcome! Your attempt at defending Waha Desher's legacy has led Ketema to prohibit any further deliveries to the island's inhabitants, leaving them to fend for themselves. The land remains largely barren, and they will need a new delivery soon, before you can attempt to find a way to make the people of the waha self-sufficient. You must now deliver the grim tidings to the chieftain.

  • Sail to Waha Desher Trading Post to announce the end of Ketema's deliveries of supplies

Knife's Edge[]

A disastrous outcome! Your attempt at defending Waha Desher's legacy has led Ketema to prohibit any further deliveries to the island's inhabitants, leaving them to fend for themselves. The land remains largely barren, and they will need a new delivery soon, before you can attempt to find a way to make the people of the waha self-sufficient. As you strive to help the island survive, however, the Emperor calls you back to his side: it seems he has further plans for Waha Desher. Suspiciously grim news.

  • Establish a plan with the chieftain


Ketema refusing to support us is a terrible thing to hear, but I must thank you, on behalf of all inhabitants of Waha Desher, for defending our island's legacy.

  • Continue
    • Our supplies are already running dangerously low - we are in desperate need of a new delivery. Though the waters are returning to the waha, it will take weeks, perhaps even months, before anything grows again. Time we do not have if we intend to survive alone.
      • I will deliver the goods you need.
        • Your generosity does you credit, but I am afraid we will need more than one delivery - we'll need a regular supply until the island can provide for itself. We may not be many, but the hard labour that is to come will make for hungry work, and there is little room on the island to store goods in any quantity.
          1. There is salt here aplenty. Perhaps it could be traded for supplies?
            • How astute! With your delivery complete, we could certainly get to work organising a trade - although we would need your help even there, as we have no ships of our own, and our warehouses are small. But it would grant us time to clear the rubble from the per-iteru, raising the water high enough to reseed the fields!
              • Agree to the plan - Proceeds to the salt trade path, the quest Much-Needed Supplies is started
          2. I will take care of deliveries. We must ensure the waha grows anew.
            • Once again you save our lives! As you will have it then. Once you have brought the first supplies we will will set to clearing the rubble from the per-iteru. This should raise the waters high enough to start seeding fields anew.
              • Agree to the plan - Proceeds to the deliveries path, the quest Much-Needed Supplies is started

Individual Path – Salt Trade Path[]

Much-Needed Supplies[]

There is much to be done that the chieftain would gladly discuss with you, but once concern is greatest of all: ensuring that the Emperor's decision to forsake Waha Desher will not cripple the island's population and their livelihoods. A dismal fate it would be to see these shores forsaken; its lands abandoned to the shifting slither of snakes and the dull hoof-beats of masterless beasts. If this grim prophecy is to be avoided, there is but one solution: you must provide Waha Desher with a new delivery as soon as possible!

  • Deliver to Waha Desher (20 minutes):
  • 30t Dried Meat
  • 24t Hibiscus Tea
  • If the quest is failed, the quest Waha Desher: The End That Came To Waha Desher is triggered
  • If the quest is completed successfully, the quest Waha Desher: White Gold is triggered

White Gold[]

The Chieftain of Waha Desher turns to you, their last ally in this time of duress, in the hope you can help them construct the foundations of a salt trade on the island. Their reserves are thin, but there should be just enough to buy time for the land to grow fertile once more with the new-found water.

  • Speak to Abel about organizing the salt trade

Seherut-Ships of Salt[]

The Chieftain of Waha Desher turns to you, their last ally in this time of duress, in the hope you can help them construct the foundations of a salt trade on the island. Their reserves are thin, but there should be just enough to buy time for the land to grow fertile once more with the new-found water.

  • Extend the warehouse: Deliver to Waha Desher Trading Post: 24-30t (?) Wanza Timber
  • Sell Seherut to Waha Desher: 0/2 Frigates

Emergency Ahku[]

Waha Desher is still in need of considerable supplies to ensure their survival, as the population thins and resources wane faster than they can be hoarded. Unless a solution can be found, it is but a matter of time before they must choose to leave for a one-way trip to Taborime - or perish among the dust of the oasis.

  • Deliver to Waha Desher (20 minutes):
  • 30t (?) Dried Meat
  • 24t (?) Hibiscus Tea

The quest is triggered after 90 minutes after completing the quest Waha Desher: Seherut-Ships of Salt. This quest will keep reappearing every 30 minutes after completing it every time. When the quest Waha Desher: Where the Djat Fly Once More is started, this quest will not be started anymore.
If the quest is failed, the quest Waha Desher: The End That Came To Waha Desher is started and other quests from the storyline are terminated

Individual Path – Deliveries Path[]

Much-Needed Supplies[]

There is much to be done that the chieftain would gladly discuss with you, but once concern is greatest of all: ensuring that the Emperor's decision to forsake Waha Desher will not cripple the island's population and their livelihoods. A dismal fate it would be to see these shores forsaken; its lands abandoned to the shifting slither of snakes and the dull hoof-beats of masterless beasts. If this grim prophecy is to be avoided, there is but one solution: you must provide Waha Desher with a new delivery as soon as possible!

  • Deliver to Waha Desher (20 minutes):
  • 30t Dried Meat
  • 24t Hibiscus Tea
  • If the quest is failed, the quest Waha Desher: The End That Came To Waha Desher is triggered
  • If the quest is completed successfully, the quest Waha Desher: A Grand Restoration is triggered

Emergency Ahku[]

Waha Desher is still in need of considerable supplies to ensure their survival, as the population thins and resources wane faster than they can be hoarded. Unless a solution can be found, it is but a matter of time before they must choose to leave for a one-way trip to Taborime - or perish among the dust of the oasis.

  • Deliver to Waha Desher (20 minutes):
  • 30t Dried Meat
  • 24t Hibiscus Tea

The quest is triggered after 30 minutes from the start of the quest Waha Desher: Much-Needed Supplies. This quest will keep reappearing every 30 minutes after completing it every time. When the quest Waha Desher: Where the Djat Fly Once More is started, this quest will not be started anymore.
If the quest is failed, the quest Waha Desher: The End That Came To Waha Desher is started and other quests from the storyline are terminated

Individual Path - Continuation[]

Preparing the Festival[]

Water, life-sustaining and abundant, flows once again in Waha Desher! It's a rare opportunity to celebrate, and a chance to bring out the songs and dances of old in honour of this miracle! As with all true traditional celebrations, this one should take place around the Oracle, and the chieftain has tasked you with repairing it so that it can be at its best for the feast.

  • Repair the water temple for the upcoming festival!
  • Deliver to Waha Desher Trading Post: 12t Mud Bricks

A Grand Restoration[]

Refusing to destroy a history that stretches back millennia in the pursuit of an ambition, however noble, you have taken a stand to restore the oasis without razing the outlying buildings. The chieftain suggests you look to the renovation of these crumbling piles, to better restore the beauty that once was Waha Desher.

  • Clear the rubble from the Oracle

Restoring the Waha[]

Your efforts to help Waha Desher trade salt for sustenance have, for the moment, been successful. Never one to rest on his laurels, however, the chieftain recommends you turn to Kyria and Eyasu, two of his people, for advice on how to restore the island to prosperity.

  • Plant The Crops
    • Contact Kyria
  • Missing Cattle
    • Contact Eyasu

Individual Path - Kyria's quests[]

Creatures Known From Nut Or Acorn[]

The chieftain thinks that Kyria is probably the most knowledgeable about farming in the whole of Waha Desher. She wants to show you how plants grow in the waha. The chieftain mentions that Kyria, an ageing elder, is renowned for her talent in nurturing and growing some of the rare plants that still grow on Waha Desher. He highly recommends you ask her for help in your attempt to restore prosperity to the island.

  • Plant The Crops Contact Kyria
  • Explore Kyria's Garden
  • Enquire about the issehd
  • Enquire about the orange trees
  • Look closely at the crops

Seeding Expectations[]

Having learnt from Kyria how certain plants could, if wisely planted, help life thrive in the waha despite the desiccation, you have now been tasked with finding the seeds of such plants and bringing them to Waha Desher.

  • Select Kyria to announce you're ready to restore the oasis
  • Pick up the seeds at Ketema’s Clipper, headed for Waha Desher
  • Deliver the seeds to Waha Desher Trading Post

The Fruit of Our Labours[]

At last, the time has come to execute Kyria's plan for the oasis, and start planting trees and crops to stabilise the land.

  • Select the markers to regrow the oasis!
    • Plant the issehds
    • Plant the orange trees
    • Plant the crops

Individual Path - Eyasu's quests[]

Dangerous Dutiful Goats[]

However, Waha Desher's silence and lack of life remains a grim sight to many of its older residents, who remember a time of multitudinous life around the water and in the trees. Eyasu suggests restoring some of the local fauna progressively, perhaps starting with a herd of goats from Kidusi Anitoni - the beasts have thrived unchecked there for centuries.

  • Retrieve a goat herd at Kidusi Anitoni Trading Post
  • Bring the goats to Waha Desher Trading Post

Creatures of Sand and Sun[]

No oasis can truly thrive without herds of animals to care for, but the conditions on Waha Desher will require none but the toughest creatures. Eyasu recommends finding an animal capable of resisting the tremendous heats which regularly sweep over the oasis, and bringing it back to Waha Desher.

  • Find a heat-resistant animal, and take it to Waha Desher
  • Optional: Consult a zoological tome in Kidusi Anitoni
  • Optional: Find and observe herds of animals in the corners of Ketema's island!
  • Deliver an oryx to Waha Desher Trading Post

Wild Animals I Have Known[]

Eager to thin some of the abundant fauna gallivanting across his land, Ketema has genially agreed to let you keep the animals you caught. He has ordered cages of hardwood be built for them, and left them at his harbour for your convenience.

  • Sail to Ketema’s Lighthouse and receive the gift
    Possible rewards: Oryxe, Wildebeest, Impala

Flighted Heraldry[]

There is one last task to be taken care of before the oasis can be considered truly thriving. The return of the djat, the sacred bird and symbol of Waha Desher, would be a major step on the route to renewal - and it would go some way to culling the unpleasantly large population of mosquitoes on the island too. Eyasu asks you to track down this mysterious bird, often mentioned in legend, and bring a specimen back to the island.

  • Deliver a Djat (Grey Crowned Crane) to Waha Desher
    The Djat is embroidered on the clothing of Waha Desher's inhabitants


A Djat is the local name for the Grey Crowned Crane, a rare-quality Zoo animal. It can be obtained through quests given by Shepherds/Elders, one- or two-difficulty zoological expeditions or by buying it from Ketema's Harbour.

Individual Path - success[]

Waha Desher storyline (7)
Waha Desher storyline (8)

Where the Djat Fly Once More[]

Against overwhelming odds, you've managed to restore Waha Desher to its original beauty and fertility — an incredible feat worthy of the highest praise! The chieftain encourages you to report the good news to the Emperor.

  • Sail to Ketema’s Clipper, headed for Waha Desher to report your success

Result: Waha Desher is unified with Enbesa, Water Pumps receive bonus of +15 to their capacity

The Mesyt of Waha Desher[]

With the waters of the waha flowing once more and life returning to a newly prosperous oasis, the time has come at last for the famed fertility festival know as the Mesyt! As the chief engineer of this miracle of life, you have been invited to be the guest of honour for the celebrations by the people of Waha Desher.

  • Sail to Waha Desher Trading Post to participate in the Mesyt
    • Participate in the mesyt!
      • Observe the priests performing the rituals
      • Where is Yara?
      • Observe the traditional dancing

The Oracle's Blessing[]

The Mesyt proved to be a unique, memorable experience. Now the time has come to take your leave, and return to loftier pursuits. But before you depart, the chieftain wishes to thank you by entrusting you with an ancient artefact, which has remained hidden within the Oracle for countless centuries.

  • Select the artefact
  • Sail to Waha Desher Trading Post to retrieve your gift
  • Rewards: Ancient Tabot of Waha Desher

Failure quest[]

The End That Came To Waha Desher[]

Despite your best efforts, you have failed to ensure the continued survival of Waha Desher. Famine roams the land, and the inhabitants have sent for you with heavy heart, to ask you to take them to Taborime on a one-way trip.

  • Pick up the people of Waha Desher
  • Transport the people to Ketema's Clipper, headed for Waha Desher

Result: Waha Desher is not unified with Enbesa, people of Waha Desher can't survive on their own anymore and get transported to Taborime

The quest starts when either Much-Needed Supplies or Emergency Ahku quests have been failed.

Waha Desher storyline (2024)


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.