Teaming up with Technology - Landscape Industry Careers (2024)

If you are interested in working with technology on a daily basis, look no further than a career in the professional landscape industry! The misconception that the landscape industry is low tech is far from the truth. While some work by landscape professionals is done by hand, technology plays a critical role in landscape design, installation, and management. Landscape professionals have teamed up with technology and utilize cutting-edge tools, equipment and computer programs in their work every day.

How do landscape professionals use technology?

Those who work in the industry use the latest landscape technology to streamline their projects, allowing them to be more environmentally efficient than ever before. For example, many landscape professionals now utilize robotic lawn mowers powered by smart technology to free up Teaming up with Technology - Landscape Industry Careers (1)crews from routine mowing to spend more time on the details that make a difference. Professionals are also using programmable irrigation systems to conserve water, and advanced lighting and electrical systems when servicing residential and commercial landscapes. Professionals are trained on the skills and competencies required to ensure efficient technology solutions are integrated into landscape installation and management.

Pioneering technology and digital programs are also regularly used in many of the behind-the-scene functions of a landscape project, whether on the job site or in the back office. Computer-aided programs are key for landscape designers and architects. Electronic imaging and GPS tracking support arborists in assessing the health of trees. Drones are used with increasing frequency to save time and ensure efficiencies. Project managers and estimators use sophisticated programs to coordinate key tasks, financial accountability, and ensure logistical operations run smoothly. Regardless of landscape career path, technology is key in helping professionals do their jobs.

How can I pursue a technology-focused career in the landscape industry?Teaming up with Technology - Landscape Industry Careers (2)

If you have a passion for technology, pursuing a career in the professional landscape industry may be the perfect fit. Explore the Landscape Management Apprenticeship Program, where students are trained in technology applications for landscape management, irrigation system administration, low-voltage lighting systems (and more!) while earning a paycheck from day one.

Visit the job board to browse technology-focused landscaping career opportunities near you.

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Discover STEM Careers

Whether you have a passion for science, technology, engineering or math, there's something for you in this industry. Learn how to pursue a rewarding, lifelong STEM career as a landscape professional!

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Landscape Management Apprenticeship Program

Landscape Management Apprenticeship Program

Ready to jumpstart your future as a landscape apprentice?Learn more about the program or contact NALPto find a sponsoring company in your area.

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Teaming up with Technology - Landscape Industry Careers (2024)


How is technology used in landscaping? ›

Healthy landscapes start with healthy soil. Soil monitoring sensors provide real-time data on soil moisture levels, temperature, and nutrient content. Landscapers can use this information to make informed decisions about irrigation and fertilization, promoting optimal plant growth while minimizing resource waste.

Why are professionals drawn to the landscape industry? ›

Landscape maintenance is more than just a job; it's a pathway to a fulfilling career that blends art, science, and passion for the outdoors. This field offers a unique opportunity to create and maintain beautiful, sustainable outdoor spaces that enhance our communities and environments.

What is a technology landscape? ›

Technology Landscaping provides in-depth assessment of the technology area to identify and evaluate the current and future status of relevant technologies as they are developed in various industries.

How technology has changed the business landscape? ›

Using artificial intelligence and big data analytics: With the help of tools and technologies like AI and big data analytics, entrepreneurs are better able to understand the needs of the market, their industry as well as the changing dynamics of the marketplace.

What are the three major career fields in the landscape professional? ›

Arborists, lawn care technicians, and irrigation specialists all perform landscaping jobs outdoors that create a visible impact on the environment.

What are the 5 P's of a career as a landscape professional and what do they mean? ›

Most professionals point to the Five P's that are much more defining of the industry: people, passion, plants, progression, and pride.

What is the most challenging aspect of the professional landscape contractor's business? ›

The lawn care industry is a complicated market with particular challenges, including fluctuating seasonal demand, labor shortages, and supply chain issues. Business owners have to remain ahead of challenges if they want to grow their landscaping company.

What technology is used in landscape architecture? ›

Several machines have increased construction efficiency, including extrusion for concrete walls and kerbs, vacuum systems for placing soil and mulch, paver laying machines, and CNC machines for stone cutting. These technologies have improved efficiency and safety by reducing the physical stress on landscape workers.

What is the latest technology for landscaping? ›

Remote monitoring and irrigation systems

Smart irrigation systems are one of the newest technological advancements revolutionizing the landscaping and lawn care industries. The systems use remote monitoring and automation to optimize water usage and reduce waste.

How is technology used in gardening? ›

One of the keystones of smart gardening technology is the soil sensor. These devices are planted in the garden soil and continuously monitor conditions like moisture levels, pH balance, and nutrient content.

How has computerized design improved landscaping? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

Computerized design has improved landscaping by making the design phase more efficient and precise, enabling the creation of detailed models, early identification of potential issues, and offering greater flexibility to adjust to changes.


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Name: Domingo Moore

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.