How To Build A Raised Garden Bed For Cheap (2024)

Learn how to build a raised garden bed for less than $15 per box. With just a few materials and a little bit of time, you can put together these cheap raised garden beds.

How To Build A Raised Garden Bed For Cheap (1)

How To Build A Raised Garden Bed For Cheap (2)

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Today I’m going to show you how to build cedar raised beds. If you have been following along in our gardening journey so far, you may have seen our vlog all about our cottage garden, and have gotten a sneak peak at the cedar raised beds we built.

These raised beds were so easy. They only took one day get the beds together, get them filled, and get planted. And we did six! Seriously, it’s that easy.

When we moved into the farm in January, we knew the garden would be a project we would tackle in year one. We love being able to grow a lot of our own food, and we’re excited to continue to expand it each year.

There is something so satisfying about learning, growing, and enjoying the food you produce on your own land, knowing what went into the soil, the kinds of seeds, and all the hard work. But that hard work is so worth it when you get to bite down on a crunchy sweet pepper or into a home-grown, juicy tomato. Truly, there is nothing like it.

I love how much the kids get out of it. You can often find them in the garden chomping away at the vegetables.

How To Build A Raised Garden Bed For Cheap (3)

Cheap Raised Garden Bed

You’ll need six cedar fence posts for one raised bed. The reason we went with cedar fence posts is because it was the only affordable cedar that our local lumber yard had on hand. Plus, it’s just a really cheap way to go. The posts cost around $2 each, making each cedar raised bed cost less than $15 total. We also repurposed some lumber we had on hand to join the corners.

Now, we went with cedar because it is naturally rot-resistant, and we didn’t want to purchase treated lumber because we didn’t want that treatment leaching into the garden, the soil, and our food.

So lets grab some lumber and your tools, and let’s get to building these cheap raised garden beds.

Benefits Of Raised Beds

  • Kids don’t run on top of the soil (which compacts it), or get into your veggies as much.
  • Less weeding than traditional gardens created right in the ground.
  • You can fill them with whatever soil you can find. Get good soil and add lots of it!
  • Space-saving: you don’t have to garden in rows. The boxes themselves create the rows.
  • The square foot garden is a great way to grow a lot of food in a small amount of space.
  • It is much easier to get in the garden to harvest and weed because they are raised up.

What kind of wood should be used should be used for raised beds?

Cedar is the most affordable, and is naturally rot-resistant due to natural oils in the wood.

Redwood is very expensive, but is rot-resistant and has a long longevity.

Douglas Fir is a very affordable option, but won’t last as long as redwood or cedar in terms of longevity.

While pressure-treated wood could technically be used, it could leach chemicals (like fungicide and copper) into the soil, and is not approved for organic use.

How To Build A Raised Garden Bed For Cheap (4)

What can you plant in raised garden beds?

You can plant most vegetables, herbs, and flowers in a raised bed. Some ideas include:

  • Asparagus
  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Carrots
  • Leafy Greens
  • Herbs
  • Potatoes
  • Squashes
  • Beans
  • Peas

You can also grow some fruits like: strawberries, watermelon, melons, currants, raspberries, blackberries, and even blueberries.

How To Build A Raised Garden Bed For Cheap (5)

How deep should a raised garden bed be?

A raised bed should be a minimum of 6-12 inches deep, so there is enough room for your plants to develop a good, deep root system, but you can make the raised bed as deep as you would like. If your bed is not 12 inches deep, you could dig out a bit of the ground before adding the dirt to make it deeper.

How To Build A Raised Garden Bed Video Tutorial

Materials Needed To Build Raised Garden Beds:

This is for one raised bed. If you are planning to make six beds, then multiply the materials by six.

  • 6- 6 foot pieces of Cedar – we used 6 foot long cedar fence posts
  • 6- 10 inch long 1x2s, or 2x4s ripped in half
  • Screws
  • Circular Saw
  • Drill

How To Build A Raised Garden Bed Tutorial

  1. Cut off the top part of the cedar picket fence.
    • This isn’t something you have to do; we just decided to square off the top to make it look a little cleaner.
  2. Measure the cedar fence pickets. Cut 2 boards in half.
  3. Each post was 6 feet long, so we cut each in half to make two 3-foot boards. These will be the ends of each raised bed.
  4. Take two of the long pieces of cedar, lay them next to each other, and line up the ends.
  5. Place one of the 10 inch long 2x4s cut in half (or 1x2s) to one of the ends of the long cedar boards and drill in.
  6. Stand it up with the cedar board touching the table; the ripped 2×4 is up and part of it is above the cedar.
  7. Place the short end piece next to the long piece creating a 90 degree angle and screw it into the ripped 2×4. Continue doing this until all four boards are attached.
  8. Add the second layer of cedar posts and screw them into the ripped 2x4s.
  9. In the center of the long side of the raised bed, screw in another ripped 2×4.
    • This helps add support so it doesn’t bow out once the soil is added.
  10. Put them in place and add soil.
    • When installing the raised beds, it is a good idea to allow enough space between each bed to make it comfortable to walk through and bend down.

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How To Build A Raised Garden Bed For Cheap (6)

How To Build A Raised Garden Bed For Cheap (7)

How To Build A Raised Garden Bed For Cheap

Yield: 1

Learn how to build a raised garden bed for less than $15 per box. With just a few materials and a little bit of time, you can put together these cheap raised garden beds.


  • (This is for one raised bed. If you are planning to make six beds, then multiply the materials by six.)
  • 6- 6 foot pieces of Cedar – we used 6 foot long cedar fence posts
  • 6- 10 inch long 1x2s, or 2x4s ripped in half
  • Screws
  • Circular Saw
  • Drill


    Cut off the top part of the cedar picket fence.
    This isn’t something you have to do; we just decided to square off the top to make it look a little cleaner.
    Measure the cedar fence pickets. Cut 2 boards in half.
    Each post was 6 feet long, so we cut each in half to make two 3-foot boards. These will be the ends of each raised bed.
    Take two of the long pieces of cedar, lay them next to each other, and line up the ends.
    Place one of the 10 inch long 2x4s cut in half (or 1x2s) to one of the ends of the long cedar boards and drill in.
    Stand it up with the cedar board touching the table; the ripped 2×4 is up and part of it is above the cedar.
    Place the short end piece next to the long piece creating a 90 degree angle and screw it into the ripped 2×4. Continue doing this until all four boards are attached.
    Add the second layer of cedar posts and screw them into the ripped 2x4s.
    In the center of the long side of the raised bed, screw in another ripped 2×4.
    This helps add support so it doesn’t bow out once the soil is added.
    Put them in place and add soil.
    When installing the raised beds, it is a good idea to allow enough space between each bed to make it comfortable to walk through and bend down.

How To Build A Raised Garden Bed For Cheap (2024)


What is the least expensive way to build a raised garden bed? ›

Raised beds made of cinder blocks or concrete blocks

Cinder blocks and concrete blocks are very inexpensive (typically $2 to $3 a piece at home improvement centers), and they make it really easy to build the outline of a raised garden bed.

Is it cheaper to buy or build a raised garden bed? ›

A homemade raised garden bed might be cheaper in the short term, but it will cost you far more time and money in the long run.

How to fill a raised garden bed on a budget? ›

Use the Lasagna Garden Method

To start, lay down sheets of cardboard or newspaper for weed suppression and then fill the raised bed structure halfway up with alternating layers of nitrogen-rich materials (like kitchen scraps and grass clippings) and carbon-rich materials (like wood chips and dried autumn leaves).

What is the cheapest wood for raised beds? ›

Cedar wood is one of the best choices to build raised garden beds because of its longevity and affordability. The natural oils present in cedar wood naturally make the wood both rot and bug resistant and therefore does not need to be treated for outdoor use.

How deep should a raised garden bed be? ›

The minimum required depth depends on the plant. But on average, a raised garden bed should accommodate about 20 inches of soil for the roots of flowers and vegetables.

What to use as filler for raised garden beds? ›

The materials used include large rotting logs, sticks and other debris that are layered with grass clippings, coffee grounds, compost, and other organic matter. As the material breaks down, it creates a flourishing environment for beneficial fungi and microbes that mimics the natural landscape of a forest.

Should I put gravel around my raised garden bed? ›

If you're going to pay for a product to fill your raised beds, again, it should just be really good soil and compost. I only recommend a thin layer of gravel at the bottom of your raised bed and under the edges to help you level the area. Save the rest of your gravel for your garden pathways.

What are the disadvantages of raised garden beds? ›

The cons of raised beds

Use rot-resistant wood if you go with boards and figure even those eventually will have to be replaced. The soil mix also can be a significant, albeit one-time, expense. Raised beds need water more often since the soil is more exposed to air and dries quicker.

Should raised beds have a bottom? ›

Should a raised bed have a bottom? Despite lining the bottom of a raised bed, the raised bed itself should not have an enclosed bottom. Raised garden beds should be left open to the ground to allow plant roots to grow further into the ground for nutrients if needed.

How many bags of soil do I need for a 4x8 raised bed? ›

For a 4x8-foot raised bed with a 6” height, using Mel's Mix: about 5 cubic feet each of compost, peat moss, and vermiculite is needed. It usually takes about two to three bags of purchased fertile mix (1.5 cubic feet each) to cover the bed surface to a depth of 2 inches.

Can you fill a raised bed with just soil? ›

Can you fill a raised bed with just top soil? Topsoil is good for filling raised beds, but always use it as part of a mix with compost or other organic matter.

Can you fill a raised bed with just garden soil? ›

Soil taken from your yard or a garden bed is too dense to use in a pot or raised bed. Instead, for containers, you'll want to use potting mix (also called potting soil), a lightweight and fluffy alternative. For raised beds, you'll want to use a blend of potting mix and garden soil.

What do you line a wooden raised bed with? ›

Depending on your budget and gardening goals, you can line the bottom of your raised garden beds with wide-mesh hardware cloth, stainless steel mesh, landscape fabric, burlap sack, or newspaper/cardboard.

How thick should wood be for raised beds? ›

Use lumber that's at least 2″ thick. Many beds are built of 2x6s, because a 6″ deep bed will grow nearly anything except carrots and parsnips. At Spotts, we use 2x8s because we like that extra depth. The easiest way to make a raised bed is just to screw some 2x6s together to make a square.

How much does it cost to build a 4x8 raised bed? ›

Raised-Bed Garden Cost per Square Foot

If you're DIY'ing your garden installation, expect to spend anywhere from $25 to $50 per square foot of garden space for wood raised beds. Stone, brick, and steel will be more expensive.

How to build a garden cheaply? ›

Here are 10 ways to garden without breaking the bank.
  1. Be on the lookout for plant swaps. ...
  2. Shop for plants in the off-season. ...
  3. Start from seeds. ...
  4. Save seeds. ...
  5. Accept cuttings from friends. ...
  6. Build a raised bed from found materials. ...
  7. Make your own soil amendments. ...
  8. Find free mulch.
Jan 14, 2022

What is the best material to make raised beds out of? ›

Build your raised bed with a decay-resistant type of wood, such as cedar, black cherry, oak (bur, chestnut, post, white), black locust, Osage orange, or redwood. (Source: USDA Forest Products Lab) Use a non-wood material such as stones, concrete blocks, bricks, or synthetic lumber.


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