Can You Start Sunflower Seeds Indoors? (Yep, It’s Easy) – Homegrown Food and Flowers (2024)

Starting sunflower seeds indoors can be a fun and rewarding project, whether you’re doing it for the first time or are a seasoned pro. There are a few key steps to include in the process to help your sunflowers genuinely thrive.

You can start sunflowers indoors just as you would any other garden crop. A packet of seeds and a simple light setup will get you going. Plant to transplant out the seedlings after four weeks of growth indoors, and be sure to set a target planting date for after the last spring frost to ensure their survival.

In this article, you’ll get some tips on getting started and ensuring that your sunflowers make it to full bloom, plus a few ideas on how to stagger your sowings for months of flowers.

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Can you start sunflowers indoors?

Starting sunflowers indoors is possible and generally relatively easy. All you need are a seed packet, grow lights, seed-starting mix, and seedling pots or another type of container. The seeds will sprout in less than a week, and within four weeks, they’ll be ready to plant in the garden.

As long as you transplant the sunflower seedlings when they are still small, they will adapt to their new environment and take off with quick growth.

What are the benefits of starting sunflower seeds indoors?

Starting sunflowers indoors does have a few benefits.

  • You can get a jump on the growing season, which is especially helpful if you live in a climate with a short growing season.
  • Sunflowers started indoors will also be less likely to fall prey to birds or squirrels who dig up the seeds.
  • You’ll have more control over the environment, so you don’t have to worry about spring rainstorms washing away your seeds or causing them to rot before they get a chance to germinate.

There are a few things to remember when starting any seed indoors. Indoor sowing requires more effort than direct sowing, and there is always the potential for problems like damping off. In addition, you’ll need to take care when transplanting the seedlings so as not to damage their delicate roots.

If you don’t have the space or inclination to sow sunflowers indoors, don’t worry! Direct sowing is almost always successful, as long as pests don’t get to your seeds. Just make sure to sow into warm soil, and you’ll have sunflower seedlings popping up in the garden in no time.

Six steps to starting sunflowers indoors

Here are the basic steps for starting sunflowers indoors:

1. Choose a warm spot in your home where you can set up a grow light and seed tray or small nursery pots.

2. Fill your containers with seed-starting mix and plant the seeds 1/2 inch deep.

3. Water the trays gently and keep the soil moist but not wet. If you are trying to germinate your sunflowers as quickly as possible, a heat mat set to 70 degrees Fahrenheit will speed up the process.

4. Once the seedlings emerge, thin them out so that each has its own space, especially if there is more than one seed per tray cell.

5. Transplant the seedlings into the garden after all threat of frost has passed.

6. Don’t forget to harden the seedlings off in a sheltered spot to acclimate them to the outside temperatures and sun.

Test seed viability with a wet paper towel

If you have old seeds or you’re experimenting with bird seed (more on that in a moment), you can try the paper towel method to test your sunflower seed germination rate before planting them.

To do this, place several seeds on a moistened paper towel, fold it over, and set it in a warm spot. Check the progress of the seeds every few days. If they’ve sprouted, plant them immediately. If not, try again with new seeds.

For a more in-depth guide to starting most flower seeds, bookmark this resource: Step-By-Step Guide To Starting Seeds Indoors (Plus a sample setup).

When should you start sunflower seeds indoors?

The best time to start sunflower seeds indoors is about four weeks before the last frost date in your area. This timing will give the seedlings a head start on the growing season without starting them too early, where they’ll get too large before it’s time to plant them outside.

You can plant sunflower seeds multiple times to stagger the blooming season. A neat tip from flower farmer Lisa Mason Ziegler is to start a new batch every two weeks for a continuous display of flowers from early summer until fall.

As the earlier plantings start to fade, the later sowings will just be coming into flower. This is especially critical if you’re growing sunflowers for cut flowers and want to avoid any gaps in your flower production.

If your gardening season is already underway and you want to squeeze in a crop of sunflowers before it’s too late, check out this article to see if you still have time: .

Hardening off sunflowers you started indoors

The final tip for successful seed starting is to make time to harden off your seedlings before transplanting them out to the garden. Hardening off is the process of acclimating young plants to the conditions they will encounter in their permanent home.

This means giving the sunflower seedlings time to adjust to being outside in the elements, including wind, rain, and direct sunlight. Start by placing them outdoors in a sheltered spot for a few hours each day, gradually increasing the time they spend outside until they can stay out all day long.

Make sure to keep an eye on the weather and bring them back inside if there is a danger of frost or extreme heat. Once they’ve been hardened off, your sunflowers will be ready to plant in the garden and start blooming!

For a complete guide to hardening off seedlings, bookmark this article: 7 Ways To Minimize Transplant Shock In Seedlings.

Learn more about sunflowers

Sowing sunflower seeds indoors is a great way to get a jump on the growing season, plan for continuous flowers, and ensure that your seeds don’t get eaten by pests. Make sure to harden off your seedlings before transplanting them into the garden for a beautiful display of blooms all summer long!

Here are some articles to help you along the way:

What Is The Best Soil Type For Sunflowers? (Tips For Healthy Plants)

Sunflowers Make The Best Companion Plant (17 SuggestedFriends)

The Best Sunflowers For Cutting (Grown By Flower Farmers)


Can I grow sunflowers from bird seed?

You can grow sunflowers from bird seed, but it’s best to purchase sunflower varieties specifically for planting in the garden. Bird seed is often a mix of sunflowers, millet, corn, and even peanuts, so you’ll need to pick out the sunflowers seeds to plant them.

Can I grow sunflowers from edible seeds?

If you purchase and sow whole, raw sunflower seeds with the shell on from the grocery store, you can often get those to sprout. The variety will be unknown, but chances are they’ll grow into a large, single-stem variety.

Can I grow sunflowers from roasted seeds?

Roasted sunflower seeds will not grow. The heat from the roasting process kills the embryo inside the seed that is necessary for germination. Roasted sunflowers seeds are best enjoyed as a snack!

Can You Start Sunflower Seeds Indoors? (Yep, It’s Easy) – Homegrown Food and Flowers (2024)


Can You Start Sunflower Seeds Indoors? (Yep, It’s Easy) – Homegrown Food and Flowers? ›

I like to use peat pellets for planting sunflower seeds indoors because there is no root disturbance when you move them out into the garden. Plus, peat pellets are easy to use. But a pot of potting soil works just as well for starting sunflower seeds. Sow one seed per peat pellet or small pot.

Can sunflower seeds be started indoors? ›

Sunflowers are typically direct seeded in the garden (after the last frost) since they germinate and grow rather quickly, but they can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost if you'd prefer to transplant them.

Do you soak sunflower seeds before planting? ›

Sunflower seeds don't need to be soaked before planting—after all, the seeds split easily—but soaking them for 12 to 24 hours will hasten germination and increase the number of seeds that sprout.

How tall should sunflower seedlings be before planting? ›

Once your plants have reached 30cm (12 inches) in height, you can plant them in the garden or move them to a bigger pot. Don't do this any earlier than May to avoid them being damaged by any late frosts.

Can I start sunflowers in seed trays? ›

Planting trays with individual seed cells work best. Sow two seeds per seed cell at a depth of 1 inch and cover with soil. Use your finger to gently press down on the soil to make sure the seeds have contact with the soil.

Can a sunflower survive indoors? ›

If you're growing sunflowers indoors, you can use a pot or a container with a good-quality potting mix. Make sure the container is deep enough – sunflower roots can grow several inches deep. Solutions like Gardyn's yCubes make it easy for indoor gardeners to set up their seeds and plants in minutes.

Can you start sunflowers in pots? ›

Starting sunflowers directly in the pot is typically the best approach,” he says. Because of their taproot system — they have one big root that all the smaller roots branch off of — sunflowers don't tolerate transplanting well, so allow the plant to germinate and mature in the same container.

How long does it take for a sunflower to grow from a seed? ›

Succession planting, as this is called, will keep you supplied with continuous blooms until first frost. How long does it take for sunflowers to grow? From the time you put the seed in the soil to bloom ranges between 80 and 120 days, depending on the variety.

What month to plant sunflowers? ›

It's best to sow sunflower seeds directly into the garden (or outdoor containers) after the danger of spring frost has passed, anytime after soils have warmed to at least 50°F (10°C). In the northern half of the U.S. and in Canada, this will fall between April and mid-June.

How many sunflower seeds do you plant in one hole? ›

Sowing into the ground

Sunflowers sown outside often grow into sturdier plants, but they're more vulnerable to pests. Choose your sunniest spot, and water first if it's dry. Make a hole about 2cm (1”) deep, drop two sunflower seeds in and cover with more soil.

Can you just scatter sunflower seeds? ›

It works! I personally think both direct sowing and transplanting are valid options for sunflowers. If pests aren't a big issue, I'd much rather direct sow sunflower seeds generously and thin later.

How to grow sunflowers easily? ›

Plant sunflower seeds 1 to 2 inches deep after the last threat of frost. Space seeds 6 inches apart for smaller varieties and 12 inches apart for taller varieties. Once seedlings emerge, be sure to thin out as needed. Rows need to be spaced 2 to 3 feet apart.

Do sunflower seeds need sunlight to germinate? ›

Sunflower seeds don't need light to germinate, and this depth will keep them away from birds. Put netting over the seeds until they are sprouted to keep birds and other animals from eating them. Plant 2 to 3 seeds per spot in case one gets eaten. Once they have sprouted, thin out to keep the strongest plant.

How to germinate sunflower seeds quickly? ›

For the sunflower seeds, and germination, place the seeds in a damp paper towers and then place said paper towel in a zip lock bag. Place the ziplock bag in a dark area such as in a cabinet and wait for around 2-3 days. This helps the sunflower properly germination as opposed to placing the seeds in a pot or in ground.

How do you start sunflowers from seed? ›

Plant sunflower seeds 1 to 2 inches deep after the last threat of frost. Space seeds 6 inches apart for smaller varieties and 12 inches apart for taller varieties. Once seedlings emerge, be sure to thin out as needed. Rows need to be spaced 2 to 3 feet apart.

Will raw sunflower seeds germinate? ›

The word “sproutable” may be printed on the package. Avoid roasted or toasted sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds in the shell are better for growing microgreens, but raw seeds, both hulled and unhulled, work well for sunflower sprouts.


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