How to apply the 3 day rule after an argument in a Relationship (2024)

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Many couples have mastered the art of reconciling after an argument and declaring their continued love for one another like nothing ever happened between them.

Sometimes, things don’t go so well after some fights and you may have to apply the 3 day rule after an argument. This leaves you with all the questions.

What do I say to my boyfriend after a fight? What is the 3 day relationship break all about, and how do I use it to my advantage?

Well, this article will give practical steps to navigating these challenging times in your relationship. By the time you’re done, you will understand what to do after an argument, so you can retain your precious relationship and prevent things from deteriorating out of hand.


What is the 3 day rule after an argument?

The 3 day rule after argument is a common practice in relationships where individuals agree to take a 3 day relationship break from each other after a heated disagreement. During this time, both parties cool off, reflect on their feelings/thoughts, and avoid communication with each other.

Considering that almost 50% of relationships in America may end up in a split, knowing what to say after an argument with your boyfriend (or significant other, as a matter of fact) might even be considered a survival skill because these moments can make or break the relationship forever.

According to Psychologist Mert Şeker

The separations brought about by arguments can also be seen as trauma. In trauma, the sentences said after the argument or the negative behaviors exhibited can cause a stress disorder. Discourses in a relationship that ended with an argument can cause trauma and post-traumatic stress. This relationship may not be easy to return, as it will create further disorder. Therefore, our discourses during or after a discussion are decisive for the return of the relationship.

When you give him three days break, you allow time for feelings to settle down and for both to gain perspective before attempting to resolve the issue at hand.

If history is any indication, anything done in the heat of anger is mostly later regretted. This is why you must understand that applying the 3 day rule after a heated argument isn’t a sign of weakness. Contrary to what you might think, it is a display of immense strength.

It signifies that you want to work things out and you’re willing to give it a go when the adrenaline rush is past its peak moments.

Here’s the catch.

While the 3 day rule after an argument can be helpful in some situations, it isn’t always the only approach for everyone. Some individuals may find that they need more or less time to cool off, while others may prefer to resolve the issue instantly.

When the chips are down, the decision about how long to wait to talk after an argument is one that you must make on your own because there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to it.

Lastly, the effectiveness of the 3 day rule relationship break depends on the individualities involved and the specific circ*mstances of the argument.

Psychologist Şeker says

Conflict and problem solving skills are acquired at an early age. Parents have a great role in acquiring this skill. In addition, people with conflict and problem-solving skills have high communication skills. If you are solution-oriented and a master in communication, taking a 3-day break after discussing will likely pave the way for your relationship to continue in a healthy way.

It can be a helpful tool for couples who struggle with communication and conflict resolution, but it should be used with caution and only when both parties are in agreement.

10 steps to apply the 3 day rule after an argument in relationships

The 3 day rule argument can be a helpful practice for couples who want to take a break from each other to cool off, gain perspective, and avoid saying or doing things they might regret when they have calmed down.

However, it’s important to follow some rules as you apply this rule effectively, to ensure that it does not lead to further conflict or distance in the relationship.

Here are 10 ways to apply the 3 day relationship break after an argument.

1. Agree on the rule together

Before taking a space after a fight with your spouse, you need to make sure that you both agree to it. You can discuss the benefits of taking a break after a heated argument and decide on the duration of the rule that works best for you.

As far as this is concerned, you cannot alienate the place of effective communication from the success of this rule.

Related Reading: 30 Throuple Relationship Rules for Successful Relationship

2. Take time apart

Once you’ve decided to give him 3 days (and you’ve both agreed on it), take time apart from each other. This means avoiding any form of communication, including texting, calling, or social media. Give each other space to cool off, recollect your emotions, and reflect on the argument.

Psychologist Şeker says

Perhaps the main reason for the issue you are discussing is the violation of your personal space in a relationship. Allowing yourself and your spouse 3 days of personal time can eliminate the problem that caused you to argue.

3. Focus on self-care

During the 3 day relationship break, concentrate on self-care activities that help you feel calm and relaxed. This could include exercise, meditation, or spending time with friends or family. By taking care of yourself, you will be better equipped to deal with the conflict when you come back together.

Here’s a suggested video on how to self-care for anxiety and depression symptoms. Have a look:

How to apply the 3 day rule after an argument in a Relationship (3)

4. Reflect on your feelings

Use the time apart to reflect on your feelings and thoughts about the argument. Ask yourself why you replied in a certain way and what triggered your feelings. This will help you gain perspective and understand where your annoyance is coming from.

5. Identify the underlying issues

Frequently, arguments in relationships are symptoms of underlying issues that need to be addressed. Use the time apart to identify what those issues might be and think about how you can address them constructively.

6. Practice empathy

While reflecting on your feelings, try to put yourself in your partner’s shoes and understand their perspective. This will help you approach the situation with more empathy and understanding when the ‘no contact after argument’ period is over.

In addition, empathy will help you to know what to say after an argument with your boyfriend.

Related Reading: How to Build Empathy in Relationships

7. Write down your thoughts

Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a helpful way to reuse the argument and gain clarity. You can write a letter to your mate (that you may or may not give to them) or simply jot down your feelings in a journal.

This will also help you to know what to text your boyfriend after a fight.

Psychologist Şeker suggests

Writing a letter about your problems, keeping a diary, in short, making them concrete is one of the methods of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Doing such a concretization with your spouse after the discussion can be a very useful method for you to see the details you will usually forget.

How to apply the 3 day rule after an argument in a Relationship (4)

8. Plan how to approach the discussion

Once the 3 days are over, plan how you want to approach the discussion with your partner. Think about what you want to say and how you want to say it. This will help you communicate more effectively and ensure that the break you took is worth it in the end.

9. Choose a good time and place to talk

When you are ready to have the discussion, choose a good time and place to talk. Avoid doing it when either of you is tired, empty, or distracted. Choose a private and quiet place where you can both feel comfortable and focused.

Fun fact, you can consider this a date and choose a magical location that reflects such.

10. Listen attentively

During the discussion, make sure to listen attentively to your partner’s perspective. Try to understand their point of view and avoid dismissing their feelings. You must consciously make your partner feel heard and validated.

The aim of this conversation is to find a result together, not to prove who is right or wrong.

Related Reading: 4 Tips to Be a Better Listener in a Relationship- Why It Matters

Why 3 days?

The duration of the 3 day rule after argument isn’t set in stone. It can vary, depending on the couple’s preferences and requirements.

However, three days are frequently considered a reasonable amount of time to take a break and gain perspective without letting the issue linger for too long.

It’s also a practical timeframe for couples who may have busy schedules or other commitments that may keep them from being able to hash out their differences within 3 days.

Lastly, the duration of the 3 day relationship break should be determined by what works best for both partners. This is why the entire process begins with having a heart-to-heart with your spouse.

At the end of that conversation, you may realize that you don’t need 3 days, or you may need more.

Why is giving your partner space important?

Taking space after a fight is important because it allows both of you to calm down, reflect on the situation, and define your next steps with accuracy. It also prevents you from saying or doing things you may regret a few days down the line.

When people are worried or angry, they frequently have heightened feelings that can cloud their judgment and lead them to act impulsively. By taking some time away from each other, partners can gain perspective and think more objectively about the argument.

This can help them approach the discussion with further empathy and understanding rather than acting with aggression.

In addition, giving your spouse space shows respect for their boundaries and feelings. It allows them to take charge of their feelings and decide to hash things out when they’re calmer.

Eventually, giving each other space can boost trust and closeness in the relationship, as both mates feel heard and admired.

When should you not use the 3 day rule?

While having no contact after an argument can be a useful tool for numerous couples, there are situations where it may not be entirely effective. There are some cases when you may want to avoid using the 3 day rule after argument.

1. In cases of abuse

Considering the effects of abuse on mental and physical health, taking a break from communication can be dangerous if there are cases of abuse attached. It’s important to seek help ASAP in these situations.

Related Reading: 8 Different Types of Abuse in a Relationship

2. If the issue is time-sensitive

If the issue requires immediate attention (for example, someone’s life is on the line), 3 days could be a long time. Consider trashing things out as soon as possible.

3. If the rule is being used as a way to avoid conflict

Some couples may use the 3 day rule as a way to avoid addressing the elephant in the room. This can produce a pattern of avoidance and distance that’s dangerous to the relationship.

Related Reading: The Challenge of Conflict Avoidance in Relationships

4. If both partners are not willing to participate

Everyone needs to be willing to take a break from communication for this to work. If both are unwilling to participate, the 3 day rule may not be effective.

However, if one person isn’t on board with the idea at first, what they may need is a little prodding.

How to apply the 3 day rule after an argument in a Relationship (5)

Frequently asked questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about the 3 day rule after argument and how it works. Keep reading to gain some more insight into this conflict-solving method.

  • Are 3 days of no contact enough?

The length of time required for the three-day rule to be effective varies. Three days may be enough for some couples to calm down, get perspective, and address the situation with a clear head.

Others might require more or less time to analyze their feelings.

Finally, the duration of the rule should be set by you. Have a conversation with your partner and decide the best line of action for your unique situation.

  • How long should you give someone space after an argument?

The length of time required to give someone space following an argument is determined by the persons involved, the severity of the disagreement, and the unique scenario.

In certain circ*mstances, a few hours may be sufficient for both spouses to cool down and revisit the issue. In other circ*mstances, it may take several days, if not weeks, for both partners to feel ready to communicate properly.

After a disagreement, both parties must convey their space requirements and preferences, as well as select a schedule that works for both of them.

Create a healthier space around you

The ‘3 day rule after argument’ is a guideline designed to help couples work through an argument and make amends following a quarrel.

You utilize it to give yourself time to relax and think about what transpired and define your next steps immediately. If this rule is applied well, it will also teach you what to say after an argument with your boyfriend or spouse.

The rule assists couples in resolving disagreements and ensuring the health of their relationship.

You can avoid making hasty decisions after a conflict by adhering to the ‘3 days of no contact after argument’ rule.

The rule, however, is not always useful. In some circ*mstances, time simply isn’t enough to fix your problems. This is why we strongly advise attending relationship counseling or hiring a coach to help you work things out if you need external help.

How to apply the 3 day rule after an argument in a Relationship (2024)


How to apply the 3 day rule after an argument in a Relationship? ›

The 3-day rule can be a healthy way to navigate conflict.

While on the surface taking a break from your partner after a fight or disagreement may seem like avoidance, this technique is actually rooted in patience, self-awareness, consideration, and personal accountability.

Does the 3 day rule work after an argument? ›

The 3-day rule can be a healthy way to navigate conflict.

While on the surface taking a break from your partner after a fight or disagreement may seem like avoidance, this technique is actually rooted in patience, self-awareness, consideration, and personal accountability.

How long should couples go without talking after a fight? ›

The 3-day rule after an argument is a guideline designed to help couples work through an argument in the healthiest way possible. By giving your partner time and space to breathe, it's easier to resolve any underlying issues before they have the chance to blow up into something more.

How much space should I give my partner after a fight? ›

“Space can be from a couple of hours to a couple of days or weeks,” says Ruiz, though he generally doesn't recommend his clients take longer than 3 to 4 weeks. “The timeframe that is being considered should be reasonable for both parties to agree with,” he says.

How do you make a relationship work after an argument? ›

What to do after a fight with your partner, according to a relationship coach
  1. Step 1: Express how you feel. ...
  2. Step 2: Share your realities and validate each other. ...
  3. Step 3: Disclose Your Triggers. ...
  4. Step 4: Take ownership of your role. ...
  5. Step 5: Preventative planning.
Feb 4, 2019

How long to give someone space after an argument? ›

However, three days are frequently considered a reasonable amount of time to take a break and gain perspective without letting the issue linger for too long.

How to know if he still loves you after a fight over? ›

If he really loves you, he will talk out problems about what the both of you were fighting about with you so the both of you can stay together. If he gives you the silent treatment, Leave. That's just an immature and childish way of handling a situation that can cost losing your significant other.

Is it toxic to ignore your partner after a fight? ›

Silence is used as a weapon to cut off meaningful conversations, stop the flow of information, and ultimately hurt the other person. In fact, research shows that ignoring or excluding someone activates the same area of the brain that is activated by physical pain.

Who should text first after a fight? ›

Yes, but try to wait a few hours.

You probably both need space to cool off after a heated argument. It doesn't matter who was in the “wrong”—if you want to call them, you should. Open and honest communication will help you solve your issues faster than waiting for your partner to reach out first.

What is stonewalling in relationships? ›

Stonewalling involves refusing to communicate with another person and withdrawing from the conversation to create distance between the individual and their partner. Intentionally shutting down during an argument, also known as the silent treatment, can be hurtful, frustrating, and harmful to the relationship.

What a partner should not do after a fight? ›

Don't: Give him the silent treatment

It's fine if you need some space after a fight. “Ignoring your partner will only amplify the hurt and anger,” says Hall. Just don't give him the cold shoulder without telling him. He may feel like he's being punished if you ignore him, brush him off or shut him out.

When he goes silent after an argument? ›

“If it's happening after an argument, it's natural to feel that your silent partner is slamming the door on you, but try to keep in mind that he or she is probably struggling to process painful or complicated feelings,” Fitzpatrick says. “Avoid attacking them or insisting they talk to you before they're ready to.”

How to make a man miss you after a fight? ›

1 Give him space for a couple of days. 2 Wait for him to text you first. 3 Delay your responses to his texts. 4 Have fun with your friends.

How do you restart a relationship after a fight? ›

7 Tips For Repairing Your Relationship After A Fight
  1. Give Each Other Time And Space. After an argument with your partner, it's important to give each other time and space. ...
  2. Feel Your Feelings. ...
  3. Use I Statements. ...
  4. Actively Listen. ...
  5. Take A Break If Needed. ...
  6. Apologize And Reconnect. ...
  7. Make A Plan For The Future.

Do relationships get stronger after arguments? ›

Fighting might seem like the very last thing you want to do with the person you love, but choosing to iron out disagreements with your partner warmly could be the very thing that strengthens your relationship in the long run.

How long does it take for someone to calm down after an argument? ›

People vary in the amount of time it takes to calm down after a terrible fight. You might be ready to talk rationally fifteen minutes later. Your partner might need a few days to calm down. Do NOT try to make them talk to you if they aren't there yet.

Is it normal to not talk for days after a fight? ›

It's fine if you need some space after a fight. “Ignoring your partner will only amplify the hurt and anger,” says Hall. Just don't give him the cold shoulder without telling him. He may feel like he's being punished if you ignore him, brush him off or shut him out.

What is the silent treatment after an argument? ›

The silent treatment can be defined as a shift from regular relationship conversation and engagement, to minimal or no engagement that lasts for longer than a reasonable 'cooling down period' after an argument or issue.

What should you not do after an argument? ›

13 Things to Never Do After a Fight With Your Partner
  • Pretend that nothing ever happened. ...
  • Don't allow your partner to have the space they need. ...
  • Disclose the details of your fight to close friends and family before hashing it out with your partner. ...
  • Bring up past arguments. ...
  • Give them the silent treatment.
Oct 17, 2023


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.