Giving Space in a Relationship: 9 Mistakes to Avoid (2024)

Giving Space in a Relationship: 9 Mistakes to Avoid (1)

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In the intricate dance of love and connection, there comes a time when giving space in a relationship becomes not just a consideration, but a necessity. Relationships are like delicate plants that require care, nurturing, and, yes, space to flourish.

At some point in your relationship, you may come to discover the importance of giving your partner space. When you do this effectively, you unlock the immense benefits of giving space in a relationship, which includes fostering togetherness and individuality.

In this article, we will delve into the nuances of this. We will look at how to give someone space in a relationship without destroying the connection you share.

What does it mean to give space in a relationship?

Finding harmony in a relationship involves a delicate interplay of emotions. To achieve this, you must know when to push for closeness and when asking for space in your relationship becomes necessary.

Giving space in a relationship is not a proclamation of emotional detachment; rather, it signifies a profound level of emotional maturity and unwavering commitment. It’s about recognizing that each person enters the partnership with their own unique life journey, desires, and aspirations.

By wholeheartedly endorsing the concept of granting space, you’re nurturing an environment that not only fosters shared love but also empowers personal growth.

That said, giving space in a relationship occurs when both partners in the relationship unanimously agree to step away from their immediate relationship environment for a while.

Since a healthy relationship requires open communication and trust, successfully giving your partner space in the relationship should begin and end as a joint effort. They must be aware of what is happening and consent to it as well.

Let’s quickly establish a necessary fact. ‘Space in a relationship’ can mean different things to different couples at different times. To some, it could mean completely cutting all communication ties, while others may see it as reducing the number of times they exchange text messages per day.

Do you now see why you must start by effectively communicating what’s happening with your partner?

7 signs that say you need space in your relationship

Giving Space in a Relationship: 9 Mistakes to Avoid (3)

Do you suspect that you may need some space in your relationship? Have you gotten to that point where it feels like connecting deeply with your partner is no longer as easy as it used to be?

Does their presence now irk you more than it excites you? The 7 most common signs that say you need space in your relationship are:

  • Less excitement around partner
  • Irritation rather than joy
  • Difficulty connecting emotionally
  • Frequent disagreements
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Need for personal growth
  • Desire to miss each other

For a detailed list, refer to these 15 sure signs you need space in your relationship.

The good news is that a break in your relationship doesn’t always have to spell doom. When used well, it can be a tool for healing and reconnecting deeply with your partner.

9 mistakes to avoid when giving space in your relationship

How to deal with space in a relationship with the right approach? You might ask “Is space good for a relationship?” It can be if you do it the correct way.

Now that we have established what a healthy space in a relationship looks like and also explored the signs that show you need one, you must be guided on the right way to go about it without hurting your relationship.

If you want to make the most of this period in your relationship, here are 9 critical mistakes you must avoid like the plague.

1. Neglecting communication

Granting space doesn’t automatically translate to silence. The fact that you need a break shouldn’t mean that you ghost your partner without giving them a heads-up.

Before you attempt to give space in your relationship, ensure you have communicated your intentions and duration clearly with your partner.

Make sure they’re aware of what’s going on in your mind, how you feel about the relationship, the reason for which you’re taking a break, and the expected amount of me-time you need.

While at it, maintain an open line of communication if you must, as this reaffirms your support and commitment. Discussing the reasons for the space and the expectations during this time helps both partners remain on the same page and eliminates vagueness.

2. Assuming the worst

Giving someone space after you hurt them is important but don’t let that cloud your hopes and dreams.

This would mostly apply if your partner is the one asking for space in the relationship. So, one day you’re good (or so you think), and the next day, they’re asking you to take a few steps back.

The mind’s tendency to wander to worst-case scenarios can destroy even the most resilient relationships. Instead of assuming negative reasons, extend an open heart to listen and understand your partner’s perspective.

Research still proves that open and honest dialogue dispels misunderstandings and fosters trust, especially in romantic relationships.

3. Ignoring your needs

In a bid to satisfy your partner and prove your worth to them, you may easily fall into the trap of ignoring your needs. A clear case-in-point is when you need space in the relationship, and your partner gives you a million and one reasons why they can’t grant your request.

It is easy to let your emotions take the back seat at this point, but this won’t give you the long-term solution you desire.

While nurturing the relationship, don’t overlook your well-being. Balance your needs with what your partner demands, as this ensures you’re not running on an emotional deficit. When you take care of your needs, you set the stage for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

How to communicate to your partner when your needs are not met? Here are some ideas:

Giving Space in a Relationship: 9 Mistakes to Avoid (4)

20 Ways to Give Him Space in a Healthy Relationship

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4. Rushing reconnection

The aim of giving space in a relationship is to examine your emotions, give yourself the space to breathe, and allow the passion for your partner to rekindle.

Forcing a reconnection when it is clearly not there negates the entire aim of this activity. Don’t leave your partner asking for space in a relationship repeatedly.

Instead of forcing things, embrace the gradual journey back to togetherness, allowing yourselves to savor the growth achieved during your time apart. Why rush back to yourselves without fixing what tore you apart in the first place?

5. Using space as punishment

The activity of giving space in your relationship loses its authenticity when wielded as a tool for punishment or manipulation. Remember, it’s about creating an atmosphere of growth, not control.

When done correctly, genuine space encourages personal development and gives you the opportunity to experience personal evolution as an individual. When used as punishment, you deprive your partner of the opportunity to experience that self-development they may need.

And later? It soon comes back to bite because they repeat the action that triggered the need for space in the first place. Soon, you find yourself in a never-ending merry-go-round of taking space and getting back together soon after.

15 Tips on How to Create Space in Your Relationship

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6. Being unavailable

Unless you both agree to cut communication for a specified amount of time, don’t completely ghost your partner when you’re getting some me-time. Even amidst the space, maintain a presence that echoes your unwavering support.

Staying accessible even while you take a breather from the relationship reminds your partner of your unwavering love and support.

7. Avoiding self-reflection

What use is some me-time if you won’t use the opportunity to look inward? Seize this rare opportunity to introspect. Reflect on your feelings, actions, and goals. Doing this correctly will encourage personal growth and enrich your relationship.

Utilize this time for self-improvement and explore aspects of yourself that contribute positively to the relationship, including your passions.

8. Skipping apologies

There’s no substitute for admitting your mistakes, even when you’re giving space in a relationship.

Apologizing is difficult, but your relationship may struggle if you don’t master the art of saying “I am sorry.”

If the space is born out of a conflict, address the root issue and apologize to your partner as well. Apologizing bridges emotional gaps and provides healing.

9. Disregarding growth

Do not allow this time to go to waste by refusing to grow in different areas of your life. Take this me-time to develop your finances, emotional intelligence, people skills, and every other necessary skill that will affect your relationship.

By allowing room for personal development, you’re laying the foundation for a relationship that continually evolves, ensuring that you step back into that relationship stronger and better than you were.

Commonly asked questions

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding giving space in a relationship.

Giving Space in a Relationship: 9 Mistakes to Avoid (5)

  • Does giving space in a relationship work?

When used well, it does. However, to increase your odds of getting a positive outcome afterward, ensure you’re both on the same page. Do not just ghost your partner and expect them to understand when you resurface.

  • Does giving space means no contact?

No, it doesn’t. Except you both agree to refrain from contacting yourselves, you can remain in contact even when getting your individual me-times. Just ensure you dial it down a bit during this time.

  • How many days is enough space in a relationship?

There is no stipulated amount of time that is enough. This is one thing you’d have to figure out with your partner. Both of you will have to agree on the amount of time you’d need apart and when to get back together.

Just ensure you take enough time to deal with whatever you have to handle.

  • How long does a guy need space?

Just like the answer to the last question, these things aren’t set in stone. If the guy in question is your partner, just talk to him and let him tell you the amount of time he’d need.

You can both work something out from there.

Spacing out the right way

When used correctly, a remarkable transformation can bloom from giving healthy relationship space to your partner sometimes. It’s not an evasion of love but rather a manifestation of strength.

By mastering the delicate balance between connection and independence, you build a relationship that thrives.

Always remember this; sometimes, they aren’t asking for space because they hate you. It could also be a reflection of the love they have for you. Know when to step aside and let them be.

Giving Space in a Relationship: 9 Mistakes to Avoid (2024)


Can too much space ruin a relationship? ›

Too much space leads to emotional disconnection — and, with this, joy, intimacy, and passion all start to fade. If there is too much distance in your relationship, your spouse may feel like a stranger, a housemate, a business partner, or simply a co-parent.

Can giving space save a relationship? ›

But the truth is, space isn't a bad thing, even in a romantic relationship. It may make you feel a little panicky if your partner says that they need some breathing room, but space can be a positive force. In fact, it can be a great thing—and might actually bring you closer together.

How much space is reasonable in a relationship? ›

Ultimately, this depends on what you and your partner decide is best for your relationship. “Space can be from a couple of hours to a couple of days or weeks,” says Ruiz, though he generally doesn't recommend his clients take longer than 3 to 4 weeks.

How do I give him space without losing him? ›

To give a guy his space, start by having an open and honest conversation about the need for it. Respect his boundaries and interests. Encourage him to pursue his hobbies, spend time with friends, or engage in solo activities. Trust is key; avoid excessive checking or intruding into his personal space during this time.

How long should space last in a relationship? ›

For some, a few days are enough to gain clarity, while others might need a few weeks or even months. Setting a tentative time frame at the beginning is key to avoid any uncertainty. Perhaps start with a week and evaluate how you feel from there.

How much time apart is healthy in a relationship? ›

According to relationship experts, one option is to divide your time with and without your partner 70/30. This means that, ideally, you should spend 70% of your time together and 30% of your time apart.

Does giving space increase love? ›

You may believe that a relationship cannot be “true love” unless you and your partner want to spend every moment together, but this is not true. Giving your relationship space can be a healthy way to recharge, and spending time apart can give your relationship a chance to grow and develop.

Does giving space mean no communication? ›

For example, it might literally mean spending time apart or not talking to each other for a while, or cutting back on physical intimacy a bit. It could also mean giving them emotional space—for example, not asking them how they're feeling, demanding their attention, or checking in on them quite so often.

How to reconnect after giving space? ›

Tips for reconnecting with someone after time apart
  1. Respect the need for time apart. ...
  2. Use that time to work on yourself. ...
  3. Reassess your true feelings about the person. ...
  4. Reach out when ready. ...
  5. Ask if they would be interested in meeting up with you. ...
  6. Express your true feelings to them. ...
  7. Demonstrate your commitment through actions.
Apr 2, 2024

Does giving space mean breaking up? ›

When your partner announces that they need space, it can set off alarm bells. But it doesn't mean something is wrong or that they want to break up with you. Being a couple involves balancing together time and alone time. Taking time apart is healthy and can help your relationship thrive.

What is stonewalling in relationships? ›

Stonewalling involves refusing to communicate with another person and withdrawing from the conversation to create distance between the individual and their partner. Intentionally shutting down during an argument, also known as the silent treatment, can be hurtful, frustrating, and harmful to the relationship.

What does space look like in a healthy relationship? ›

Respect for privacy and space. You don't have to be with your partner 24/7. Your partner encourages you to spend time with friends without them, and to participate in activities that you enjoy. You feel comfortable expressing your opinions and concerns to your partner.

How to give someone space but still show you care? ›

Here's how to give someone space without losing them:
  1. Ask how much time they need. ...
  2. Find out what “space” looks like. ...
  3. Don't ask for an explanation. ...
  4. Thank them for communicating their needs. ...
  5. Honor their request. ...
  6. Encourage them to do their favorite things. ...
  7. Avoid constant texting. ...
  8. Do your own thing.
Jun 23, 2022

Does giving space actually work? ›

Communicate with care to the person you care about.

But in this particular case, giving space in a relationship allows you to come back together in greater intimacy and loving connection.

How to let go of someone you love? ›

10 tips for letting go of someone you care about
  1. Put yourself first. Feeling like you're letting someone down or hurting someone you care for is challenging. ...
  2. Let yourself grieve. ...
  3. Seek out support. ...
  4. Stay busy. ...
  5. Forgive. ...
  6. Learn from your mistakes. ...
  7. Consider cutting contact. ...
  8. Find your happy place.
Jun 7, 2023

Can space break a relationship? ›

But it doesn't mean something is wrong or that they want to break up with you. Being a couple involves balancing together time and alone time. Taking time apart is healthy and can help your relationship thrive.

How much space is too much when dating? ›

If you find comfort in being with others, but not your partner, then you have too much space in your partnership. In addition, if you think of doing something together with someone, but your partner doesn't come to your mind, the distance may be affecting your relationship.

Does space affect relationship? ›

Why Space is Essential. Every healthy relationship needs space from time to time. Giving ourselves space that is separate from our relationship allows us to still maintain individuality. Having physical space or uninterrupted time to ourselves allows us to pay closer attention to our emotions.

Is it healthy to be with someone 24-7? ›

Characteristics of Healthy Relationships

Respect for privacy and space. You don't have to be with your partner 24/7. Your partner encourages you to spend time with friends without them, and to participate in activities that you enjoy. You feel comfortable expressing your opinions and concerns to your partner.


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.