Yellow Star Tulip, Calochortus monophyllus (2024)

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Yellow Star Tulip

Calochortus monophyllus

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About Yellow Star Tulip (Calochortus monophyllus) 1 Nurseries Carry This Plant
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Calochortus monophyllus is a species of flowering plant in the lily family known by the common name yellow star-tulip. It is native to the foothills of the Sierra Nevada and southernmost Cascades in California, its range probably extending north just into Oregon. It is a perennial herb producing a slender, sometimes branched stem up to about 20 centimeters tall. The basal leaf is 10 to 30 centimeters in length and does not wither at flowering. There may be smaller leaves located along the stem. The flower cluster bears 1 to 6 erect, bell-shaped flowers. Each flower has three pointed sepals and three more rounded petals, all bright to deep yellow. The petals may have some dark reddish spotting at the bases and are coated densely with yellow hairs on the inner surfaces. The fruit is a winged capsule one or two centimeters long.
Plant Description

Yellow Star Tulip, Calochortus monophyllus (1)

Plant Type

Perennial herb

Yellow Star Tulip, Calochortus monophyllus (2)


8.4 in tall

Yellow Star Tulip, Calochortus monophyllus (3)

Flower Color

Yellow, Red

Landscaping Information

Yellow Star Tulip, Calochortus monophyllus (4)


Full Sun, Part Shade, Full Shade

Yellow Star Tulip, Calochortus monophyllus (5)

Summer Irrigation

Never irrigate once established

Yellow Star Tulip, Calochortus monophyllus (6)


Carried by 1

Yellow Star Tulip, Calochortus monophyllus (7)

Soil Drainage

Slow, Medium

Yellow Star Tulip, Calochortus monophyllus (8)

Sunset Zones?

7*, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Natural Setting

Yellow Star Tulip, Calochortus monophyllus (9)

Site Type

Wooded slopes, clayloam soils

Yellow Star Tulip, Calochortus monophyllus (10)


Annual Precipitation: 23.6" - 78.0", Summer Precipitation: 0.45" - 2.08", Coldest Month: 37.6" - 52.0", Hottest Month: 58.4" - 75.7", Humidity: 1.77" - 25.39", Elevation: 116" - 6762"

Alternative Names

Yellow Star Tulip, Calochortus monophyllus (11)

Common Names: Yellow Star-tulip

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Sources include: Wikipedia. All text shown in the "About" section of these pages is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Plant observation data provided by the participants of the California Consortia of Herbaria, Sunset information provided by Jepson Flora Project. Propogation from seed information provided by the Santa Barbara Botanical Garden from "Seed Propagation of Native California Plants" by Dara E. Emery. Sources of plant photos include CalPhotos, Wikimedia Commons, and independent plant photographers who have agreed to share their images with Calscape. Other general sources of information include Calflora, CNPS Manual of Vegetation Online, Jepson Flora Project, Las Pilitas, Theodore Payne, Tree of Life, The Xerces Society, and information provided by CNPS volunteer editors, with special thanks to Don Rideout. Climate data used in creation of plant range maps is from PRISM Climate Group, Oregon State University, using 30 year (1981-2010) annual "normals" at an 800 meter spatial resolution.

Links:Jepson eFlora Taxon PageCalPhotosWikipediaCalflora

Yellow Star Tulip, Calochortus monophyllus (2024)


What are the benefits of star tulips? ›

Additionally, many cases involving Star Tulip point to an enhanced ability to recall dreams, and to be able to pray or meditate more effectively. Many healers use Star Tulip in order to listen to and observe more fully the condition of each client, beyond outer symptoms.

What is a yellow star shaped tulip? ›

Calochortus monophyllus is a species of flowering plant in the lily family known by the common name yellow star-tulip. It is native to the foothills of the Sierra Nevada and southernmost Cascades in California, its range probably extending north just into Oregon.

Do tulips grow better in sun or shade? ›

Tulips require full sun for the best display, which means at least 6 hours of bright, direct sunlight per day. They also prefer fast-draining soil and, consequently, make excellent additions to rock gardens.

Are tulips safe for humans to eat? ›

Basically, all parts of the tulip are poisonous, because the tulipalin (plant poison) is present in all parts of the plant. The tulip bulb is affected, as well as the stem, leaves and flower. We often hear of cases of poisoning where tulip bulbs have been mistaken for conventional edible onions.

What is the rarest color of tulips? ›

They can be grown in practically any colour, from snowy white to purples so dark they are almost black. The only colour tulips aren't available in is blue. Blue is one of the rarest colours in flowers, and despite breeders' best efforts, 'blue' tulips are usually more purple or lilac.

What do yellow tulips mean mental health? ›

The yellow tulip represents happiness and hope. They also remind founder Julia Hansen of her two best friends who she lost to suicide when she was a sophom*ore in high school. The tulip was one friends favorite flower and yellow was the others favorite color. The Yellow Tulip is also the flower of HOPE.

What does a yellow tulip symbolize? ›

Yellow tulips now represent happiness, cheerfulness, and hope. Victorians even believed yellow tulips literally meant “There's sunshine in your smile.” It's for this reason that yellow tulips have become popular “just because” gifts, as they are sure to bring a smile to anyone's face.


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