What is the Best Preparation for the EPPP? - TSM Blog (2024)

What is the Best Preparation for the EPPP? - TSM Blog (1)

The Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (theEPPP) has been a source of stress for many postdoctoral students. Even thoughstudents have been preparing for the exam through classes and practicaltraining, the entire process still feels like an insurmountable challenge.After all the hard work, late nights, and cups of coffee you have sacrificedfor your professional career in psychology thus far, the last step towardslicensure feels more like a mountain than a mere step. After speaking withprofessionals who have successfully completed their training and passed theEPPP, we have some tips on how to best prepare for the exam.

  1. Demystify the examination, as much aspossible.

Anxiety about the exam can stem from simply not beingwell-enough acquainted with the whole process. Working on studying the materialalone can feel overwhelming. An exam that covers “everything you learned ingraduate school” is an extremely far-reaching exam. However, the EPPP is adifficult exam for other reasons than the material. The entire process of the exam can bestressful. In order to best prepare for the process of the exam, it can help totake some time to get acquainted with the process.

One recently licensed psychologist in Los Angeles shared herexperience preparing for the exam. Demystifying the entire process was a veryhigh priority in her preparation. She reported that after she registered forthe exam and set her testing date, she would visit the testing centerregularly. This offered her the opportunity to become familiar with the routeto the testing center and the time it would take her to get there, in order toavoid any unexpected, anxiety-inducing navigation issues the morning of theexam. In addition, she stated that going through the same motions she would onthe day of the test helped get her into a routine. In this way, the day of theexam did not feel like an entirely unfamiliar situation. Rather, she reportedthat she felt much more at ease with the test-day process.

Taking practice exams is another great way to begin todemystify the exam. By giving yourself similar testing conditions and timerestrictions like you will have on the actual day of the exam, you can begin tohelp yourself get better acquainted with the test. The EPPP can last up to 4hours and 15 minutes, with one 10-minute break to use the restroom or simplyget up to stretch. Giving yourself the practice of sitting for more than fourhours compounded with the mental strain of answering questions from all reachesof psychology can help prepare you for the exam.

On top of developing a test-day routine, get to know the examas much as possible, both in material and in others’ experiences. Talk tosupervisors who have taken and passed the exam and get their opinions on theexam day. Speak with colleagues or classmates who have taken the exam alreadyand find out what their experience was like. Do what you can to make the EPPP afriend who you are anticipating meeting. Of course, you can never know entirelywhat the exam will be like but tearing away the shroud as much as possiblecan help you best prepare.

  • Studying over time rather than at the lastminute

As I mentioned, there is a tremendous amount to be covered onthe EPPP. The EPPP focuses on eight main areas of content: biological bases ofbehavior, cognitive-affective bases of behavior, social and multicultural basesof behavior, growth and lifespan development, assessment and diagnosis,treatment modalities and preferred methods of intervention, intervention andprevention, research and statistics, and ethical and legal issues. Since youhave completed or have nearly completed your doctorate as you begin preparingfor the EPPP, you likely already have some preferred study techniques that youknow work for you.

Even if you believe that you thrive under pressure andprocrastination has been your best friend—and trust me, you are notalone—procrastination is not a recommended study technique for the EPPP. Thereis a tremendous amount of information that will be asked of you, and you willneed a good amount of time to fully commit it all to memory.

Much like your dissertation, simply working with the materialeven 15 minutes per day can help. Although longer study sessions are typicallypreferred, spending 15 minutes per day is better than not spending any timewith the material. Having a short amount of time with one of yourless-preferred areas of study can help you stay acquainted with the questionsand the information you’ll need to pass the exam.

  • Finding time for self-care

The EPPP will feel like it is taking over your life! It is atremendous steppingstone and a huge mountain to climb. Although it may feel asthough it is taking over your life, be sure not to let it do so. You are stilla person with other facets to your life and other parts of your garden thatneed to be watered. While the task is quite large, and you will likely need tochange around your priorities, your schedule, and many areas of your life, youmust remember to take care of yourself first and foremost.

In a blog by the American Psychological Association, theauthors suggest that the test takers who were able to maintain some stabilityin their everyday life were able to perform better on the exam. This may be duein part to the ability to cope with the tremendous levels of stress imposed bythe exam that self-care offers. Being able to take a break from yourpreparation and the stress brought on by the exam is necessary to be able towithstand the marathon that is the EPPP.

Specifically, exercise as a form of self-care can betremendously helpful. Research has shown that individuals who have a regularexercise routine tend to have a higher cognitive function. Also, getting enoughsleep and eating healthy are important steps to maintaining your cognitiveperformance. Ideally, these self-care behaviors can improve your comprehensionof the material as well as improve your overall performance on the exam. Otherforms of self-care, like taking time off for yourself, meditating, or evenspending quality time with friends, can be helpful. Even though it may feel asthough you are detracting from valuable study time, the effect on yourpsychological well-being and exam performance will prove worth the time sacrificed.

What are some tips that you have found to help you study forthe EPPP? Let us know in the comments what works best for you!

What is the Best Preparation for the EPPP? - TSM Blog (2024)


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