Viruses, bacteria, and fungi: the differences (2024)

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi: the differences (1)

These tiny microorganisms are responsible for a wide variety of diseases, from simple gastrointestinal infections to life-threatening pneumonia. Viruses, bacteria, and fungi have existed on earth since time immemorial and are sometimes quite troublesome for humans. But how do they differ? Are they regarded as living? What diseases do they cause? Do they simultaneously fulfil useful functions for humans? Let's take a journey into the world of viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

Viruses, bacteria, fungi: similarities and differences

Flu, tuberculosis, ringworm, whooping cough, or HIV: the list of diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi is long. Although the pandemic has made people much more concerned with protecting themselves from dangerous germs, many are not aware of the differences between the different types of microorganisms.

Viruses and bacteria, for example, are still often mentioned in the same breath. However, there are a number of differences between them. Nearly the only similarities are that both occur almost everywhere on earth, can only be recognised under a microscope, and can trigger diseases. Other than that, viruses and bacteria actually have little in common. That makes it worth taking a closer look at their characteristics and differences.

Controlling infections by understanding viruses and bacteria

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi: the differences (2)

A better knowledge of pathogens is ultimately useful for controlling and – above all – preventing viral and bacterial infections. In line with the topic of this article, 2022 marks a special jubilee for infection control professionals. This year, the APIC (Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology), founded in 1972, celebrates its 50th anniversary. It is no coincidence that this year's International Infection Prevention Week in October was held under the motto "50 Years of Infection Prevention".

And yet another major event is currently bringing the topic of microorganisms back into focus: the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (18 to 24 November). It is intended to draw attention to the dangers of multi-resistant germs and to promote a more conscious use of antibiotics. That presents a good opportunity to refresh our knowledge about viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

Small, smaller, smallest: the size differences

Let's start with the simplest and most "visible" distinguishing feature: size. While everyone has probably held an edible mushroom in their hand at some point or witnessed food in the pantry being attacked by pesky mould, viruses and bacteria cannot be seen with the naked eye.

But even the microscopically small organisms differ considerably in size. Viruses, for example, are only 0.025 to 0.35 micrometres in size. This makes them up to a hundred times smaller than bacteria. A special electron microscope is needed to look at them.

Bacteria, on the other hand, generally are 0.3 to 5 micrometres in size. This allows them to be easily viewed with a conventional light microscope. Individual fungal cells, by the way, are infinitesimally small compared to the rest of the fruiting body. On average, they measure between 3 and 10 micrometres [1].

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi: the differences (3)

Anatomical differences

Microorganisms have significant structural – i.e. "anatomical" – differences. Viruses, for example, have a relatively simple structure. Their core consists of the genome: the genetic material with genetic information. This material may be present as double-stranded DNA – like humans have –, single-stranded or as RNA. The genome is surrounded by a protein capsule called the capsid. Some viruses also have an outer shell, the so-called lipid membrane. We thus distinguish between enveloped viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 or herpes pathogens, and non-enveloped viruses such as the rota or norovirus.
Bacteria, on the other hand, have more complex structures and come in forms such as rods, spheres, or spirals. In contrast to viruses (which do not count as life forms), bacteria are unicellular organisms. They have their own metabolism and reproduce through cell division. Their genetic material floats freely inside the bacterium – the so-called cytoplasm – which is in turn surrounded by a cell wall. Thus, bacteria do not have a cell nucleus in the classical sense (as is the case with human or animal cells). Many bacteria have another special feature: their so-called flagella, which allow them to move independently.

Fungi are yet another form of life different from viruses or bacteria. Like animals or plants, they belong to the so-called eukaryotes. These are living organisms whose cells have a nucleus and a rich compartmentalisation. In contrast to viruses and bacteria, fungal cells therefore not only have a nucleus, they also contain other cell elements, such as the so-called vacuoles, in which nutrients, among other things, can be stored. However, although fungi are thus counted among the eukaryotes, they are by definition neither plants nor animals, but form a completely separate genus in the world of higher living organisms.

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi: the differences (4)

Where viruses, bacteria and fungi feel particularly at home

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi surround us everywhere: they’re in the air we breathe, the water we use, or on the surfaces we touch. Bacteria, for example, adhere to dust and dirt particles, live in soil, or are in food – and thus enter larger organisms. Some bacteria are true survival artists. Coliform bacteria, for example, can survive on surfaces for up to 16 months under the right conditions. Many other bacteria can survive for several days or weeks in their environment. Some of them can even do so under extreme conditions such as great heat or cold. And some don’t even need oxygen.

Viruses can also survive on surfaces for a long time. Noroviruses, for example, can survive for up to three weeks in certain situations. Unlike bacteria, however, viruses need foreign host cells for their long-term survival. They must penetrate human, animal, or plant cells, and then multiply. Without a host, they eventually die on their own.

Like bacteria, fungi also occur in different environments. Moulds, for example, like damp conditions, which is why they are often found in clammy walls, flowerpots, niches in the bathroom, or in food. Some fungi, however, feel at home on the skin and body, such as the Candida albicans genus. They are responsible for the infectious disease candidiasis (thrush) and usually enter the human body through food. On surfaces, Candida albicans can survive for several months in high humidity [2].

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi: the differences (5)

Let’s talk about reproduction

We have seen how viruses, bacteria, and fungi are structured, how they are classified, and where they feel particularly at home. Another important difference between them is how they reproduce. Viruses are highly unique in this respect. Since they do not count as living organisms and cannot reproduce on their own, they need a host, i.e. another living organism, to survive, as mentioned above.

After viruses have entered an organism, they introduce their own genetic information (the genome) into the cells of the host and thus reprogramme them. The host cells then produce new viruses and usually die afterwards. The newly produced viruses then go in search of new "victims" and the multiplication process begins all over again. Host cells can be, for example, liver and muscle cells, or our blood cells [3].

Bacteria and fungi reproduce differently. Like human cells, bacterial cells usually reproduce by cell division. This means that the cell copies its genetic material and then divides itself in half, causing a mother cell to split into two daughter cells, which then divide again [4]. Fungal cells also reproduce by cell or nuclear division. In addition, they can form spores that spread in the environment similarly to plant seeds. Under the right conditions, this leads to the growth of new fungi [5].

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi: the differences (6)

How microorganisms can make you sick

If small pathogens get into our bodies – e.g. if we eat contaminated food or breathe in particles from the air – certain viruses, bacteria, and fungi can cause illness. How does this happen? When viruses multiply, they reprogramme the body’s own cells – like white blood cells – and prevent them from performing their actual tasks, often destroying them in the process. This, in turn, can trigger various diseases – from simple flu to hepatitis, AIDS or Covid.

Bacteria, on the other hand, do not usually destroy cells during an infection. Instead, their metabolic processes in the body produce substances that are harmful to humans. The body’s immune system tries to fight and eliminate these substances and the invaded bacteria, which can lead to symptoms such as fever or vomiting. Known diseases caused by a bacterial infections include diarrhoea, tuberculosis, pneumonia, or various urinary tract and wound infections.

Finally, infectious diseases caused by fungi are called mycoses. Examples of these are athlete's foot or nail fungus. The pathogens, which are transmitted from person to person (usually via skin flakes), enter the horny layer of the skin through cracks, where they then attack the tissue. Although skin fungi are relatively harmless, some mycoses affect the respiratory tract or the mucous membranes. These, however, do not often affect healthy people, since a normal immune system can fight the fungal spores well and thus prevent infection.

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi: the differences (7)

Protecting ourselves from harmful pathogens

It’s not that difficult to protect yourself from viruses, fungi, or bacteria. Most of us have already internalised the usual hygiene measures, anyway. Above all, regular hand washing (especially after using the toilet, before eating, and after coming home) and hand disinfection (for example, after using public transport or touching animals) help prevent most infections.

But with all the differences between viruses, bacteria, and fungi, you might be wondering whether you need a special disinfectant for each individual pathogen. Don't worry. Disinfectants such as Sterillium®* have a broad spectrum of efficacy (bactericidal, tuberculocidal, yeasticidal, and limited virucidal PLUS), which stops most pathogens, such as SARS-CoV-2, influenza or hepatitis B viruses for instance.

Only non-enveloped viruses such as polio or rotaviruses are somewhat more difficult to inactivate and therefore require a disinfectant with an efficacy of "virucidal" or "limited spectrum of virucidal activity", such as Sterillium® med*.

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi: the differences (8)

The benefits of microorganisms

As important as protective measures against pathogens are, most viruses, bacteria and fungi are harmless. For example, the human body hosts approximately 39 trillion microorganisms – or 39 followed by twelve zeros. The vast majority of these are useful. Many bacteria, for example, accomplish important tasks, such as helping us to digest our food or forming a natural protective layer on the skin. Only about one percent of bacteria cause diseases in humans [6].

Fungi also occur naturally on and in the body. Most people probably link fungi with unpleasant nail infections or athlete's foot. But like bacteria, fungi can also be useful to us. Yeasts, for example, are part of the natural skin flora. They live in the skin scales and feed on dead tissue particles. Fungi also benefit humans in medicine – for example, the antibiotic penicillin is made from fungi.

Even viruses are not always bad for the human organism. First of all, not all viruses in the human environment enter the body. Nor are all viruses that come in contact with humans actually pathogenic, i.e. "disease-causing". Recent research has even shown that some viruses regulate the intestinal flora and thus strengthen the immune system [7]. Nowadays, viruses are also occasionally used as therapeutic agents. In cancer therapy, for example, they can destroy tumour cells by attacking them and multiplying massively [8].

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi: the differences (9)


[1] / The difference between bacteria and viruses

[2] Kramer et al. (2006) BMC Infectious Diseases, Riddell et al. (2020) Virology Journal, Wißmann et al. (2021) Microorganisms,

[3] / Information about viruses

[4] / The difference between bacteria and viruses

[5] / Information about fungi

[6] / Information about bacteria

[7] Focus-Gesundheit / Interview with Christian Drosten: „Viren haben auch gute Seiten“

[8] DKFZ / Clinical Cooperation Unit Virology,onkolytische)%20Immuntherapie%20gegen%20Krebs%20wirkt.

*Use disinfectants safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Please amend in accordance with local requirements (e.g. law of advertising, product status, CLP labelling)

“HWG”-Pflichttexte for our Sterillium® range in English and German, also below in the footer.

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Viruses, bacteria, and fungi: the differences (2024)


What are the differences between viruses, bacteria, and fungi? ›

In contrast to viruses and bacteria, fungal cells therefore not only have a nucleus, they also contain other cell elements, such as the so-called vacuoles, in which nutrients, among other things, can be stored.

What are the 3 main differences between bacteria and viruses? ›

Difference Between Virus And Bacteria
Bacteria are large in size. The size ranges from 900 to 1000nmSmaller in size. The size ranges from 30 to 50nm
They are living organismsThey can replicate only within the host cell
Mode of Reproduction
18 more rows

What are the 4 types of germs? ›

Some even help us to stay healthy. But some germs can make you sick. Infectious diseases are diseases that are caused by germs. The main types of germs are bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

What are the 4 types of infections? ›

What are the types of infectious diseases? Infectious diseases can be viral, bacterial, parasitic or fungal infections. There's also a rare group of infectious diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs).

What is the simple difference between fungi and bacteria? ›

As, bacteria need a host to live, and they can be autotrophs as well as heterotrophs. On the other hand, fungi grow their own and are heterotrophs and hence depend on others for their food. Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes are the two main categorizations of the organisms.

What are 10 characteristics of viruses? ›

They can mutate.
  • They are acellular, that is, they contain no cytoplasm or cellular organelles.
  • They carry out no metabolism on their own and must replicate using the host cell's metabolic machinery. In other words, viruses don't grow and divide. ...
  • The vast majority of viruses possess either DNA or RNA but not both.
Aug 31, 2023

How to tell viral vs bacterial? ›

Viruses are tinier; the largest of them are smaller than the smallest bacteria. All they have is a protein coat and a core of genetic material, either RNA or DNA. Unlike bacteria, viruses can't survive without a host. They can only reproduce by attaching themselves to cells.

What are 3 ways bacteria and viruses are similar? ›

Both carry genetic material and both lack membrane-bound organelles. Both germs, a term that refers to very tiny disease-causing organisms or microbes. After entering the body of the host human being, animal or plant, both affect various normal processes either directly or indirectly, resulting in some type of disease.

What diseases can bacteria cause? ›

Some examples of bacterial infections are:
  • Legionnaires' disease.
  • meningococcal disease.
  • Q fever.
  • strep throat.
  • tuberculosis (TB)
  • whooping cough (pertussis)

What is the hardest bacteria to disinfect? ›

For example, spores are highly resistant to disinfectants and, therefore, hardest to kill because of their spore coat and outer shell, which act as a natural barrier.

Are all bacteria harmful? ›

Not all bacteria are harmful. Some bacteria that live in the body are helpful. For instance, some bacteria that live in the intestines, help digest food, destroy disease-causing organisms and provide nutrients. But bacteria may also cause illness.

Why is there only 99.99 of germs? ›

The reason many products say 'kills 99.9 percent' of bacteria on the label is because that is the performance threshold for the sanitizer test EPA requires (ASTM E1153) if people want to market products as sanitizers. In other words, a 99.9 percent reduction is EPA's arbitrary cutoff for sanitizer performance.

What is the most rare virus? ›

Marburg virus disease is a rare but often fatal illness. There are sometimes outbreaks of it in parts of Africa. You get it from contact with body fluids of infected bats or people.

What is the most serious type of infection? ›

Sepsis, which was often called blood poisoning, is the body's life-threatening response to infection. Like strokes or heart attacks, sepsis is a medical emergency that requires rapid diagnosis and treatment.

How do I know if I have a bacterial infection in my body? ›

Bacterial infections can cause some general symptoms, such as pain, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. They may also cause some other symptoms depending on where in the body they occur. Bacterial infections typically require treatment with antibiotics.

What is the classification of bacteria fungi and virus? ›

Let's learn more in detail about the classification of microorganisms based on the Five Kingdom Classification. Prokaryotic microorganisms include bacteria, cyanobacteria or blue-green algae, archaea, mycoplasma, etc. Eukaryotic microorganisms include protists, protozoans, slime moulds, algae, fungi, etc.

What is the study of bacteria fungi and viruses? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Similarly, a person who conducts studies in microbiology is called a microbiologist.

What are bacteria, viruses, and mold all examples of? ›

Examples of microbes include bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa. Unlike living organisms, viruses don't have many of the same features of living cells. They also replicate in a unique way, which is to infect other living cells, and use the contents and features of the host cell.

How to differentiate between viral and bacterial infections? ›

Bacterial infections are caused by bacteria, while viral infections are caused by viruses. That's the easy part. Differentiating between the two requires medical intervention since both may cause fever and irritability. And the treatments vary significantly.


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