Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Times Heraldi

Washington, District of Columbia

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A 0 1 4 1 94 5 WASHINGTON TIMES HERALD 10 Tea at its Best SALADA TEA SPECIALLY PRICED ROM HIOTO 1501 Today's DIAPER SERVICE rf 21 Pirc St NW Washington Phom 21 loret St NW Washington Phono ME 1452 "8 "PLAYING THE 2 THE STATE LOWE1 Of OHJO fine all fab VI Its aoent la right CASWELL A AVORITE IN LOWERS 941 Penn Ave NW ADVERTIsem*nT 9 ADVERTIsem*nT 21 si DIXIE GET 25) BOX BELLE rv' ADVERTIsem*nT GIN I take I ROBERTS COLD I I CAPSULES I I JSc AT ALL DRUG STORES awmwttrrAL DtnixwG hnnsylvanu 90 PROO DISTILLED OOM 100 GKA1NNEUTEAL SPIRITS L3L 'Bk i '1 TO NIGHT DIXIE BELLE SPECIAL ATTENTION ontltlod Grade 1 Tins famous Since 1912 Itaeolor bright Its beauty lasts for hours Larson Buried In Arlington Toaonow Aiiiem ncpMdeUt 4 VIOITABLI LAXATIVE Given tp newly discharged service men and' women In Packages and Tea Bags at Your fiRmSTROnG TIRES 5 Crib Diaper Service deliver all the snowy white "Individually Washed Diaoers" vou requirer Enjoy relief from the drudgery of daily diaper washing Crib Diaper Service is scientific and labor saving Call now for instant service or for reservations Col Query Ellsworth Larson USMC former head coach of navy's football teams was buried yesterday in Arlington Cemetery Col Larson succumbed after s' heart attack in naval hospital in Atlanta on November 7 As a squad of marines who had followed through Kwaje lein and other blood drenched beaches in the Pacific fired the last volley 1 and a trumpeter sounded taps over the flower banked grave men of high rank and station in the armed services of their country stood at atten tion Lt Oen 'Alexander A Vande grift commanding general of the marines Maj Gens Allen Turnage headquarters ield Har ris headquarters Hill headquarters Brig Gens John Hill general staff Rea headquarters and Col Johnnie Beckett of the famous Quantico marines football eleven with whom Col Larson played were among the group With Mrs Larson were Lt Emery Larson jr of the marine corps Midshipman Ted and a daughter' Mary Alice The funeral services in Arling ton Chapel were read by Chaplain Capt Robert Workman U8N ills ths Average Baby NeedsPMM hHj dMS fMf dhrn Mlwnd wM sM lks rojahrify (du to external cause) Zemo a invisible liquid promptly relieve! itch of simple skin rash It also aids heating wvaaa All drugstores In 3 sizes till Opp Dept Justice OPEN MILT 9 It SATURDAT 'Til Buy our War Bond and Stamp Al AH IgvfcW a vmiMhM' vnnr choice is a dainty wrist watch or fob for her or a sturdy strap watch for him th Nfttlnnallv Advertised CRAWORD Watches assure you complete satisfaction day in and day out They truly combine BEAUTY and ACCURACY BUT 01 OUR EASY CREDIT TERMS Pay a regulated down paynent and as low as $125 per week One Single Dollar will reserve your selection until Christmas AT THE NEW YORK JEWELRY CO O'COfifc I Jaibwfc rkVORItt GDI You twrnd it DIXIE BEUX1 HAINES' GAS STATION 6503 Ga Ave NW GE 4176 Lakeman's Gas Station sis I Ave NJB NO 8851 MILES' GAS STATION 2330 a I Ave NE DU 3350 The A scent sation DBVCDI l6tb NE DCYuKLi Li 8300 Mat I PM Parking Space Available to aUaae Last day Gene Kelly rank Sinatra Kathryn Grayeon in (in Technicolor) at 1:00 3:45 6:25 9:10 BEI1E STI LU 777W I VCDT 1324 win VALVeK 1 wo 2346 Mat 1 PM Parking BpaeeAvailable to Patrwg Lafl day rank Sinatra Kathryn Grayeon GneKeUyJn21Anehpro (in Technicolor) at 1:15 3 55 6 40 9:20 Disney cartoon Get Your Name in Our Victory Bow) Yon May Receive a Valuable Prise CENTRAL Today through riday rank Sinatra Kathryn Grayson Gene Kelly inAnehor (tn Technicolor) al 11:00 5:35 8:55 Wendy Barrie in Prlee at 1:20 4:40 8:00 NEWTON ltu EL'ISS" mx BKLL OR Gene Tierney John Hodiak VILLAGE ANCHORS Gene Kelly rank Sinatra AMDACCAIWXD 18th A Col Rd AhIDAOOAIAJK C0S5M Mat I PM Jennifer Jones Joseph Cotten in'Leve al 1:00 3:10 5:20 7 '259 40 Cartoon Get Your Name in Our Victory Bowl You May Re ceive a Valuable Prue CONGRESS wsl Jack Oakle ruity Ryan in THE SPIRIT al 6:15 7:55 0:0 That yourf fiends think 4 Is really very swell CAPITOL John Garlirld Danr rrl TK1DE THE MARINES" ICCCD ISk mu I Ava NJt Code DO SMI Double eature THESE WAIW Thoma Mitchell Mary Anderwn THS CRYSTAL BALL" Paulette Goddard Ray Milland KIXV1 AD S3th Alabama Ave SB ikfi ai VWWPET contmui Door" en 6:1 WESu a Van Johnson Esther Williams A ROMANCE eature Time 7:05 940 SENATOR rorr PARKING OR OUR YORK Last Day: George Sanders Ella Raines in Affair of I nele Harry al 8 9:35 Get Your Name Our Victory Bowl You May Receive "a Valuable Prise academy Double eature "CALL THE Clark Gable Loretta Youn: KNEW HER Ann MiUer William Wnght Husbands! Wives! Want new Rep and Vim? Thoiwnnds of couples are weak worn out ex hausted solely because body lacks Iron or new vim vltnlity try Ostrex Tonic Tablets Bupphss Iron you too may need for pen: prophylactic doeto vitamin LoweoRi! Introductory slH trig001 or sale srsll drug i totes everywhere AVE GRAND Lat Du: Deanna Durbin Ralph Bel lamy in Mly On a at 6 4 6 7 55 0:46 Oct Your Name in Our Victory Bowl You May Heceive a Valuable Prize 29? Be Individual wear rwrt rnnde" I press) for you De signed and tailored by experts Select from fine all fab rics fiS Model STANTON oSeW Double eature CANTEEN All Star Cast: CHICKENS Jimmy Rogers Noah Beery Jr 727 7th Street NW i I HIPPODROME "mSrw I Neafll hl plus Up to tbe Mlnute News UICCn PtMDt Wl 4848 BR 165 HISER Ave Bethesda Md Evelyn Kerrs Phil Silvers Cornel Wilde mATHOLHAND and ONE News and Cartoon eature shown 6:00 7:48 9:52 AIRLAWN W3Bd red MacMurray tynn Ban Id EDDIE" at 5:25 7:26 9:26 COLONY Jnln'S'TSTsoW Your Name in Our Victory Bowl You May Receive a Valuable Prize HIGHLAND TmT rank Sinatra Gene Kelly Kathryn Grayeon inr AWEICH" In Technicolor at 630 and 905 SIDNEY LUB1 CHEATERS rlMCn MERohlloe Md A 8746 VAlUtU Cm! 6:39 11 did TadM Poubie eature Lm Complete Double Show 8:60 Abbott Lon Chaney Evelyn Keyea All Time Schedule tn Warner Broa Ads Indicate Time of eature Theater Bavins Matinee 666 COLD PREPARATIONS LIQUID TABLETS SALVE NOSE OMK USE ONLY DIIECTED NATIVE HERBS CONSTIPATION Get Buss Tablets Get reliot MJ6JS Made from nine old time beria A family standby over 50 yearn Cf Millions of tablets sold ycsrly WXATIVE DtrscM Mr MB SlRrMr 4 ABLE II SHERIDAN £1 £7 pm Today throTWh riday Cornel Wilde Ul I Evelyn Keyes in Thousand and One Nights al 1:10 5:20 I 7'30 9:35 det Vour Name in Our Victory Bow) You May Receive a Valuable Prite APOLLO Today throurh riday: Van Johnson Either Wllliama in or a Ro al 7 9 :25 Get Your Name in Our Victory Bowl You May Re fetva a Vatuablg PriM AVALON al 5'45 7:35 9:40 Get Your Name in Our Viclory Bowl You May Re ceive a Valuable Pnse zGIN CII VCD Od Ave Colesville Pike blLVCK gHep 5300 Mat 1 PM Parkin Space Available to Patron Tsdtf through riday Gene Tierney John Hodiak in Bell or Adano at 1:25 3:30 5:35 7:40 9:45 Get Your Name in Our Victory Bowl You May Receive a Valuable Pne TIVA1 I 14th A Park Rd NW lIVULl CO 1800 Mat 1 PM Last day Gene Kelly rank Sinatra Kalhryn Grayson Awelfh (in Technicolor I at 1:0 4 640 Donald Duck Cartoon Get Your Name in Our Victory Bowl You May Receive a Valuable Prise UPTOWN Today and Tomorrow: Chylea Co bum Ginny Simms in 1 ony at 1:06 3:15 6:20 7:30 9:36 Get Your Name In Our Victory Bowl You May Receive Valuable Prize Theater Hevln Eve rerfwmeneeo DCCn 1723 Rin St Ph Alex 844 KcbD REE ample parking Alexander Knox Irene Dunne Jharles Cobum in ALLIED THEATER OWNERS pQ 3X37 8L NW Mlelu 8588 Lnl Day! Two Hita: V1C pin: MISSING JI ROR" sirlgw Awut Tbistris ATI AMTir Atlpntle St ot So Capitol A1LAPI1IU 8W TR 1618 Zachary Scott Betty ield in at 6:15 7:55 PROMPTLY RELIEVES TORTURE IICHT SUN US ADAI INA Eleventh St RE VAKuLINA Cont rom 5:15 PM Phillip Terry "LIGHTS OLD SANTA Roy Ro era CIRCLE slt BB" 0184 Today and Tomorrow MOUNTED POLICE" in Technicolor with Gary Cooper Made line CarrolL Paulette Goddard Open eature 5:00 7:16 9 35 DUMBARTON nA" Last Day! Two ine Hits: most thrilling and authentic picture of the man who spread terror across these United Slates plus: A BLONDE lAevn liiui KENNEDY np1 Parkin Space Available to Patron Today only Joel McCrea Andrea Leeds in al 1:06 3:10 5:16 7:20 9:30 Get Your Name in Our Victory Bowl You May Receive a Valuable Prize DCNN Ave at 7th SE rtNN 5200 Mat 1 PM Parkin Space Available to Patron Lant day Gene Kelly Kathryn Gray eon rank Sinatra in Anrhora Awelxh" (in Technicolor! at 1 d)0 3 45 6:25 9:10 Get Your Name in I oiir Victory Bowl You May Receive a Valuable Prize UOUC 1X30 St NE nUlYlC TR 8188 Lut Day: Deanna Durbin Ralph Bel lamy in "Lady On a Train at 6: fi 30 General Eisenhower The True at 8 Get Your Name in Our Victory Bowl You May Receive a Valuable Prize CklMl 3030 14th BL SAVUl COI 4968 Last Day: Dennis Morgan Barbara Stanwyck in In onnectl 7 9:30 Gel Your Name 10 Our victory Bowl Yon May Receive a Valuable Prize ccrn 8X44 Ga Ava Sllvet BpHna atvU SHep 2540 Parkin Space Lut Day Greer Garaon Gregory Peek In of Decision at J5 18 25 Robert Lowery in Model" at 8:25 Get Your Name in Our Victory Bowl You May Receive a Valuable Prize TaVAMA Butternut Ste 1 AKUlYlA GE 431X Parkin Space Lat Day Alexander Knox In md" (in Technicolor) at 6:20 9:10 ARLINGTON I BELL OR John Hodiak Gene Tierney TJfcon 8136 Glebe HA ULtUC tlXtord 4266 free ample parking Alexander Knox Geraldine itzgerald koqooaiid borkatheaters nev 4518 Mam ArtA Phoae WO 4608 REE PARKING OR OUR PATRONS Continuous 1 11 PM TODAY IRST UPTOWN SHOW ING Charles Cobum Ginny Simms Rob ert Paige in "SHADY eature POO 3 10 5:25 7:35 9:50 EXTRA VICTORY with Bing Crosby Bob Hope rank Sinatra and Others ATI it" 1881 8t NE AILA3 ATI 830 Conltnoous 1 11 Doon Open BLONDE in Technicolor starring Betty Hutton and Barry iUgerald Dlur with Joseph Schildkraut PRINCESS a 1Usta OM1 inn Csntiuuous 1 IX Betty Grable tn Billy Rosea DIAMOND in gorgeous Technicolor STk Haymes and Phil Silvera plua: Philln Dorn Mary Atnor "BLONDE BVKIk SYLVAN Double eature "WIT SON Alexander Knox Charles Coburn TAXI William Rendix jratwShowwill start at 5:30 PMj? VCDNAN Mt Vernea Ave VtKNUn Alex Va Alex LITTLE Harry Carey Paul Kelly PCWTDC 1513 Seminary Road Ltlx I KC elrllngton Va Tel TEm 1000 tor Information and Schedule ree Ample Parkin Danny Kave Virginia Mayo STATE Shows 14 9 PAL rank Sinatra Gene Kelly I CC Treat for the Entlro umllg LCU Show 7 A 9 nY ON A TRAIN' Deanna Durbin Ralph Bellamy nil PAW nSO WHson Blvd WILSON Ph OX 1480 AMEIGH" rank Sinatra Gene Kelly a CUTAN SIM Wilson Blvd ASUlON Phone OXfoid 1130 THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS Cornel Wilde Evelyn Keyes BUCKINGHAM 'RMT "YOU came Robert Cummings Lizabeth Scott To make a drink 9 II i 1 1 i II liKSSSf a141 Wjyw rrAir a It A Al V' ar w'a'vk ija zr' 1 OVJ fc BJr Wy a 1 I rfl i al S' Vf I I i 5 fe A Igg a Mr hr takfi Mnt UH I 1R I In 1 a JTfTTi ffx Wl a' I vb Sfy 1 j'PJ! 1 7 i 7 7 lAJis wWMiuWMHXtEarrijgdrrv I saiW MiiiHlii1 I iMWHIWiTswwwiuirmP H)IH W8 I'l'llw V' A A A a A I 'f 7 7 Mb I 7: i satfak I a ii 1 I a Msw 4 9 Sb 1 5 A I 4 I V' 4 7 7 '7 v' 'v BMr a i Hr 7 ml' 7 Le 7 1 Why Jwrt Pt in I i JR A Ti I 'm 1 1 liir 7 sthe mm ot Meot Mm dww 'r'4 1 disdlLsd with choice gnia asMtel Kp8S SV 7 I I Itoc beast drum be SMS 1 4W 1 we DIXIE BELLI GtK 7' I IWsSB ihB I WW1 ID XIE IV( 7s' 1 i BXcS cv 1 i i 7 a C8tlOM 1AXI ML At ttlgtl TO NIGHT 5.

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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Views: 5689

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.