SOLVED: 'In a flower bed, there are 23 rose plants in the first row; 21 in the second, 19 in the third, and So on. There are 5 rose plants in the last row. How many rows are there in the flower bed?' (2024)

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Make an ajax call to the server and get the search database. let databaseUrl = `/search/whiletype_database/`; let resp = single_whiletyping_ajax_promise; if (resp === null) { whiletyping_database_initial_burst = whiletyping_database_initial_burst + 1; single_whiletyping_ajax_promise = resp = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.ajax({ url: databaseUrl, type: 'POST', data:{csrfmiddlewaretoken: "Ewc2eXaQdgd5iLSLUXTFx4bGT0LpijHC7HkrugOa218ChNnLG1qwMX4HTe2V2JzH"}, success: function (data) { // 3. verify that the elements of the database exist and are arrays if ( ('books' in data) && ('curriculum' in data) && ('topics' in data) && Array.isArray(data.books) && Array.isArray(data.curriculum) && Array.isArray(data.topics)) { localforage.setItem('whiletyping_last_success', (new Date()).getTime()); localforage.setItem('whiletyping_database', data); resolve(data); } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); resolve(null); }, complete: function (data) { single_whiletyping_ajax_promise = null; } }) }); } return resp; } return Promise.resolve(null); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); return Promise.resolve(null); }); } function get_whiletyping_search_object() { // gets the fuse objects that will be in charge of the search if (whiletyping_search_object){ return Promise.resolve(whiletyping_search_object); } database_promise = localforage.getItem('whiletyping_database').then(function(database) { return localforage.getItem('whiletyping_last_success').then(function(last_success) { if (database==null || (new Date()) - (new Date(last_success)) > 1000*60*60*24*30 || (new Date('2023-04-25T00:00:00')) - (new Date(last_success)) > 0) { // New database update return get_whiletyping_database().then(function(new_database) { if (new_database) { database = new_database; } return database; }); } else { return Promise.resolve(database); } }); }); return database_promise.then(function(database) { if (database) { const options = { isCaseSensitive: false, includeScore: true, shouldSort: true, // includeMatches: false, // findAllMatches: false, // minMatchCharLength: 1, // location: 0, threshold: 0.2, // distance: 100, // useExtendedSearch: false, ignoreLocation: true, // ignoreFieldNorm: false, // fieldNormWeight: 1, keys: [ "title" ] }; let curriculum_index={}; let topics_index={}; database.curriculum.forEach(c => curriculum_index[]=c); database.topics.forEach(t => topics_index[]=t); for (j=0; j

  • Textbooks
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  • Textbooks View All
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    SOLVED: 'In a flower bed, there are 23 rose plants in the first row; 21 in the second, 19 in the third, and So on. There are 5 rose plants in the last row. How many rows are there in the flower bed?' (2024)


    SOLVED: 'In a flower bed, there are 23 rose plants in the first row; 21 in the second, 19 in the third, and So on. There are 5 rose plants in the last row. How many rows are there in the flower bed?'? ›

    Therefore, there are 10 rows of rose plants.

    How do you find the total number of plants in the garden? ›

    To calculate the total number of plants in the garden, you can multiply the number of rows by the number of plants in each row.

    How can we increase the number of rose plants in the garden? ›

    Paheli can increase the number of rose plants in the garden by the method of stem cutting. Stem cutting refers to a process whereby a piece of the plant's stem is rooted in moist soil in which the stem cutting will thrive and grow as a new plant, which is entirely independent of the mother plant.

    What are the stages of the rose life cycle? ›

    The stages in the roses life cycle is the seeds, then the propagation next, the young rose then, the growing season, and finally the dormancy of the rose. It may not be quick for a rose to grow, but the ending result of the rose will be really gorgeous for anyone to see on a nice hot summer day!

    Which type of rose has multiple flowers on a single stem? ›

    Floribunda Roses-

    With a cluster of flowers topping each stem, Floridbunda roses provide an almost constant show of color, and bloom more freely than hybrid teas and grandifloras. Floribunda roses are lower growing and hardy in zones 4-9 (with proper protection).

    How do you calculate the number of plants? ›

    How to calculate plant population per acre? To calculate plant population per acre: Determine the area of the field in acres. Multiply the area of the field by the number of plants grown per stand.

    How do you calculate the number of plants per area? ›

    For a square bed, multiply the length of the bed by its width to determine how many plants per square foot. For a circular planting bed, you can calculate how many plants per square foot is ideal by multiplying 3.14 by the distance from the center to the edge of the bed.

    Why are my roses not growing? ›

    There are many reasons why a rose may fail to thrive: too much shade, poor soil, inadequate watering, lack of fertilizer, or incorrect pruning just to mention a few.

    What makes roses thrive? ›

    Most types of roses love water, but hate soggy roots. In dry weather, you'll get the most blooms from your plant if you water at least once a week. You can use a hose, watering can, or drip irrigation system, but try not to get the leaves wet.

    What is the best fertilizer for rose bushes to bloom? ›

    Good options include:
    • Fish emulsion.
    • Aged manures.
    • Compost tea.
    • Alfalfa meal.
    • Bone meal.
    May 8, 2023

    What is the lifespan of a rose plant? ›

    The average lifespan of a rose plant is approximately 5 to 7 years.

    How long do roses survive? ›

    Roses can last between 5-7 days in a vase; however, some varieties can last up to 2 weeks with proper care! If your roses look sad or droopy, change the water with the flower food solution and re-cut the stems. They should perk up in 2-3 hours.

    Do roses bloom in cycles? ›

    Most modern varietals of rose will bloom continuously, meaning that they can have a number of bloom cycles over the course of a season, which is typically May through October, depending on the climate.

    What rose is the hardest to grow? ›

    Alba. These old roses are considered to be some of the toughest you can grow.

    What does a single rose bud mean? ›

    The rose is considered a symbol of love and a single rose always means only one thing – it means, “I love you.” So it is appropriate that for your first gift – as wife and husband – that gift would be a single rose bud.

    What are the numbers of plants? ›

    We have counted the currently known, described and accepted number of plant species as ca 374,000, of which approximately 308,312 are vascular plants, with 295,383 flowering plants (angiosperms; monocots: 74,273; eudicots: 210,008).

    How many plants are there in total? ›

    Flexi Says: There are about 391,000 species of vascular plants out of which about 369,000 species are flowering plants. There are around 20,000 species of non-vascular plants. What do trees do to help humans?

    How many plants in 10x10? ›

    Most cultivators utilize roughly 70% of a room's floor space as the canopy. In this scenario, a 10 x 10 room can hold up to 70 plants. Efficient facilities take advantage of tiered growing systems. Each tier increases production capabilities and can triple a room's canopy.

    How many plants are there and what are they? ›

    A definition based on genomes includes the Viridiplantae, along with the red algae and the glaucophytes, in the clade Archaeplastida. There are about 380,000 known species of plants, of which the majority, some 260,000, produce seeds. They range in size from single cells to the tallest trees.


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    Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.