Rashi Chart or Bhava Chalit Chart for Prediction (2024)

Astrological Combinations In Horoscope for Marrying A Rich Spouse

Chetan JindalAugust 01, 2023

In the age of social media and Instagram, people are becoming more and more influenced by the lifestyles they see on social media. This gives a rise to aspirations to attain wealth and live a very comfortable if not a luxurious life. Not everyone is blessed with a good amount of wealth, born in an affluent family or have a high income. It is good to work hard towards your goals and achieve success over time but even though most people want to become wealthy, they just don't get it. We all have seen a prince marrying an ordinary woman in fairy tales. In Korean drama, it is very common to see an extremely rich man marrying an ordinary woman or vice versa. Marrying a rich man/woman can be a shortcut for someone to escape poverty and attain the desired level of wealth and financial freedom. During my consultations, several people come up to me with these questions and through this article I want to guide you to find the best approach for your life based on your planetary placemen

Rashi Chart or Bhava Chalit Chart for Prediction

Chetan JindalJune 11, 2017

In Predictive Hindu Astrology, there is a major role of Bhava Chalit chart. While Rashi chart remains same for almost 2 days, Bhava Chalit chart is changing every minute. It calculates in which cusp a planet and a zodiac sign is actually present.

The placement of planets in Rashi Chart & in the Ascendant Chart (Main Birth Chart) is same, it is just that the Ascendant chart is rotated till the Moon comes in the first house and we call it Rashi Chart. I personally recommend that you avoid seeing Rashi Chart as the Ascendant Chart gives the most accurate results.

Moon is very important and we do take Moon's placement into account by following the time period system that is just based upon Moon & stars. Now, we have to take the placement of other planets into account. The Ascendant chart indicates which planet was transiting in your 10th house (right above your head) or 7th house (western horizon) or any other house at the time when you were born.

The zodiac sign in the Ascendant Chart changes in every two hours. There are 12 zodiac signs and earth completes its rotation in 24 hours, therefore 2 hours per zodiac sign. The sign in the first house in the Ascendant chart is same as that in the Bhava Chalit Chart but the zodiac sign in the other houses changes most of the time.

This difference in placement of planets in the Ascendant Chart & Bhava Chalit Chart arises due to the fact that not all houses in an astrological chart are of the same width. Therefore, it is possible that in a Bhava Chalit Chart one zodiac sign is ruling over two houses.

Total significations (houses signified by a planet) depends upon the planet's placement in Bhava Chalit Chart and in which cusp the Rashi (zodiac sign) of that planet is present. It does not matter if the lord of 5th house (laxmi sthana) is present in 8th house (trik bhava) or lord of 8th house in 5th house. The total house significations of a planet will be 5 & 8.

In Predictive Hindu Astrology, we follow that a planet does not give any result, rather the combination of houses signified by these planets gives the result. Therefore, you do not always require a Venus time period for getting married or Jupiter's time period for having children.

For eg: A planet signifying 5 & 8 will make you fall in love for someone and 2 7 11 in the same planet will help you getting married with the person you love. No matter which planet is signifying these combinations.

This system is also known as Bhrigu Nadi Astrology (named after Maharishi Bhrigu, first compiler of Predictive Hindu Astrology) & not many astrologers know about this system of prediction. You can call it a very rare gem. This system gives more reliable & accurate predictions due to the fact that it is based upon very detailed calculations & not theories.

Vedic Astrology (or Parashari System of Astrology) is the most widely used system and it takes the Ascendant Chart along with moon chart (Rashi Chart), navamsa, dasamsa & what not. But in Bhrigu Nadi Astrology, we can easily predict all events of life by using:

  • Main Birth Chart (Ascendant Chart)
  • Cuspal Chart (Bhava Chalit Chart)
  • Degree of Each Planet

Now, you might be wondering that why you need to follow two different charts, is one chart not enough to get you the accurate answers?

The answer is, No.

The concepts of astrology we apply on Earth are not universal. If you go into outer space, somewhere far from this solar system, then astrology will not work. Some other planets belonging to some other Star system will start working upon you and then your birth chart which is actually designed to give accurate results on Earth will become useless.

Two things upon which you need to understand:

  1. Placement of Planets in a Zodiac sign is due to the relative position of Earth & that Planet

    Suppose, you are on Earth & you see that Saturn is in Libra. If you will go to Saturn you will see that the Earth is present in Aries Zodiac sign and now Saturn has become your point of reference.

  2. The House in which a Planet will be present depends upon our location on Earth

    Suppose, at a time two people are born, one at the equator and another one somewhere around the North Pole, then you will see a huge difference in the Planetary placement in Bhava Chalit Chart (Cuspal Chart/House Chart) even if the Ascendant chart is exactly similar. If the planets are actually placed in some other house then you cannot expect the same results from them.

Therefore, the Bhava Chalit Chart becomes more important.

  1. It is changing every minute
  2. It changes with location as well

Predictive Hindu Astrology most of the time only uses one chart i.e. Bhava Chalit Chart. Ascendant Chart is considered to see planetary aspects & houses influenced by planets through aspects.

Once all the house significations are calculated through bhava chart then we just need to figure out which planets are supporting a particular event and that event will happen in the dasha (time period) of those planets. Finding out nature of a person, murder, multiple marriages, birth of twins and transits do require Ascendant chart to confirm if the event is promised or not.


Rashi Chart or Bhava Chalit Chart for Prediction (1)Rashi Chart or Bhava Chalit Chart for Prediction (2)

Rashi Chart or Bhava Chalit Chart for Prediction (3)

Images by CISUN

This is what you require in order to do predictions. Every calculation can be easily done just by using the Ascendant Chart, Bhava Chart & degree of the Planets. In Vedic Astrology, you have to see the Ascendant Chart, Moon Chart & Navamsa (D-9) chart, if you found out some answer (of some events occurred in the past, not future) then well & good otherwise you may have to look at Dasamsa (D-10) chart and again if you do not find anything then the answer may lie in Shashtiamsa (D-60) chart.

Now, next case is that the Astrologer will predict something through your chart. If it will happen then he will call himself a great astrologer and if it wont then he will apply some concept like good or bad aspect, Karak Bhava Nasha or bad placement in Navamsa or Retrograde.

But in this system, Bhrigu Nadi Astrology, we always ask for some events of life in order to find out if the chart supports happening that event or not. If the answer is no then we rectify the birth chart & give the prediction. This is important as we have to make sure that the predictions we give will actually happen in the native's life and he/she should feel helped, otherwise, there is no use of practicing astrology.

Now, we have to find out if this person will have twins in future or will give birth to a single child. By only using the Ascendant Chart, Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart & degrees of the planets we will give the prediction.

  1. Check if the fifth house is dual through the Ascendant Chart.
  2. Analyze if Mercury or Jupiter supports the child birth.

To analyze Mercury & Jupiter we have to use their placement in Bhava Chalit Chart & their degrees. - Refer to Rules of Nadi Astrology

  1. Mercury is in the Constellation of Ketu & Sub of Mercury.
    Mercury in Bhava Chalit Chart is present in the ninth house & its zodiac signs (Gemini & Virgo) are present in eighth & twelfth house. Mecury signifies 8 9 10 & Ketu signifies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12.

    Mercury: 8 9 10; 1 2 3 4 5 9 7 8 9 11; 8 9 10

  2. Jupiter is in the Constellation of Mars & Sub of Rahu.
    Jupiter in Bhava Chalit Chart is present in eleventh house and its zodiac signs (Sagittarius & Pisces) are present in second & fourth house. Jupiter signifies 2 4 11, Mars signifies 1 5 6 9 & Rahu signifies 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.

    Jupiter: 2 4 11; 1 5 6 9; 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.

Combination 2 5 11 supports child birth & 1 4 10 denies it. We have to see only these numbers & simply ignore the other numbers.

Mercury: 10; 1 2 4 5 11; 10
Jupiter: 2 4 11; 1 5; 1 5 10 11

In this case, Jupiter is more strongly signifying birth of child while Mercury is denying. Therefore, we can predict birth of twins will happen.

Now, in order for this to happen, both male & female should have this combination in their birth charts & when they simultaneously go through the time period of Jupiter (and/or Mercury) then birth of twins happen. Jupiter gives birth of two children & if Mercury supports both of them then birth of two or more children is possible.

But if we only have to check for the child birth or find the time of marriage then there is no need to see the Ascendant chart at all.

If you wish to understand that why Bhava Chalit Chart is different from your Ascendant Chart and how to use it with the Ascendant Chart to get the most accurate predictions, refer to these two very important articles:

  1. Understanding Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart's Importance in Prediction Making
  2. How To Accurately Asses a Horoscope?

These articles will help you to understand the use of the Ascendant Chart & Bhava Chalit Chart in a more detailed way as they contain the complete process of how to analyze a birth chart and give a prediction.

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AstrologyAstrology Basic ConceptsNadi Astrology

Labels:AstrologyAstrology Basic ConceptsNadi Astrology


Chetan JindalMarch 10, 2018

The ABC, Astrology Basic Concepts, continues. In previous article, you learned what planets, zodiac signs & constellations are . Now, it is time when you come down from skies and understand some of the basic concepts used in astrology to analyze an astrological chart. Zodiac signs are important and they do have their own set of characteristics as mentioned in the previous article but what actually plays a major role in deciding the fate of a person is the houses a planet signifies. Similarly, the constellation in which a planet is present is capable of changing the nature of events. The planet may not give its own result but starts giving results of the constellation if the constellation lord strongly opposes what the planet is signifying but the Sub Lord holds the final say.

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Chetan JindalMarch 19, 2018

On observing this sky from the Earth, we see billions of stars. A group of stars when forms a recognizable pattern, we call it a constellation. There could be uncountable number of constellations in the skies depending upon from where we see it. We see them from the Earth and the astronomers have discovered 88 constellations till now. In astrology, we only use 27 constellations and they form the entire zodiac belt. There are 12 zodiac sign in this zodiac belt and each zodiac sign has a width of 30 degrees. Each zodiac sign is owned by a certain planet and a planet can be present either in its own zodiac sign or in some other zodiac sign. The zodiac sign which a planet occupies depends upon the point of reference, the Earth. Earth is moving around the Sun along with other planets, therefore, the speeds of movement of other planets appear to be changing all the time. This happens due to the relative motion of Earth and the other planet. If we change our point of reference from Ea

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Combinations In The Horoscope That Make A Person Rich (Millionaire OR Billionaire)

Chetan JindalJanuary 04, 2019

This methodology of knowing if a person is meant to become rich is not a theory, it is actually practiced and applied on horoscopes to predict about a person's life and to figure out if a person is meant to become really successful and will become rich in his life. In a horoscope, there are 12 houses and 9 planets (excluding Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). Most astrologers see 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th house, and their lords to see if a person has the capability to become rich and successful. Some also take the benefic aspects from Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon into account.The actual answer does not come through this way. To accurately know if a person is meant to become rich and successful you need to see these three things: The Person's Intelligence Benevolence of The Planets Support from The Time When these three things combine then a person actually becomes successful. I am sure that you find this very logical.

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Astrological Combinations for Success in Civil Services Exam (IAS, IPS, IRS, IFS, etc.)

Chetan JindalFebruary 01, 2018

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Eleventh House - Why 11th House Is The Most Powerful House In Astrology?

Chetan JindalApril 28, 2020

The sky is divided into 12 parts and these parts in an astrological chart are represented by houses. In an astrological chart, there are 12 houses each holding its own significance and controls certain aspects of our life. Planets in a horoscope are bound to give results based on the houses they get associated with through placement and ownership. Not all houses are alike, some are benevolent and some are malevolent in nature. A single house never indicates anything, a combination of houses decides which aspect of life will be effected and whether the effect will be positive or negative. Therefore, planets trigger various good and bad events depending on the set of houses they are associated with. You will find aspects of life, relationships and body parts governed by each house in this article: Astrology Basic Concepts 2 What is the Eleventh House? The 11th house in astrology is called the house of gains(labha sthan). This house fulfills your desires, brings wealth, prospe

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3 Most Important Houses For A Happy Marriage

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Child Birth: Timing, Suitable Time To Conceive, Twins Birth and Custody of Child via Predictive Astrology

Chetan JindalJune 10, 2017

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Marriage: Time of Marriage, Married Life and Nature of Future Life Partner

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Why Stellar Astrology is the Most Accurate System of Prediction?

Chetan JindalOctober 23, 2017

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Rashi Chart or Bhava Chalit Chart for Prediction (2024)


What is the difference between Rashi chart and Bhava chart? ›

What is the difference between a Bhava Chalit chart and a Rasi chart? - Quora. Focus on the terms, bhav chalit tells you the bhav (house) placement to be considered while interpretting, where as Rashi chart tells the position of grah in rashi (sign).

Which is more accurate, Lagna or rashi? ›

The Moon's rashi and nakshatra does not give an accurate and acute reading of a person's character and so it is to be taken as third importance only after Lagna's and Lagnathipathi/Lagna Lord's (Rashi & Nakshatra) because: 1.

Should we see Rasi chart or Navamsa chart? ›

Both, the Rasi-chart and the Navamsa-chart are deemed equally important and therefore, consulted together. Whereas the Rasi-chart provides overall information regarding the location of planets and sensitive-points such as the Lagna, the latter provides vital information regarding their active quality and strength.

What is the importance of Chalit chart? ›

The greatest importance of the Bhav Chalit chart is to decide the impact of the planet on a particular house in a given Dasha. If in the Rashi chart, a planet is posited in the first house, we might expect desirable consequences in its Dasha.

What is Rasi chart used for? ›

What is a Roles and Responsibilities (RASI) Chart? A RASI chart, also known as a responsibility assignment matrix or RACI chart, is a visual tool that helps define and clarify the roles and responsibilities within a project or organization.

Which is more accurate Lagna or Navamsa chart? ›

The strength, happiness, potential, and accurate results of all the planets located in the Lagna Kundali can be known only by the analysis of Navamsa Kundali. Navamsa Kundali is a detailed form of the seventh house of the Horoscope.

At what age is Navamsa chart activation? ›

There can be some exception but in most cases it do not happen in this way. So Navamsa Chart is active from the very first day you have taken birth. We need to remember that only Planets has some activation year but not any chart. And that activation year is also for certain Purpose only.

Which house is most important in Navamsa chart? ›

The 7th house in the Navamsa Chart is of particular importance as it signifies marriage and partnerships. Analyze the sign and planets in the 7th house. Note the position of the 7th house lord.

Which divisional charts are important? ›

Besides Rāshi (D-1), Navamsha (D-9), Drekana (D-3), Dasamsa (D-10), Trimsamsa (D-30) and Sashtiamsa (D-60) are considered significant divisional charts.

What is the difference between Bhava Chalit chart and KP chart? ›

Simple. RASHI CHART or LAGAN chart will only be used to see the sign or rashi placement of any planet. Bhava lordships and actual planetary placements are to be taken as per Cusp or KP chart only. Bhava chalit and shripati charts employ incorrect way of calculations hence inaccurate so, should not be used.

What is the most important part of the astrology chart? ›

The sun sign describes the most direct influence on your identity. It is how the world sees you. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are noted for their fiery energy and leadership roles. People born under these sun signs are more likely to be leaders, firebrands, and entrepreneurs.

Which Ayanamsa to use in astrology? ›

There are various systems of Ayanamsa that are in use in Hindu astrology (also known as Vedic astrology) such as the Raman Ayanamsa and the Krishnamurthy Ayanamsa, but the Lahiri Ayanamsa, named after its inventor, astronomer N.C. Lahiri, is by far the most prevalent system in India.

What is the bhav chart? ›

Bhāv (Sanskrit: भाव, 'state, condition') is a term in Jyotish denoting a fixed zodiacal division of the sky from the perspective of an observer. It corresponds to the concept of "house" in Western astrology. A natal chart is called bhāvchakra (Sanskrit: chakra, 'wheel'.)

What does Bhava mean in astrology? ›

In Indian astrology, the twelve houses are called Bhava and their meanings are very similar to the triplicities in Western astrology. The houses are divided into four 'bhavas' which point to 'mood' or what the house stands for.

What is the meaning of Rashi chart? ›

Rashi Or Zodiac Signs

According to astrology, there are 12 zodiac signs through which the Sun & the Moon travel in periodic intervals. At a particular time, when the sun is present over a zodiac sign is called the Sun Sign. Moon Sign is when the moon is present over a zodiac sign at a particular time.

What are the two types of astrology charts? ›

In astrology, sidereal and tropical are terms that refer to two different systems of ecliptic coordinates used to divide the ecliptic into twelve "signs".


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.