Raid: Shadow Legends tier list June 2024 (2024)

There are a lot of characters to collect in Raid: Shadow Legends. And when we say a lot, you’d best believe we mean a lot. Check where your new pull sits on this Raid: Shadow Legends tier list and you’ll have a good idea of whether they’re worth using. We’ve split the list up into factions so it’s easier to browse. Of course, there are plenty of other things to consider – from team composition to the roles you need to fill – but the rankings here will give you a solid grounding.

If you’re looking for some hints and tips to help you out in Raid: Shadow Legends, then we’d highly recommend checking out ourRaid: Shadow Legendsguideand Raid promo codes while you’re here. Wanna know if Shirimani is better than Corpulent Cadaver? Then read on.

Let’s dive into our Raid Shadow Legends tier list.

  • Banner Lords
  • High Elves
  • Sacred Order
  • Barbarians
  • Ogryn Tribe
  • Lizardmen
  • Skinwalkers
  • Orcs
  • Demonspawn
  • Undead Horde
  • Dark Elves
  • Knight Revenant
  • Dwarves
  • Shadowkin
  • Sylvan Watchers

Raid: Shadow Legends Banner Lord tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
SAcelin the Stalwart, Androc the Glorious, Baron, Kaja the Wry, Marichka the Unbreakable, Quintus the Triumphant, Rathalos Blademaster, Stag Knight, Staltus Dragonbane, Taras the Fierce
AArchmage Hellmut, Lord Champfort, Minaya, Raglin, Richtoff the Bold, Ronda, Septimus, Sethallia, Ursala the Mourner
BArndulf, Black Knight, Chronicler Adelyn, Cillian the Lucky, Dagger, Eolfrig, Gerhard the Stone, Giscard the Sigiled, Helior, Lady Annabelle, Lugan the Steadfast, Misericord, Oathbound, Sigmund the Highshield, Sir Armitage, Timit the Fool, Warcaster
CAlaric the Hooded, Azure, Chancellor Yasmin, Chevalier, Courtier, Fearmonger, Hordin, Knight-Errant, Masked Fearmonger, Lady Quilen, Lordly Legionary, Myrmidon, Quaestor, Riscarm, Rowan, Seneschal, Valerie
DArcher, Axeman, Bandit, Bombardier, Cataphract, Commander, Conquerer, Crossbowman, Duelist, Fireblade, Frontline Warrior, Grandmaster, Halberdier, Pikeman, Preserver, Spymaster, Squire, Stalwart, Steadfast Marshal,Swordsman, Vanguard, Word Bearer

Raid: Shadow Legends High Elf tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
SWallmaster Othorion
AArbiter, Belanor, Fyna Blade of Aravia, Ithos, Lyssandra, Neldor Rimeblade, Royal Guard, Royal Huntsman, Starsage Galathir, Supreme Elhain, Tatura Rimehide, Tayrel, Yannica
BAleksandr the Sharpshooter, Ambassador Lethelin, Andryssia, Apothecary, Basileus Roanas, Battlesage, Deliana, Elenaril, Endalia, Ethlen the Golden, Heiress, Ilysinya, Lonatharil, Pyxniel, Reliquary Tender, Selinia Nightcloak, Shirimani, Skeuramis, Strategos Islin,Vergis
CElfguard, Elhain, Exemplar, Fencer, Hyria, Interceptor, Jinglehunter, Luthiea, Marksman,Medicus, Prosecutor,Thenasil
DAdjudicator, Aristocrat, Avenger, Jaeger, Magister

Raid: Shadow Legends Sacred Order tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
AAbbess, Archbishop Pinthroy, Armiger, Bivald of the Thorn, Cupidus, Deacon Armstrong, Falmond Mournsword, Fenax, Gliseah Soulguide, Godseeker Aniri, Highmother Maud, Holsring, Inquisitor Shamael, Konstantin the Dayborn, Martyr, Mordecai, Roshcard the Tower, Siegfrund the Nephilim, Sir Nicholas, Venus, Vitrius the Anointed
BAothar, Anchorite, Astralon, Athel, Cardinal, Carlinia, Castigator, Corvis the Corruptor, Draconis, Errol, Hope, Juliana, Lightsworn, Lodric Falconheart, Sanguinia, Supreme Athel, Tallia
CAdriel, Bushi, Canoness, Chaplain, Confessor, Frostbringer, Hospitaller, Lady Etessa, Missionary, Mistress of Hymns, Mother Superior, Outlaw Monk, Purgator, Relickeeper, Romero, Templar, Warpriest
DBattle Sister, Crusader, Drillmaster, Harrier, Headsman, Intercessor, Judicator, Justiciar, Knecht, Lamellar, Maiden, Militia, Novitiate, Penitent, Pilgrim, Preacher, Renouncer, Sanctum Protector, Sergeant, Sister Militant, Solaris, Vault Keeper Wixwell, Vigilante, Witness, Yeoman

Raid: Shadow Legends Barbarian tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
SScyl of the Drakes, Tuhanarak, Ursuga Warcaller, Valkyrie, Warmaiden
AAlika, Altan, Armina, Atur, Elder Skarg, Fahrakin the Fat, High Khatun, Kantra the Cyclone, Marked, Sentinel, Sikara, Skytouched Shaman, Soulbond Bowyer, Turvold, Valla, Zephyr Sniper
BAina, Anointed, Baroth the Bloodsoaked, Haarken Greatblade, Kallia, Teshada, Yakarl the Scourge
CMaeve, Ragemonger, Scrapper, Sikara, Skirmisher, Trugorr
DCrusher, Dervish, Dunestrider, Elder, Hill Nomad, Outlander, Outrider, Ox, Ritualist, Slayer, Spiritwalker
EBully, Head Taker, Pit Fighter, Sandbow

Raid: Shadow Legends Ogryn-Tribe tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
SBellower, Big ‘Un, Ghrush the Mangler, Maneater, Skullcrusher, Uugo
ACagebreaker, Grimskin, Gurgoh the Augur, Gurptuk Moss-Beard, Ignatius, Klodd Beastfeeder, Shamrock, Siegehulk, Towering Titan, War Mother
BDrokgul the Gaunt, Galkut, Geargrinder, Grunch Killjoy, Ogryn Jailer, Prundar, Shatterbones
CFurystoker, Mycolus, Occult Brawler, Pounder, Rocktooth, Siegebreaker, Stoneskin, Wagonbane
DFlesheater, Fortress Goon, Magmablood, Ruffstone, Lumberer

Raid: Shadow Legends Lizardman tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
SDracomorph, Fu-Shan, Krisk the Ageless, Rhazin Scarhide,Pythion,Nekmo Thaar
AAox the Rememberer, Ramantu Drakesblood, Roxam, Vergumkaar
BBasilisk, Bogwalker, Broadmaw, Drake, Gator, Haruspex, Jarang, Jareg, ji*zoh, Quargan The Crowned, Skathix, Skull Lord Var-Gall, Venomage
CHurler, Metalshaper, Muckstalker, Skink, Skullsworn, Slitherbrute
DFlinger, Slasher, Skinner

Raid: Shadow Legends Skinwalker tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
SKhoronar, Norog,Leorius the Proud
ABasher, Brakus the Shifter, Cleopterix, Fayne, Graybeard, Hakkorhn Smashlord, Longbeard, Steelskull
BBloodpainter, Channeler, Flesh-Tearer, Fleshmonger, Gnalhorn, Gnarlhorn, Grappler, Hoforees the Tusked, Reinbeast, Ursine Icecrusher, Ursine Ironhide, Warchief, Yaga the Insatiable
CPanthera, Ripper, Snorting Thug, Taurus

Raid: Shadow Legends Orc tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
SDhukk the Pierced, Kreela Witch-Arm, Warlord
AAngar, Galek, Gomlok Skyhide, Iron Brago, Old Hermit Jorrg, Robar, Sandlashed Survivor, Tuhak the Wanderer, Vrask, Zargala
BBonekeeper, Grohak the Bloodied, King Garog, Nogdar The Headhunter, Seer, Shaman, Teela Goremane, Ultimate Galek, Veteran
CBloodfeather, Chopper, Deathchanter, Ironclad, Pigsticker, Raider, Ripperfist, Terrorbeast, Torturehelm
DGoremask, Huntress, Spikehead, Totem, Treefeller, Twinclaw Disciple, Wyvernbane, Warchanter

Raid: Shadow Legends Demonspawn tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
Sduch*ess Lilitu, Peydma, Prince Kymar, Tyrant Ixlimor, Umbral Enchantress
AAlure, Candraphon, Countess Lix, Cruetraxa, Drexthar Bloodtwin, Excruciator, Fellhound, Infernal Baroness, Inithwe Bloodtwin, Lord Shazar, Marquis, Nazana, Sicia Flametongue, Tainix Hateflower
BAchak the Wendarin, Akoth the Seared, Diabolist, Erinyes, Gorlos Hellmaw, Hellgazer, Marquess, Skimfos the Consumed, Souldrinker
CAbyssal, Mortu-Macaab, Tarshon, Tormentor
DHellborn Sprite, Hellfang, Hound Spawn, Ifrit, Malbranche

Raid: Shadow Legends Undead Horde tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
SBad-el-Kazar, Ma’Shalled, Nekhret the Great, Nethril, Rotos the Lost Groom, Saito, Seeker, Siphi the Lost Bride, Skartosis, Urost the Soulcage
ABloodgorged, Doomscreech, Drowned Bloatwraith, Frozen Banshee, Gorgorab, Harvest Jack, Mausoleum Mage, Seducer, Skartorsis, Suzerain Katonn, Vogoth, Zelotah
BAnax, Balthus Drauglord, Banshee, Catacomb Councilor, Corpse Collector, Corpulent Cadaver, Crypt-King Graal, Dark Athel, Dark Elhain, Defiled Sinner, Elegaius, Grinner, Husk, Lich, Little Miss Annie, Temptress
CBone Knight, Gravechill Killer, Hexia, Karam, Rotting Mage, Sorceress, Wretch, Dead Crusader
DAmarantine Skeleton, Arbalester, Ghoulish Ranger, Hollow, Stitched Beast

Raid: Shadow Legends Dark Elf tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
SBlind Seer, Coldheart, Foli, Ghostborn, Kael, Lanakis the Chosen, Lydia the Deathsiren, Madame Serris, Rae, Zavia,Mithrala Lifebane,Supreme Kael
AAstralith, Crimson Helm, Fang Cleric, Kaiden, Lua, Luria, Pain Keeper, Psylar, Rian the Conjurer, Spider, Spirithost, Visix the Unbowed, Vizier Ovelis, Warden
BCaptain Temila, Delver, Eviscerator, Hexweaver, Judge, Mystic Hand, Queen Eva, Retainer, Ruel the Huntmaster
CHarvester, Paragon, Steel Bowyer, Wanderer

Raid: Shadow Legends Knight Revenant tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
SDoompriest, Miscreated Monster, Rector Drath, Sinesha, Skullcrown, Soulless
ABystophus, Crypt Witch, Deathless, Executioner, Golden Reaper, Hegemon, Pestilus, Renegade, Sepulcher Sentinel, Tomb Lord, Wurlim Frostking, Ashwalker
BCoffin Smasher, Crimson Slayer, Gladiator, Guardian, Kytis, Narma the Returned, Necrohunter, Pitiless One, Thea the Tomb Angel, Theurgist, Versulf the Grim, Whisper
CAcolyte, Arcanist, Bergoth the Malformed, Centurion, Daywalker, Faceless, Magus, Pharsalas Gravedirt

Raid: Shadow Legends Dwarf tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
SGrizzled Jarl, Maulie Tankard, Melga Steelgirdle, Rearguard Sergeant, Rugnor Goldgleam, Runekeeper Dazdurk, Tormin the Cold, Trunda Giltmallet, Underpriest Brogni,Acrizia,Demytha
ABaerdal Fellhammer, Dilgol, Gala Longbraids, Geomancer, Hurndig, Kurzad Deepheart, Mountain King, Rock Breaker
BAvir the Alchemage, Cudgeler, Fodbor The Bard, Grumbler, Runic Warder, Stout Axeman
CBoltsmith, Bulwark, Hatchet Slinger, Madman, Master Butcher, Samar Gemcursed, Icebound Prospector
DBeast Wrestler, Dolor Lorekeeper, Flailer, Gloril Brutebane, Honor Guard, Painsmith, Perforator

Raid: Shadow Legends Shadowkin tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
SGenbo the Dishonored, Genzin, Lady Kimi, Riho Bonespear, Kyoku
AHotatsu, Jintoro, Toragi The Frog,Umetogi
BBurangiri, Chani, Chonoru, Fenshi, Oboro, Sachi,Itinerant
CFanatic, Gory, Lifetaker, Nobel, Odachi, Vagabond, Yoshi the Drunkard
DAssassin, Bloodmask, Conscript, Infiltrator, Marauder

Raid: Shadow Legends Sylvan Watchers tier list

TierRaid: Shadow Legends character
SClaidna, Searsha The Charred,King Gallcobar, Elva Autumnborn,Oella
AGreenwarden Ruarc, Ruella, Wyrennon the Silken, White Dryad Nia,Locwain
BShadowbow Tirlac, Myciliac Priest Orn, Enda Moonbeam, Kellan the Shrike, Ailil,Mistrider Daithi,Duedan the Runic
CMargrave Greenhawk, Cormac the Highpeak,
DPathfinder Cait

And there you have it – our Raid: Shadow Legends tier list. If you’re a fan, we’ve got plenty more where that came from, includinghow to get Raid: Shadow Legends on PC. We also keep a regularly updated list of the very best gacha games on iOS and Android if you need some recommendations.

Raid: Shadow Legends tier list June 2024 (2024)


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