PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (2024)

July 2, 2012October 6, 2012 ~ Jennifer Bichara

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (1)PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (2)

A feast of your senses with nothing

but Bicol’s pride

“The Pili Nut” delightful treats.


½ kilo pili nut
1 kg. chocolate premium

1. Toast the pili nut in an oven at low temperature.
2. Cool and set aside.
3. Melt the chocolate bar in a double boiler.
4. Distribute the nuts in moulders.
5. Pour the melted chocolate while hot to coat the nuts.
6. Place the mixture inside the freezer for a few minutes or until the

moulder becomes cloudy.

7. Unmold
8. Wrap using chocolate wrapper.
9. Pack and store.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (4)


1 kilo flour
2 bar fresh butter
1 cup toasted pili nut (pounded)
2 ½ cup refined sugar
½ kilo skimmed milk

1. Toast the until golden brown
2. Melt butter and set aside.
3. Combine sugar and skimmed milk into flour and mix until well blended.
4. Add the melted butter and pili and mix well.
5. Mould the mixture and wrap in colored cellophane.
6. Pack and store.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (6)


1 kilo pilinut – toasted
2 cups sugar
2 cups toasted flour
¾ cups corn oil

1. Toast the pili until golden brown.
2. Mix the first three ingredients.
3. Grind and add the corn oil gradually.
4. Pack in sterilized bottles.
5. Seal

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (8)

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (9)


Crust Filling
1 kilo ordinary flour ½ kilo ground pili
2 bars fresh butter 1 can condensed milk
1 cup sugar 1 cup sugar
1 cup cold water

Packaging Material: Colored cellophane
P.E. Plastic

1. Measure ingredients needed for crust and filling.
2. In a bowl combine sugar and flour, with a pastry blender or two knives,

cut in fresh butter until it is the size of small peas.
3. Add cold water a little at a time, moving to the side the pieces of

dough as they hold together.
4. Form into balls. Roll each ball into 1/8 inch thick.
5. Press dough to shape of tart. Prick sides and bottom.
6. Bake for 20 minutes.
7. In another bowl, combine condensed milk and sugar. Mix well.
8. Fill up baked crust tart top with sliced pili.
9. Bake until golden brown.
10. Let cool before wrapping, pack.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (10)

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (11)


1 cup pilinut
¼ cup sugar
4 tbsp. karo syrup
¼ cup water
oil for frying

1. Blanch the pilinut and remove seed coats.
2. Combine sugar, syrup and water. Stir until dissolved.
3. Soak pilinut syrup for 10 minutes.
4. Drain. Fly until golden brown.
5. Let it cool down on a piece of cheese cloth.
6. Pack in P.E. plastic or jars of desired size and seal.
7. Store in a cool dry place.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (12)

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (13)


2 cups pilinut
1 cup water
powdered pepper
garlic powder

1. Boil pilinut in water until soft.
2. Add salt, garlic and pepper when most of the water has evaporated.
3. Cook over medium heat until nearly dry.
4. Dry further in a mechanical dryer or in oven at 50 degrees

Fahrenheit until pili become crispy.
5. Cool and pack.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (14)

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (15)


Crust Filling
3 cups flour ¼ kilo pilinut
1 cup margarine or butter 1 small can condensed milk
4 tbsp. sugar ¼ cup sugar
¼ cup cold water

? Combine and cook until thick.

1. Prepare and measure all the needed ingredients.
2. Sift together the flour and sugar.
3. Cut in the shortening with a pastry blender or blending fork until pieces

are size of small pass.
4. Sprinkle water, one tbsp. at a time over part of mixture.

Gently mix with fork, push to one side of bowl.
5. Sprinkle next tbsp. water over dry part, mix lightly, push to moistened

part at one side. Repeat until all are moistened.
6. Gather up with fingers, form into balls.
7. Flatten slightly and add the filling.
8. Seal edges.
9. Bake in an oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 25-40 minutes until golden brown.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (16)

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (17)


1 cup pilinut-roasted
2 pcs. egg white
½ cup refined sugar or confectioner sugar
¼ tsp. cream of tartar

1. Grind the pilinut.
2. Separate the eggwhite from the yolk.
3. Beat eggwhite till fluffy.
4. Mix cream of tartar.
5. Continue beating until mixture form bubbles or foam.
6. Add sugar gradually while beating the mixture. Beat until stiff foam is formed.
7. Add the ground pilinut and fold the mixture.
8. Place small cones in baking sheet.
9. Bake for 40 minutes at 135 degree Fahrenheit.
10. Cool and pack.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (18)

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (19)


½ kilo ground pili
1 can condensed milk
¼ cup sugar
1 pc. egg yolk
¼ box

8 cups all purpose flour
1 bar fresh butter
6 pcs. egg yolk
1 can evaporated milk
1 ½ cup refined sugar
8 tsp. baking powder

1. Combine the needed ingredients for the filling except the cheese.
2. Sift together the flour and baking powder.
3. Blend the melted butter with egg yolk and sugar. Mix well.
4. Add the evaporated milk alternately with the flour mixture.
5. Gather with fingers and form into roll.
6. Spread the filling on top and sprinkle grated cheese.
7. Roll and cut into desired length.
8. Place in a greased pan and bake in oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 15-20 minutes.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (20)

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (21)


1 cup pilinut -roasted
1 cup skimmilk
1/3 cup suagr
1 tbsp. vanilla
1/3 cup water
pinch of salt

1. Grind the roasted pilinut finely.
2. Mix sugar and skimmilk thoroughly.
3. Add water and mix well.
4. Stir in pilinut and vanilla.
5. Continue mixing until hom*ogenous.
6. Cook on medium heat with constant stirring until such time that the mixture stick as one ball.
7. Spread on greased trays and cut into desired sizes.
8. Roll over sugar and wrap.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (22)

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (23)


1 cup pilinut (roasted)
1 cup sugar (refined)
½ cup water
¼ tsp. flour
2 tsp. margarine

1. Mix all ingredients in a cooking pan.
2. Cook over moderate heat and continue mixing until syrup is almost dry.
3. Remove from heat when pilinut are coated with syrup.]
4. Spread on tray.
5. Let cool and pack.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (24)


1 cup pilinut
½ cup sugar
2 tbsp. karo syrup
½ tsp. margarine
½ tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. water

1. Remove outer skin of pili. Grind coarsely.
2. Combine sugar, water and syrup in a pan.
3. Cook on medium heat until the sugar us dissolved.
4. Add the ground pilinut. Mix thoroughly.
5. Cook until sticky.
6. Add margarine and mix well.
7. Pour on greased tray. Add baking soda and stir thoroughly.
8. Spread immediately and cut into desired sizes while hot.
9. Cool and wrap.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (26)

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (27)


1 cup pilinut
½ cup sugar
¼ tsp. vanilla

1. Blanch pilinut and remove seed coats.
2. Boil pilinut into soft, then drain.
3. Grind the boiled pili finely.
4. Mix pilinut and sugar thoroughly.
5. Cook over moderate heat until boiling.
6. Remove from fire spread on a wooden board. Continue mixing until the mixture stick as one ball.
7. Knead the mixture while hot by using a rolling pin.
8. Cut desired sizes.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (28)

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (29)


1 cup pilinut – roasted ¼ cup water
1 tbsp. cheese 1 tsp vanilla
1.4 cup skimmilk 1/3 cup suagr
1 pc egg

1. Grind pilinut coarsely or chop using mortar and pestle.
2. Mix sugar and skimmilk very well.
3. Add water equal to the weight of skimmilk and stir thoroughly to a smooth consistency.
4. Stir in pilinut and ¾ parts of total amount of beaten egg.
5. Add cheese and vanilla.
6. Cook on medium heat until sticky.
7. Distribute the mixture on greased paper cups place in muffin pans.
8. Brush beaten eggs on top of each mixture in the cup.
9. Bake at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (30)

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (31)


1 cup pilinut 1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. margarine 8 tbsp. sugar
4 tspb. Water 4 tbsp. corn syrup

1. Dry pilinut under the sun or in a mechanical dryer.

Cool and remove seed coats.
2. Combine pilinut, sugar, water and corn syrup in a pan.
3. Cook over medium heat until syrup turns golden

brown or when threading occurs. Remove from heat.
4. Add margarine and mix well.
5. Add baking soda and stir thoroughly.
6. Spread on grease wooden board and cut while hot

into desired sizes.
7. Wrap in cellophane when cooled..

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (32)

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (33)


1 kilo pili (chopped)
2 can condensed milk
2 cups refined sugar
4 pcs. egg yolk

1. Mix ingredients all together.
2. Cook over moderate heat until thick.
3. Mold.
4. Bake until golden brown.
5. Cool.
6. Wrap in colored cellophane.

PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (34)

via PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts.


PILI: Recipe using Pili Nuts (2024)


How many pili nuts a day? ›

Because they are a high-fat food, Chan recommends eating pili nuts with a mix of other nuts and seeds. Limit consumption to three to five servings a week, and allow yourself no more than 28g to 42g per serving.

What are the side effects of pili nuts? ›

Risks and Side Effects

Like other types of nuts, such as cashews, walnuts and almonds, pili nuts are considered a type of tree nut. This means that those with a tree nut allergy should steer clear of pili nuts, as they may cause serious side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain and swelling.

Are pili nuts good for your kidneys? ›

An ounce of pili nuts also contains 17 percent of the daily value of phosphorus, a mineral that helps keep your bones and teeth strong and filters waste out of your kidneys.

Are pili nuts bad for gout? ›

There is no research to suggest that nuts cause gout. For people living with gout, making long-term healthy lifestyle modifications can help. Recommendations include maintaining a healthy body weight, drinking alcohol in moderation, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly.

Are pili nuts the healthiest nut in the world? ›

Pili nuts have more health benefits than any other nut. Grown wild in rich, fertile volcanic soil, pili nuts are teeming with nutrients, and are especially high in magnesium, manganese, and vitamin B1.

Why are pili nuts so expensive? ›

Unlike commercially grown nuts, our pili nuts are harvested in the wild by hand. For now, mechanical processing is not available for pili nuts due to the size of the trees and extremely hard shells. Pili nuts are extracted from pili fruit, and one fruit (also called a drupe) produces only one nut.

What is the English name for pili nut? ›

Commonly known as macadamia nuts, the seeds are often roasted and salted or are used by bakers and chocolatiers in confections and chocolates. They are a good source of calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin B, and they contain 73 percent fat.

Are pili nuts good for high blood pressure? ›

Pili nuts have magnesium which plays a vital role in managing blood pressure. Regular intake of magnesium-laden foods like pili nuts is proposed to lower high blood pressure and foster heart health.

Are pili nuts only in the Philippines? ›

many areas of the Old World tropics of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, only the Philippines produces and processes pili nuts commercially. 617,317 bearing trees and 160,483 non-bearing trees.

Are pili nuts high in cholesterol? ›

Helps Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Taking this into consideration, it makes it very important for all of us to plan our diets in such a way as to lower cholesterol or fat intake. Pili Nuts, having cholesterol as low as 3.98g in 100g, is a very safe amount.

Why can't kidney patients eat nuts? ›

Nuts and seeds contain potassium and phosphorus. The amount you can have each day will depend on your stage of kidney disease or the type of dialysis you receive. Potassium and phosphorus can be a concern for nuts and seeds. Limit to ¼ cup portion.

Is peanut butter ok for kidneys? ›

Talk with your doctor if you're prone to kidney stones, as you may want avoid or reduce your peanut butter consumption. Also, when purchasing peanut butter, be sure to look for brands that don't add extra salt and sugar.

Can a diabetic eat pili nuts? ›

The low carb content of pili nuts makes them an ideal food to incorporate into a diet for managing diabetes or high blood sugar. The high magnesium content may also be helpful in lower fasting blood glucose and regulating blood sugar levels.

Why are pili nuts so important? ›

Pili Nut Nutrition Facts

Underneath that black exterior is a small kernel that packs a punch of good-for-you nutrients. Specifically, pili nuts are a source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, muscle-building protein, and disease-fighting antioxidants.

Is hummus high in uric? ›

Chickpeas and hummus are generally low enough in purines that people with high uric acid levels can consume them safely. Hummus originally comes from the Middle East. It typically contains chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, salt, and garlic. It's often topped with olive oil, parsley, or paprika.

What is a serving of pili nuts? ›

Eat one-third of a cup of pili nuts and that's 370 calories, 41 grams of fat (16 grams saturated), and two grams of carbs. A standard serving of nuts is one ounce though.

How many Brazil nuts should I eat a day for hair growth? ›

Brazil nuts are very rich in selenium — one brazil nut offers 68–91 mcg — so people may wish to limit their intake to around four Brazil nuts per day. Selenium concentrations in plant-based foods vary with geographic location and soil content. Other foods that contain selenium include: meat, including liver and fish.

Why cant you eat more than 3 Brazil nuts a day? ›

Just one Brazil nut contains 96 micrograms of selenium, almost twice your daily requirement. Doctors advise eating no more than five Brazil nuts a day to avoid potential health risks like selenium toxicity. This condition is linked to breathing problems, heart issues, and kidney failure.

Is 3 Brazil nuts a day too much? ›

Eating too many Brazil nuts can lead to selenium toxicity, which has symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, and a metallic taste in the mouth. Limiting intake to about one to three Brazil nuts per day is best.


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