MyPlate—The Vegetable Group: Vary Your Veggies | New Mexico State University (2024)

Guide E-139
Revised by Raquel Garzon
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University

Author: Extension Nutrition and Wellness Specialist, Department of Extension Family and Consumer Sciences, New Mexico State University. (Print Friendly PDF)


The vegetable group includes vegetables and 100% vegetable juices. Vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked and are available fresh, frozen, canned, or dried/dehydrated. They can be eaten whole, cut up, or mashed. Vegetables are naturally low in calories and fat, and are free of cholesterol. Vegetables are divided into five subgroups depending on their nutrient content: dark green, red and orange, dry beans and peas, starch, and other. MyPlate recommends a variety of vegetables, especially dark green and red and orange vegetables, as well as beans and peas.

Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fiber as part of a healthy diet may reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. It can also reduce the risk of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes.

MyPlate—The Vegetable Group: Vary Your Veggies | New Mexico State University (1)

© Elena Veselova |

Nutrients in the Vegetable Group

The following nutrients are found in most vegetables. A typical American diet is at risk for being low in nutrients marked with an asterisk (*).

*Fiber helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, may reduce the risk of heart disease, and promotes proper bowel function. Fiber can also promote the existence of good bacteria in our digestive tract. Fiber-containing foods such as vegetables help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories. Whole, cut up, or mashed vegetables are sources of dietary fiber; vegetable juices typically contain little or no fiber.

*Folate helps produce red blood cells and reduces a woman’s risk of having a child with a brain or spinal cord defect.

*Potassium helps maintain a healthy blood pressure and is needed for muscle and nerve function. Potassium may also reduce the risk of kidney stones and bone loss.

Vitamin A aids in normal vision, keeps skin healthy, and helps protect against infections.

Vitamin C helps heal cuts and wounds, grow and repair all body tissues, and maintain healthy teeth and gums.

How Many Vegetables are Needed?

MyPlate recommends eating between 1 and 3 cups of vegetables every day, depending on your age, gender, and level of physical activity (Table 1). For more information, visit

What does 1 cup from the vegetable group mean?

  • 1 cup raw or cooked vegetables
  • 2 cups of raw leafy greens
  • 1 cup cooked dry beans or peas
  • 1 cup of 100% vegetable juice

Table 1. Daily Recommendations for the Vegetable Group




2–3 years

4–8 years


1 1/2


9–13 years

14–18 years


2 1/2


9–13 years

14–18 years

2 1/2



19–30 years

31–50 years

51+ years

2 1/2

2 1/2



19–30 years

31–50 years

51+ years



2 1/2

*These amounts are appropriate for people who get less than 30 minutes per day of moderate exercise; those who are more physically active may be able to eat more than what is recommended in the table.

Eat a Variety of Veggies

Vary your veggies by including selections from the five vegetable subgroups. Vegetables are organized into these subgroups based on their nutrient content.

Dark green vegetables include bok choy, broccoli, collard greens, dark green leafy lettuce, kale, mustard greens, spinach, turnip greens, and watercress. Dark green leafy vegetables are low in calories and provide vitamins A and C, folate, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. MyPlate recommends that most adults eat 1 1/2 to 2 cups of dark green vegetables each week.

Red and orange vegetables include acorn squash, butternut squash, carrots, Hubbard squash, pumpkin, red bell peppers, and sweet potatoes. These vegetables are good sources of vitamin A, potassium, and fiber. MyPlate recommends that most adults eat between 4 and 6 cups of red and orange vegetables each week.

Starchy vegetables include corn, green peas, lima beans, and potatoes. Starchy vegetables are higher in calories than other vegetables. They are a source of carbohydrates and fiber. Watch your portion size of these vegetables when you include them in your meal plan. MyPlate recommends that most adults eat between 4 and 6 cups of starchy vegetables each week.

Other vegetables include artichokes, asparagus, beets, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, green peppers, iceberg lettuce, jicama, mushrooms, okra, onions, tomatoes, tomato juice, wax beans, and zucchini. The vegetables in this subgroup vary in their nutrient content and have unique contributions to your diet, so eating a variety is key. MyPlate recommends that most adults eat between 3 1/2 and 5 cups of other vegetables each week.

Beans and peas include black, garbanzo, kidney, lima, navy, pinto, soy, and white beans; black-eyed peas; split peas; and lentils. Dry beans and peas are a good source of protein, fiber, minerals, and folate. MyPlate recommends that most adults eat between 1 and 2 cups of dry beans and peas each week.

Beans, peas, and legumes can be used as a vegetable or as a protein. Amounts are different for each group:

  • 1/4 cup beans/peas = 1-ounce equivalent for the protein group
  • 1 cup beans/peas = 1 cup vegetables

Tips for Buying Vegetables

  • Buy fresh vegetables in season when they have peak flavor and are available at a good price.
  • Buy vegetables that are easy to prepare, such as pre-washed bags of salad greens, grape tomatoes, or baby carrots.
  • Buy frozen vegetables without added sauces.
  • When you are shopping, pick your frozen vegetables last to make sure they stay frozen on your trip home. Choose frozen vegetables that are hard and not in ice. Ice on the package could indicate that the vegetables have thawed and been refrozen.

MyPlate—The Vegetable Group: Vary Your Veggies | New Mexico State University (2)

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Tips for Healthful Eating from the Vegetable Group

  • Vary your vegetable choices. Vegetables differ in nutrient content.
  • Stock up on frozen vegetables for quick and easy cooking.
  • Plan some meals around a vegetable main dish, such as a vegetable stir-fry or vegetable soup.
  • Add grated carrots or zucchini into meatloaf, spaghetti sauce, and casseroles.
  • Throw some veggies on the grill—try bell peppers, onions, or zucchini.
  • Substitute spiraled zucchini for pasta noodles or riced cauliflower for rice in recipes.

Keep it Safe

  • Bag fresh vegetables separately from meat, poultry, and seafood products when packing them to take home from the market.
  • When preparing any fresh produce, begin with clean hands. Wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm water and soap before and after preparation.
  • Cut away any damaged or bruised areas on fresh vegetables before preparing and/or eating. Produce that looks rotten should be discarded.
  • All produce should be thoroughly washed before eating. This includes produce grown conventionally or organically at home, as well as produce that is purchased from a grocery store or farmer’s market. Wash vegetables under running water just before eating, cutting, or cooking.
  • Even if you plan to peel the produce before eating, it is still important to wash it first.
  • Washing vegetables with soap or detergent or using commercial produce washes is not recommended by the USDA.
  • Scrub firm produce (such as carrots or beets) with a clean produce brush.
  • Keep vegetables that will be eaten raw separate from other foods, such as raw meat, poultry, or seafood, and from kitchen utensils used for those products.

“Go, Slow, Whoa” Foods

An easy way to make smart and nutritious choices within the vegetable group is to use the “Go, Slow, Whoa” concept.

  • “Go” foods are the most nutrient-dense; they contain more of the nutrients you need with relatively fewer calories. Eat them almost any time, based on your calorie needs.
    – Examples: all fresh, frozen, and canned vegetables without added fat or sauces
  • “Slow” foods are higher in calories, fat, and/or sugar than “Go” foods. Eat them sometimes, at most several times a week.
    – Examples: all vegetables with added fat or sauces; oven-baked French fries; avocado
  • “Whoa” foods are high in calories, fat, and/or sugar and offer less nutritional value. Eat them only once in a while or on special occasions, and in small portions.
    – Examples: fried potatoes, like French fries or hash browns; other deep-fried vegetables

To learn more about “Go, Slow, and Whoa” foods, visit


National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. 2012. Choosing foods for your family: GO, SLOW, and WHOA foods [Online]. Available from

United States Department of Agriculture. 2018. All about the vegetable group [Online]. Available from https//

For further reading

E-140: MyPlate - The Dairy Group: Get Your Calcium-Rich Foods

E-141: MyPlate - The Fruit Group: Focus on Fruits

E-142: MyPlate - The Grain Group: Make At Least Half Your Grains Whole Grains

E-143: MyPlate - The Protein Group: Go Lean With Protein

MyPlate—The Vegetable Group: Vary Your Veggies | New Mexico State University (3)Visit for complete information on the MyPlate plan, including recipes, healthful eating tips, and tools to track your diet and exercise.

MyPlate—The Vegetable Group: Vary Your Veggies | New Mexico State University (4)

Raquel Garzon is the Extension Nutrition and Wellness Specialist at NMSU. She has a doctorate in health science and is a Registered Dietitian. She has experience working as a clinical and community dietitian for adults and children, as well as working in the area of high-performance training for corporations and professional athletes. Her goal in Extension is to improve the well-being of New Mexicans through programs, collaborations, and education.

To find more resources for your business, home, or family, visit the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences on the World Wide Web

Contents of publications may be freely reproduced, with an appropriate citation, for educational purposes. All other rights reserved. For permission to use publications for other purposes, contactpubs@nmsu.eduor the authors listed on the publication.

New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating.

Revised October 2018 Las Cruces, NM
MyPlate—The Vegetable Group: Vary Your Veggies | New Mexico State University (2024)


What does the slogan "vary your veggies" mean? ›

What does the slogan “Vary your veggies” mean? The slogan means to eat a wide variety of vegetables from each of the subgroups, especially dark green, red and orange vegetables.

What are the 5 subgroups of vegetables MyPlate? ›

Vegetables are organized into 5 subgroups based on their nutrients: dark green; red and orange; beans, peas, and lentils; starchy; and other vegetables.

How should your vegetable intake vary? ›

Variety is Important

This includes all dark green, deep red, purple, and bright orange or yellow plant foods. Eat more dark-green veggies like broccoli, spinach, and other dark leafy greens. Include more orange vegetables, like carrots and sweet potatoes in your diet, as well as legumes (dry beans and peas).

What foods are included in the vegetable group responses? ›

Learn more about the Vegetable Group.
  • Dark-Green Vegetables. amaranth leaves. arugula (rocket) basil. beet greens. ...
  • Red and Orange Vegetables. acorn squash. butternut squash. calabaza. carrots. ...
  • Beans, Peas, and Lentils* bayo beans. bean burger. black beans. ...
  • Starchy Vegetables. breadfruit. burdock root. cassava.

What does it mean to vary your vegetable choices? ›

Vary your veggies by including selections from the five vegetable subgroups. Vegetables are organized into these subgroups based on their nutrient content. Dark green vegetables include bok choy, broccoli, collard greens, dark green leafy lettuce, kale, mustard greens, spinach, turnip greens, and watercress.

What are ways to vary your vegetables? ›

Vary Your Veggies
  • Start your day with vegetables. Add leftover cooked vegetables to your omelet or breakfast wrap. ...
  • Add variety to salads. ...
  • Try a stir-fry. ...
  • Spruce up your sandwich. ...
  • Go for a dip or a dunk. ...
  • Take vegetables on the go.

What are all 5 vegetable subgroups? ›

The vegetable subgroups include dark green, red/orange, beans and peas (legumes), starchy, and other. They are based on the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the vegetables group in Choose MyPlate. The chart on page 3 identifies common vegetables in each subgroup.

What is the healthiest vegetable? ›

1. Spinach. Spinach is a leafy green vegetable and a great source of calcium, vitamins, iron, and antioxidants. Due to its iron and calcium content, spinach is a great addition to any meat- or dairy-free diet.

What are the 5 groups from MyPlate guide? ›

As the MyPlate icon shows, the five food groups are Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein Foods, and Dairy.

Does onion count as a veg? ›

"Onions form the base of many dishes, so you may forget that they can actually count towards your 5-a-day," points out dietitian Ro. So onions do count as a vegetable, and not just a flavour enhancer. Plus, they're low in calories and a source of fibre.

What vegetable should I eat every day? ›

Healthy eating means consuming more dark green vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, and other dark leafy greens. Include more red or orange vegetables, such as carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and legumes, in your diet (dry beans and peas).

Can you give me a list of all vegetables? ›

  • Bok Choy. Broccoli. Broccolini. Broccoli Raab. Brussels Sprouts. Chinese Cabbage. ...
  • Cauliflower. Celeriac. Celery. Chard (Red and Swiss) Chicory. Corn. ...
  • Jicama. Kale. Kohlrabi. Leeks. Arugula Lettuce. ...
  • Peas. Snap Sugar Peas. Snow Peas. Anaheim Peppers. Sweet peppers. ...
  • Acorn Squash. Butternut Squash. Patti Pan Squash. Spaghetti Squash. Swede.

What counts as the vegetable group? ›

Any vegetable or 100% vegetable juice counts as a member of the Vegetable Group. Vegetables may be raw or cooked; fresh, frozen, canned, or dried/dehydrated; and may be whole, cut-up, or mashed.

What are some good sources of vegetables according to MyPlate guidelines? ›

Which Foods Are in the Vegetable Group?
  • dark green vegetables such as broccoli, bok choy, collard greens, dark green lettuce, kale, spinach and watercress
  • red and orange vegetables such as acorn squash, butternut squash, carrots, pumpkin, red peppers, sweet potatoes and tomatoes

Why is the vegetable food group important? ›

Vegetables and fruit contain antioxidants and phytochemicals, or plant chemicals. These biologically active substances can help to protect you from some diseases. Scientific research shows that if you regularly eat lots of fruit and vegetables, you have a lower risk of: type 2 diabetes.

What does the phrase vegetable mean? ›

1. : of, relating to, consisting of, or growing like plants. vegetable growth. 2. : made from, obtained from, or containing plants or plant products.

What is the slogan of MyPlate? ›

Small changes matter. Start Simple with MyPlate.


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