Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (2024)

Well Matt McCall has finally landed and it is with Stansberry Research.
They just posted a video for his new service and instroducing him to their Stansberry Subscribers.
Service is called Megatrend Investor. $5,000 per year. One new newsletter and recommendation each month and it starts with 12 recommendation with potential 1000% returns. His recommendations are mostly small and microcap. Matt says he plans on staying with Stansberry Research for the next 10 years. He predicts the the next 10 years will be the best in Stock Market History. Of course the new service has many bonuses if you sign up now. Here are just some of the bonuses: One bonus year and 50% Discount to $2,500 (Charter member) No cash refunds. Matt gave away one ticker at the end of his presentation. It is the same as Motley Fool recommendation from one of their small cap services, ticker: DNMR. I’m wondering if anyone has knows the 12 stocks he is opening up with in his service.

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  • Posted In Guest Articles
  • Topics Matt McCall , Stansberry Research

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October 21, 2021 1:05 pm

Matt McCall is not a joke but what IS a bit of a joke is that he was hustling lifetime memberships right up until he left InvestorPlace while hanging in Nicaragua discussing his new home construction…then he disappeared. That pissed me off given the sate of some of his recommendations. So, $2500 to stay in touch with his latest and greatest…that’s not cool.

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Matt McCall Investorplace


Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe

October 21, 2021 2:31 pm

Reply to lighthouse

It strikes me as odd that McCall left Investorplace, which is owned by Stansberry (they bought it many years ago, both are now part of MarketWise, and publicly traded)… to join… Stansberry. Did anyone talk about why? Haven’t looked into that story yet.

Certainly it would be good and sensible customer service for them to transfer over lifetime memberships for folks who want that, since the parent company is still the same, but the fact that lifetime memberships are nonrefundable and tied to a product, not a person, is part of the reason why those are the ultimate “upgrade” profit centers.

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Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (4)



October 22, 2021 6:13 am

Reply to Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe

Thanks for that, very interesting. I got the impression his split was acrimonious. Neither he nor Investor Place have commented on it.
Maybe it was to increase his fee. $49/year at IPlace to $2500/yr now.



Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (5)



October 28, 2021 1:39 pm

Reply to Bozon

The split was a philosophical difference in analysis. And the Stansberry transition was already in the works.



Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (6)



October 28, 2021 2:00 pm

Reply to lighthouse

Whatever! I, too, have spent big on memberships over the last year and a half: InvestorPlace Omnia (but don’t like the smarmy, arrogant replacement they found), long-winded Palm Beach, Empire, Brownstone, Banyan Hill, Weiss Crypto Investor, Oxford Income, Motley Fool, and of course at least half of Stansberry’s offerings. And without a doubt, I have made Way more $$ from Matt McCall’s recommendations that all the others combined. In the past 18 months, my portfolio is up a cumulative 9x, and is evenly split between stocks and cryptos, with cryptos pulling away rapidly. His top-down, future focused approach is both lucrative and exciting to learn about. I am 58, and am a FT buy/hold investor. I bought Matt’s service for the next 3 years, and believe my family will be set for a luxurious life by then. I could stop now, but I’m having too much fun!!
Matt McCall is worth his weight in gold, which is ironic because he Hates gold!



Investorplace Banyan Hill

Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (7)



November 2, 2021 9:05 am

Reply to lighthouse

Having followed his newsletters and videos for some time he does have a habit (bad) of dropping off the radar even though he commits to providing updates and quite often states when those updates will be provided and they don’t materialise. Likewise I have also experienced him committing to talk about specific stocks and those also don’t happen. With that said he does have a decent track record so not bashing him and I am sure he has a lot going on. Encourage everyone to spend the time and do your own DD off the back of any recommendations from any of the experts pumping newsletters.




October 23, 2021 4:46 pm

In an e-mail I got this morning entitled “Sneak Peek Inside the MegaTrend Investor Portfolio”,Matt hints at 5 of the initial 12 Reco’s as follows:

1) One of these stocks is an amazing play on 3-D printed organs (yes, like the organs in your body)…
2) Another is revolutionizing airport security…
3) One super-small company is doing amazing work in the fast-growing telehealth field…
4) While another is poised to completely disrupt one of the oldest and most outdated industries in the world – banking
5) And one of my personal favorites is a totally under-the-radar crypto play that I believe could grow 12x by 2023.

So let the homework and discussion begin — unless, of course, The Thinkolator wants to jump in.




Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (9)



October 23, 2021 7:25 pm

Reply to bunion132

Buessing #4 could be Upstart or Sofi.

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Matt McCall

Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (10)


October 24, 2021 2:04 am

Reply to Bozon

Looking at the chart #1 could be CLGN Larger volume after his release




Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (11)



October 24, 2021 5:32 pm

Reply to jmacd403

Following this logic, according to the chart #2 could be Clear Secure (YOU). Jumped in volume following his release.



Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (12)



October 24, 2021 5:49 pm

I believe 2 is YOU (Clear).




Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (13)


October 27, 2021 12:23 am

Reply to matlfarm

Thinkolator any ideas on the others, we are just speculators compared to your skills.




Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (14)


October 29, 2021 12:45 am

Reply to jmacd403

#5 is VYGVF ??? Thoughts

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Voyager Digital (VYGR.TO VYGVF)



October 29, 2021 9:36 am

Reply to jmacd403

Up 13% this am, after a 17% up yesterday. That is very impressive



Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (16)



October 29, 2021 3:26 pm

Reply to jmacd403

Possibly but I think VYGVF was part of his Investorplace Early Stage portfolio. If it was, I don’t believe he would have it in the new portfolio since he said these are all new recommendations.

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Voyager Digital (VYGR.TO VYGVF) Investorplace


Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (17)


October 31, 2021 3:00 pm

I think that number 3 might be TDOC as I saw an interview with Matt McCall on Bloomberg and he said his top 3 stock picks are SQM, TDOC and STM.

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Teladoc (TDOC) Matt McCall Bloomberg


Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (18)



November 1, 2021 8:28 pm

Reply to pamicakes

Doubt it’s TDOC since supposedly these are all new, never recommended, small caps. He was pounding the table about TDOC as far back as 2019.

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Teladoc (TDOC)


Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (19)


November 1, 2021 1:32 pm

I’m going out on a limb here and guess that one megatrend is the quantum glass battery he’s touted in the past. Based on the purchase price spike and fall last week, I’m going to guess PCRFY. Thoughts?

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battery Panasonic (PCRFY PCRFF)


Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (20)


Steven Smits

January 16, 2022 9:47 am

His recommendation DNMR is down 60%. McCall didn’t even see coming that this company needed to issue new shares (about 2 months after his recommendation), which caused a huge drop of the stock price. So this charlatan (as how I see him) can f*** off!
I asked him to comment about how he sees the future of DNMR… nothing.




January 16, 2022 12:56 pm

Reply to Steven Smits

TY Steven Smits. I wonder if the Stansberry People are cleaver enough to read our reviews on Stock Gumshoe. Timing for subscribing to McCall may be critical, but like you, I started with him last October, and watch his hype lead to DNMR moving UP. I should have simply used the Moving Averages and charts to trade out of this speculative stock, that McCall was promising would be a 1000 bagger! (or whatever promise he was giving on that day!).
Since this subscription was over $2,750, (including tax) I went ahead and asked to be switched to a new product, in that Stansberry’s latest ploy is to not offer refunds! (Not sure what our Attorney General in Washington State would say about that!). So, I was moved to a Real Estate Newsletter by Steve Sjuggerud
which was reportedly comparable. Well, this has been a disaster, too. This expensive offering has 10-12 stocks in it that anyone could pick, like several home builders! The valuable part of the newsletter are supposed to be syndicated deals in real estate around the country. Well, in the past 60 days they had one previous recommendation which was closed to new investors, and then NOTHING>. I called the rep with Stansberry and will negotiate something else: BEWARE – they will try to reduce the offering as they switch you. For example, I had 2 years with McCall, I just noticed I only have 10 months with Sjuggarud –
IF (and when) we have a serious drop in the markets, there will be a lot of subscribers who are going to want to cancel or otherwise alter their subscriptions because of poor performance. Get Ready!




Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (22)



January 29, 2022 11:50 am

Reply to advantedges

From a keen observer of the industry:

In February of 2021, Agora settled a lawsuit with the FTC via stipulated order. The order is unheard-of, very expansive, and binds every nominally independent LLC owned by “The Agora”/Agora, Inc., now hiding under Monument & Cathedral Holdings LLC.

Stansberry & consorts was and apparently still is part-owned by M&C/Agora and thus a stipulating party to that order.

It is useful to read the terms the order applies not only to Agora Financial’s marketing, but, via consent stipulation, to all other franchises:


One of the causes of action for the original FTC complaint was the well-tested and widely applied refund policy, which most if not all Agora franchises adopted at least since 2015 — hide the terms in the fine print, have a negative option for automatic renewal, limit refund periods to 30 days (so you don’t realize the “free book” you bought for $4.95 s/h on your cc actually locked you into a $99 sub by the next statement, which you no longer could cancel and renewed annually if you wanted or not.

Based on chatter on job sites, it appears that Agora Financial (and Money Map Press, which was sued by 2 state AG’s in 2019/20) have laid off around 30-50% of their staff between 2019 and today. Agora Financial even was named differently, Concierge/Constipation/Consilience LLC or some such.

However, while some of the older-generation scuzzes are now gone or in constructive hiding, the copy writers in charge have focused mainly on increasing the font size of their Terms & Conditions (so you, the stupid mark, can’t claim to have been bamboozled by them hiding the cheese in the fine print.) Expecting a refund from any Agora franchise even now is probably useless, unless terms specifically state that you can get a refund.


It is noticeable, however, that refunds appear to be more freely given when you post a complaint on BBB:


By agreement to the stipulated order, Agora has to show to the FTC every (for the next 20), each and every complaint received via ANY channel, and how it was resolved.

Since the bomb went off north of the Baltimore Beltway in December of 2020 that made Raging Bull LLC (run, in part, by Agora cast-offs) the FTC’s bitch, the Agora franchises may be much more amenable to provide refunds to unsatisfied customers. It’s cheaper than having the 4th Circuit assign an Independent Monitor who has to sign off on every scrap of marketing material.

(BTW, TINA.org follows Agora’s marketing claims very closely, has the ear of the FTC AND is liberally renewing complaints with reams of evidence. So if you see something that just isn’t true — say something!)

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Microblog: Matt McCall’s New Stansberry Research Service: Megatrend Investor: (2024)


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