Is Morning or Afternoon Sun Better for Plants? (2024)


All plants require sunlight to photosynthesize, but the type and amount of light changes throughout the day. Morning sun and afternoon shade are perfect for crops like lettuce or cilantro that wilt in the summer afternoon heat. On the other hand, direct afternoon sun is ideal for warm-weather crops like succulents, cacti, and Mediterranean herbs growing in the northern zones of their range.

The best timing of sunlight varies widely depending on the plant species’ native growing environment and your garden’s unique microclimate. Let’s dig into the key differences between morning sun and afternoon sun, including the effects of intensity, temperature, UV spectrum, and climate on plant growth.

The Short Answer: Morning Sun is Better for Tender Plants

Generally, both morning and afternoon sunlight are beneficial for plant growth. For most vegetables and herbs, the morning sun is superior because it is gentler and cooler. The morning sun is lower in the sky and less direct. It also quickly dries the nighttime dew from the plants to prevent disease.

The less intense UV light can be beneficial because it helps the plant meet its photosynthetic needs without scorching the leaves or causing wilting. Some plants prefer full sun (6+ hours of direct light), but sometimes droop in extreme heat. These appreciate rays of morning sun with some afternoon shade.

The Long Answer

Is Morning or Afternoon Sun Better for Plants? (1)

Wild plants are exposed to a wide range of different lighting conditions depending on their location on Earth and the plants growing around them. For example, an understory fern only receives dappled sunlight through the canopy whenever the sun trickles through the trees above. On the other hand, a prairie grass or tall wildflower in a wide open grassland likely receives direct sunlight throughout the entire day.

In our gardens, things are a bit more complicated because homes, structures, and trees cast shadows at different times of day. A vegetable garden full of tomatoes and peppers may struggle on the north end of a two-story house because it won’t receive enough direct sunlight at any part of the day. The sun will rise in the east and move across the sky throughout the day, but the house will likely cast a big shadow over the garden.

However, an ornamental bed of blooming rhododendrons may struggle on the south side of a house in a warm climate. If there aren’t any trees or other structures, the afternoon sun may be too intense and dry out the soil too quickly, stressing the plant and leading to a host of other issues. Rhododendrons are generally forest-edge plants that enjoy partial shade from trees, but their cousins, azaleas, are more adapted to direct sun.

Finding a balance of proper lighting often requires some trial and error and a lot of observation. Understanding the nuances of morning versus afternoon sunlight can help you optimize plant health in different areas of your garden.

Clues to Plant Light Preferences

Is Morning or Afternoon Sun Better for Plants? (2)

The best clue to a plant’s light needs is its native environment. Lavender naturally thrives in rocky, exposed Mediterranean slopes, so it’s no surprise that it needs 6+ hours of direct morning and afternoon sunlight to thrive and produce lots of flowers.

On the other hand, the wild ancestor of cucumbers (Cucumis hystrix) tends to climb through bushes and trees in Southeast Asian jungles where sun exposure is fairly low. It makes sense then that garden cucumbers often wilt under the intense afternoon sun and much prefer the dappled shade of morning UV exposure.

No matter what you are trying to grow, I recommend researching where the plant evolved. Our Epic grow guides include the light requirements of hundreds of different plants, including descriptions of their origins.

Differences Between Morning and Afternoon Sun

Is Morning or Afternoon Sun Better for Plants? (3)

Morning and evening sun rays have less intense UV radiation than midday afternoon sun. For the purpose of this article, we’ll consider the morning sun as the light between sunrise and 11 AM, and afternoon sun between 11 AM and 4 PM. Evening sun tends to affect plants similarly to morning sun because the sun is lower in the sky.

As you can imagine, the angle and exposure to light throughout the day can dramatically affect how different plants photosynthesize and perform in different areas. Let’s explore the key differences between morning and afternoon sun, including light intensity, temperature, seasonality, and variations in latitude and climate.

Light Intensity

Is Morning or Afternoon Sun Better for Plants? (4)

It is no surprise that the morning sun is less intense than the afternoon sun. The gentle rise of the sun happens in the east, and its rays travel a much greater distance through Earth’s atmosphere. This means the intensity of UV rays is much lower because they are farther away and hitting the Earth at a different angle. You don’t usually get sunburnt in the morning, and your plants won’t either.

Afternoon (midday) sun is more intense because of the Earth’s angle in relation to the sun. Visibly, the sun is the highest in the sky and typically the most direct into your garden because it rises above any trees or structures.

The hours between 11 AM and 4 PM usually have the hottest, most intense sunlight because the UV rays travel a shorter distance through the atmosphere and have a straight path to Earth, so they hit our skin and our plant leaves directly. This is when tender plants are most susceptible to wilting and water stress if they don’t have any protection from taller plants or shady structures.

However, afternoon sun is excellent for plants that evolved closer to the equator. Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, sunflowers, agave, cacti, bamboo, and many tropical fruits are examples of plants that bask in afternoon sunlight.

Key Takeaway: Cooler weather temperate plants prefer less intense morning sun, while equatorial hot-climate plants appreciate intense afternoon sun.


Is Morning or Afternoon Sun Better for Plants? (5)

Generally, plants that like cooler temperatures will prefer the morning sun. Plants that like hotter temperatures appreciate afternoon sun or full-day sun. This is important when growing species on the edges of their range.

For example, most rosemary shrubs are hardy to about 10°F, or zone 8. If you want to grow rosemary as an outdoor perennial in zone 7, you could get away with planting it in the most south-facing open part of your garden, where it gets direct afternoon light for most of the day and throughout the year.

On the other hand, take a temperate cold-climate shrub, like lilac. Lilacs are considered hardy in zones 3-7 because they need cold exposure and winter dormancy in order to trigger flowering. You could get away with growing some varieties of lilac in zone 8 or 9 if you choose the right species and plant it in an area with protection from the afternoon sun, like an east-facing part of the garden.

For vegetables and herbs, take note of which plants wilt the quickest under the afternoon sun. Some of this can be remedied with more water and compost amending, but many of these crops are communicating that they need respite from the afternoon heat. Interplanting basil and lettuce under tomatoes or growing squash vines under a corn patch can help ensure proper light exposure to all the plants involved.

Key Takeaway: Afternoon sun is hotter, and morning sun is cooler. Cold-climate plants appreciate protection from the afternoon sun if they are grown in southern zones.


Is Morning or Afternoon Sun Better for Plants? (6)

The winter sun sits lower in the sky, which means less sun hitting your garden overall. Morning winter sun is particularly reduced and may not touch a north-facing garden at all. The summer sun is more intense and bright because it rises higher in the center of the sky.

If you live in a far northern area where winter sunlight is quite low (or there is a lot of cloud cover), a west-facing or south-facing garden bed is important to maximize both morning and afternoon light. The morning sun will be especially diminished during the northern winter months.

Perennial plants are typically adapted to changes in seasonal sunlight, while annual plants can be strategically grown in garden beds with sun exposure that changes through the year. Before you start transplanting plants to new areas, I recommend simply observing a plant at different hours of the day and year.

  • If it looks stunted, pale yellow, flowerless, or it has “leggy” growth, it may not be getting enough sun.
  • If it looks burnt, whitish, or wilted on hot days, it is probably getting too much sun.

To see how light moves over your garden in different seasons, use a tool like SunCalc to visualize the sun’s position. Alternatively, just watch your yard throughout the season. You will intuitively know what areas are the most shady at different times of the year. Prioritize your brightest exposed areas for full sun flowering plants and fruiting vegetables.

Key Takeaway: The winter morning sun is low in the sky and has far less UV rays. Summer afternoon sun is the most intense of all and may require protecting some plants by transplanting, interplanting, increasing water, or using shade cloth.

Latitude and Climate Variations

Is Morning or Afternoon Sun Better for Plants? (7)

Northern gardeners have less sunlight exposure overall than southern growers due to the tilt of the Earth and the angle of the sun at different latitudes. Recall that latitudes are imaginary lines looping around the Earth, dividing it into horizontal sections. The equator (0° latitude) is the hottest and most direct sunlight area on Earth. The farther north your garden is from the equator, the less direct sun your climate receives. The same is true for far southern areas toward Antarctica and the South Pole, but we aren’t growing food there (thank goodness!)

Key Takeaways: Southern latitudes are closer to the equator and receive brighter sun across all hours of the day. The afternoon sun is especially intense, and many temperate vegetable and fruit crops need partial shade to protect them from the afternoon sun. Northern latitudes are farther from the equator and, therefore, experienced less overall sunlight. If growing desert or subtropical plants in northern zones, you’ll want to maximize afternoon sun as much as possible.

Disease Prevention

Is Morning or Afternoon Sun Better for Plants? (8)

One final consideration is disease prevention. Morning sun is ideal for drying plant leaves after a nighttime of dew accumulation. In dry climates, this isn’t a problem. But in humid climates, morning sun is important for reducing overall moisture on the leaves.

A west-facing garden may be shaded from morning sun, which means the leaves stay wetter farther into the day. If these plants are prone to fungal pathogens like powdery mildew, they may benefit from being moved to a more south-facing or east-exposed location because the morning sun helps dry them out.

Key Takeaways: Morning sun dries nighttime dew. Afternoon sun takes longer to reach wet leaves.

Final Thoughts:

Sunlight requirements vary widely across plant species, climates, and latitudes. It’s hard to make specific recommendations for your garden until you have done your own observations. Consider:

  • Plant Needs: Full sun plants need 6+ hours of sunlight per day, including morning and afternoon.Partial sun and partial shade plants typically prefer morning sun because it’s less intense.
  • Climate Variations: Northern climate gardeners benefit from south-facing or west-facing gardens because they maximize the amount of overall sunlight throughout the day. Hot southern gardeners can grow temperate plants in north-facing or east-facing beds because the morning sun is less intense. Humid climate gardeners can prioritize morning sun to help dry out leaf dew.
  • Real-Time Observations: The way the sun hits your yard depends on many factors unique to you. Take some time to sit with your garden at different times of day in different seasons and notice how the light comes in. This meditative practice benefits both you and your garden plants!

If a plant looks yellow, or pale, or lacks flowers, it may not be getting enough light overall. If it is wilted in the afternoon sun or has scorched leaves, it may be getting too much intense light and should be moved to an area with more morning sun and less afternoon sun. Don’t be afraid to transplant when needed!

Is Morning or Afternoon Sun Better for Plants? (2024)


Is Morning or Afternoon Sun Better for Plants? ›

Morning sun is tends to be superior to afternoon sun because it will dry dew from leaves of the plant, which reduces disease, and it is cooler. Most plants, even those that tolerate full sun, will appreciate even momentary respite from the afternoon sun.

What is the best sunlight time for plants? ›

Morning may be the best time of day for these plants to receive their daily dose of sun. Hot afternoons may prove overwhelming for part sun plants, so give them several hours of direct sun in the morning, but keep them shaded from the most intense afternoon heat. Many flowering plants do best in partial sun.

Is afternoon sun considered full sun for plants? ›

Any amount of sun greater than six hours is considered full sun. What is Part Sun? Part sun is defined as four to six hours of direct sun per day. Not all those hours need to be accrued consecutively—it could mean a few hours of morning sun plus a few more in the afternoon.

Why is morning sun better than afternoon sun? ›

Morning exposure is less likely to cause sunburn, benefiting both you and your plants. It is no surprise that the morning sun is less intense than the afternoon sun. The gentle rise of the sun happens in the east, and its rays travel a much greater distance through Earth's atmosphere.

Is morning sun too harsh for plants? ›

Intensity matters

A few hours of morning sun isn't as intense as a few hours of mid-day and afternoon sun, realizing the hot afternoon sun can burn the leaves of some plants, even those of certain sun-loving varieties.

Do plants prefer morning or evening sun? ›

Morning sun is tends to be superior to afternoon sun because it will dry dew from leaves of the plant, which reduces disease, and it is cooler. Most plants, even those that tolerate full sun, will appreciate even momentary respite from the afternoon sun.

Is too much direct sunlight bad for plants? ›

Excessive light is as harmful as too little.. When a plant gets too much direct light, the leaves become pale, sometimes burn, turn brown and die. Therefore, protect plants from too much direct sunlight during summer months.

Is morning sun or afternoon sun better for vegetable garden? ›

Vegetables that produce roots grow best in partial sun – that is afternoon sun and morning shade. This includes carrots, parsnip, turnips, beetroot, radishes and potatoes. Vegetables where you eat the stems, buds or leaves generally prefer partial shade – that is morning sun and afternoon shade.

How to tell if a plant is getting too much sun? ›

Symptoms of excess sunlight on indoor plants

Damage appears as pale, bleached or faded areas. These areas eventually become brown and brittle. Symptoms are more severe when strong sun is combined with dry soil conditions.

Does 6 hours of morning sun count as full sun? ›

“Full sun” definitely means at least six hours per day, but some plants such as vegetables really need eight to ten hours per day. “Partial sun” or “partial shade” means that the plant needs 3-6 hours of direct sun per day. The terms sometimes are used interchangeably.

Is the sun stronger in the morning or afternoon? ›

The sun's rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Limit exposure to the sun during these hours, even in winter and especially at higher altitudes.

Is afternoon sun harsher? ›

rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. reflect the damaging rays of the sun, which can increase your chance of sunburn. information to help you plan your outdoor activities in ways that prevent overexposure to the sun's rays.

Is 4pm sunlight good? ›

Time of day – The sun's rays vary in intensity throughout the day. In most places, UV rays are strongest between about 10am and 4pm, when the sun is at its peak. [5] If you go outside during that interval, your body will make more vitamin D in less time than if you went out in the early morning or late afternoon.

Is afternoon sun harsher on plants? ›

Light intensity is another important consideration. It's a relatively simple concept: Morning sunlight is gentler and less intense than the hot, harsh afternoon sun.

Do tomatoes need morning or afternoon sun? ›

Depending on where you live, you might want to expose your tomatoes to morning sunlight, to afternoon sunlight, or to a combination of the two. Morning sunlight provides high-intensity light without excessive heat, therefore you should consider morning exposure if you live in a region with a hot climate.

Do peppers need morning or afternoon sun? ›

Morning sun is your pepper plant's best friend. Aim for a spot that catches those early rays but ducks out of the harsh afternoon light. Think east-facing windows or a garden spot that gets shade post-noon.

What is the optimal light time for plants? ›

In most cases, plants receiving no outdoor light should be lit from 16 to 18 hours each day. If some additional light is received, 12 to 14 hours each day may be adequate. Lights should be used at the same time that plants receive window light.

What window should plants be in? ›

Increase your indoor gardening success by matching plants to your indoor light conditions. An east- or west-facing window provides enough light for most indoor plants. Keep those that need brighter light within two feet of the window. Move them to a south-facing window in winter if needed.

Is morning sun or afternoon sun better for vitamin D? ›

To get an optimal vitamin D supplement from the sun at a minimal risk of getting cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM), the best time of sun exposure is noon.

Is 2 hours of sunlight good for plants? ›

Full sun – Plants need at least 6 hours of direct sun daily. Part sun – Plants thrive with between 3 and 6 hours of direct sun per day. Part shade – Plants require between 3 and 6 hours of sun per day, but need protection from intense mid-day sun. Full shade – Plants require less than 3 hours of direct sun per day.


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