How to Use the Rule of Thirds Effortlessly (2024)


How to Use the Rule of Thirds Effortlessly (1)

If you were one of those students who loved art classes but hated math, it was probably a shock to the system when you found out just how much math you’d end up using as a professional designer. In fact, math skills are absolutely essential for print design—at the very least, you need to know how to measure out your bleed area and understand the physical size of your canvas.

But if you’re willing to understand more than just the mathematical basics, you can use those numbers and measurements to turn a design into a thing of beauty. Understanding the rule of thirds in design is relatively simple, but this one concept can make you a significantly stronger designer. Don’t worry—you don’t need a PhD in applied mathematics to understand the rule of thirds. Just read onward to find out how easy it really is.

How the rule of thirds works

The rule of thirds simply states that if you take a canvas and divide it into three equally sized horizontal sections and three equally sized vertical sections, the resulting grid provides a sort of “roadmap” that helps you choose where to place your design elements. Any graphic design software worth its salt (including Photoshop) can apply a rule of thirds grid to your canvas and crop accordingly, but grids are easy enough to make on your own—you could even draw it directly onto a printed design if you wanted to.

The rule of thirds grid can be applied to any folder size—the grid itself doesn’t have to be any particular dimensions. It just has to be evenly divided into three vertical and three horizontal section. This creates a 3×3 grid—kind of like the opening title card of “The Brady Bunch.”

How to Use the Rule of Thirds Effortlessly (2)

That doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll end up with nine equally-sized squares. If your design isn’t a perfect square, you’ll probably be splitting it into nine rectangles.

Keep in mind that when you’re working with a print graphic design, you need to measure your rule of thirds grid according to the visible sections of your canvas. If you measure out from the bleed areas, you might end up with a grid that places key elements too close to the edge of the page for comfort.

Finding the ideal focal point

So now that you have your rule of thirds grid built, what do you use it for? Think of your grid as a sort of map—the spots where the lines intersect indicate the prime focal areas within your design. Bringing an element closer to one of these intersections will allow it to stand out more, while objects that are further away will receive less attention.

How to Use the Rule of Thirds Effortlessly (3)

Audiences tend to follow a capital “F” shaped pattern with their eyes whenever they look at a design. The eye naturally starts at the top left section of the canvas, then moves down to the bottom left, back up to the top right, and then finally the bottom right.

But this doesn’t mean that the top left intersection is prime design real estate and the rest of the canvas is useless. Rather, the rule of thirds should act as a guideline that helps you achieve visual balance and interest. For example, an element in the top left part of the grid will seem nearly equal to an element that touches both the top right and bottom right intersections.

Using the rule of thirds to create visual interest

The rule of thirds grid gives you the chance to give your graphic design a perfectly symmetrical appearance—but you’ll want to squash that instinct. While it’s true that humans are naturally attracted to symmetry, it’s also the easiest way to go unnoticed because we’re used to seeing it all the time. Making something asymmetrical sends a signal to our brain that something is different, which makes us more likely to engage.

How to Use the Rule of Thirds Effortlessly (4)

While symmetry isn’t always necessary for good design, balance absolutely is. The rule of thirds grid is also one of the best tools to help you figure out how to use asymmetrical balance to your advantage. If your design is imbalanced, it throws off the entire look. Using a rule of thirds grid helps you maintain good balance while still keeping things asymmetrical.

That’s because with a rule of thirds grid, you know which parts of the canvas have the most weight. If you have something important on the bottom left intersection, you don’t want something on the top left intersection overshadowing it. But on the other hand, the bottom left and top right intersections are pretty much equally matched, so focusing elements in these areas creates easy balance.

Rule of thirds in photography

Photography is one of the areas of design where you really want to pay attention to the rule of thirds. Fortunately, modern technology has made this easy for designers. Most digital cameras have an option for a rule of thirds grid, as do most camera phone apps.

Get into the habit of using this grid whenever you take photographs, even if you don’t use original photography in your print designs. You’ll start to get a feeling of where that rule of thirds grid exists, even when you don’t actually have it in front of you.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you take photographs using a rule of thirds grid. It’s best for the horizon in your photograph to line up with one of the horizontal lines on your grid. For landscapes, it’s usually best to have the horizon on the top horizontal line, so that the picture shows more of the subject matter and less empty space.

How to Use the Rule of Thirds Effortlessly (5)

When taking a portrait, try to frame your photo so that one or more of the subject’s eyes are aligned with one of the intersections on the grid. The intersections represent the areas in your design that will have the most audience focus, so by putting the subject’s eyes in those locations, it’s like forcing your audience to make eye contact with your subject. It builds a stronger connection between the audience and your design, just as making actual eye contact with another person establishes a better social connection.

How to Use the Rule of Thirds Effortlessly (6)

If you’re not taking original photography for your print designs, you can still apply the rule of thirds principle to the images you have to work with. Make use of cropping techniques to give them better composition.

How to Use the Rule of Thirds Effortlessly (7)
This work by Company Folders, Inc. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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Creating motion using the rule of thirds

Asymmetry in design is a good thing, but when your design focuses more on one side of the canvas and neglects the other, it can create a sense of motion in your design. This can be either beneficial or harmful to your design, depending on what message you’re trying to convey.

Always keep in mind that you still need to maintain a sense of balance, and shoving all of your design elements into one area of the canvas may clutter it up. Movement in design is a bit like visual storytelling—you’re capturing a single moment in the journey from point A to point B. So your design has to give the audience a sense of where those points are.

Simply placing the subject on one side of the canvas won’t always be enough. But if that subject is mostly in one section of the grid with a limb or appendage that’s in a separate part of the grid, you’ll create the sense of where the subject is coming from and how their body is moving. Likewise, you could have a subject on one side but show their destination on the other, which shows the audience where the subject may end up.

How to Use the Rule of Thirds Effortlessly (8)

How the rule of thirds applies to print

The rule of thirds goes beyond just the pictures and photographs that go into your print design—the grid can also be applied to most print templates, too.

The key word here being “most.” There are times when you might be working with a uniquely shaped custom media, in which case the grid won’t apply as much because you won’t be able to evenly divide the canvas.

But you can still apply the rule of thirds to most print media layouts to ensure that the most important aspects of the design are seen by the audience. Keep in mind that audiences will still view the page in that “F” shaped format, starting at the top left intersection, then going down and across.

If you’re using an image for your background or if a large photograph takes up the majority of your canvas, then applying the rule of thirds to your print design really won’t be any different than applying it to a photograph or other image.

Just always keep in mind that the rule of thirds applies to each page individually for folded materials—don’t apply it to your entire flattened print canvas. Instead, treat each panel of the marketing collateral as its own separate canvas when utilizing this technique.

How to Use the Rule of Thirds Effortlessly (9)

Why you shouldn’t design with a rule of thirds mentality

So now that we’ve spent all this time going over the rule of thirds, we’re going to ask you to do something a little controversial—put it out of your head.

At least during the initial design phase of your project, anyway. The more you work with the rule of thirds, the more it will come naturally to you over time, so there’s no need to force the issue too much. Good design tends to satisfy the rule of thirds whether you intended it do so or not.

That’s why this is something you should only really concern yourself with near the end of your design. It’s a tool to help you tweak your design, not something that you should have to actively concentrate on at all times. It’s one thing to use the rule of thirds grid when snapping a photo or when editing that photo later, but it’s another thing to start with the mentality that your ideas have to “stay within the lines,” so to speak.

There are so many other crucial factors that a designer has to worry about when it comes to creating a print design. The rule of thirds shouldn’t be a primary concern—it should be more like a cheat sheet you check after the work is done to make sure you’ve gotten the right answer.

Rules are made to be broken

But there’s an even better reason why you shouldn’t start your design with a rule of thirds mentality: because sometimes you have to break the rules to come up with a truly original design.

The more you understand the rule of thirds and the effect that it has on how the audience perceives your design, the easier it is to exploit it to subvert the audience’s expectations. For example, we know that the upper left intersection is where all the action is at, so experimenting with the other areas of the canvas is a good way to open yourself up creatively. Forcing the audience’s eye to look where it doesn’t normally look can be risky, but that risk comes with high reward.

But again, you can only gain this kind of creative freedom if you understand how the grid works and how the audience responds to it. You basically have to use the rule of thirds in order to work against it—you can’t just create some sort of chaotic layout and expect it to be interesting.

How to Use the Rule of Thirds Effortlessly (10)When designers work against the rule of thirds, they’re still using that grid in some way or another. Think about our video example from The Brady Bunch—in the intro to this classic sitcom, we actually see the rule of thirds grid. But the characters themselves are all equally placed around the grid—nobody is actually touching the intersections.

The result is that each character gets equal consideration—that is, until the logo comes in and overlaps all four intersections. It’s even heavier near the top left and bottom left intersections, creating a lovely asymmetry in the areas where a viewer is most likely to look. There’s only the illusion that the rule of thirds doesn’t matter, when really, the grid design is set up to trick the audience into focusing less on any one member of the cast and instead on the brand as a whole.

So how could an example of the rule of thirds in film translate to print design? Well, imagine something like a presentation folder that did something similar using die-cuts. Your front cover could work against the rule of thirds with design elements that exist “off the grid,” but when you open it up, it might reveal an even bigger design—one that satisfies the rule of thirds.

In this case, going against expectations on the front cover shows the audience that there’s something more interesting to be found inside. And then when you satisfy their expectations after they’ve opened the folder, it creates a sense of relief and builds a stronger connection to the design.

Your Turn

Now that you understand a little more about the rule of thirds, you’ll probably start to see it everywhere. Don’t worry, this might drive you a little nuts, but it’s still a good thing. It means you’re developing an eye for good design, which can only help you in the long run.

It also means you’ll be a little more ready to understand more advanced concepts such as the golden ratio—an equally important, albeit slightly more complex rule of aesthetic design.

Sometimes the best way to learn a tenet of design is through example, so we want to see some of your best examples of designs that utilize the rule of thirds—whether they follow or subvert it. Leave your examples in the comments below!

How to Use the Rule of Thirds Effortlessly (2024)


How to use the rule of thirds effortlessly? ›

At its core, the Rule of Thirds is a compositional principle that helps UX/UI designers create balanced and visually engaging layouts. It involves dividing your design area into a 3×3 grid, creating nine equally sized quadrants. The main idea is to position key elements along these gridlines or at their intersections.

How to effectively use the rule of thirds? ›

The rule of thirds is a composition guideline that places your subject in the left or right third of an image, leaving the other two thirds more open. While there are other forms of composition, the rule of thirds generally leads to compelling and well-composed shots.

What is the easy rule of thirds? ›

Imagine dividing your image into nine equal parts with the help of two vertical and two horizontal lines. That's precisely what makes the rule of thirds. Using this grid, you must place your objects along the lines or at the points where they intersect.

What are the best examples rule of thirds? ›

For example, a portrait photo would put one of the eyes on a crash point. This helps keep things a little off center and allows the viewer to take in the face in the photo, along with other background elements. The intersecting points on a Rule of Thirds grid are known as crash points.

How to break the rule of thirds? ›

Placing your subject or horizon in the centre of the image is the most obvious alternative to the Rule of Thirds, and works well for many subjects. A prominent horizontal line in the dead-centre of an image perfectly bisects it and gives equal weight to the two halves of the image.

What is the golden rule of thirds in art? ›

The Golden Ratio is about 1:1.6. The Rule of Thirds is a simple way to achieve balance and harmony in your photos. Place the horizon at the 2/3 or 1/3 line in your photo. Place focal points at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal grid line.

Why is the rule of thirds so effective? ›

The rule of thirds helps direct the viewer's gaze to the main focal point of an image, whatever the subject may be. It makes the most of empty space by drawing your eye to a specific part of the image, emphasised through composition.

What is the most important part of the rule of thirds? ›

It involves dividing an image into thirds, both horizontally and vertically, to create a grid of nine equal parts. According to the rule of thirds, the most important elements in an image — i.e. the main subject or focal point of the photo — should be placed along these lines or their intersections.

How to use the rule of thirds in drawing? ›

The Rule of Third splits an image into thirds vertically and horizontally, as shown in this grid. Artists will often separate the foreground and background content by using the horizontal lines. The overlapping areas indicated by the red circles are known as the focal points.

How to measure rule of thirds? ›

To make a grid using the rule of thirds you must first know the dimensions of the image you will be using. Once you know the height and width, divide each evenly by three and place marks at these intervals on the top, bottom, left and right sides of the page.

What is the rule of three examples? ›

Examples of the rule of three

In storytelling: “The Three Little Pigs,” “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” and “Three Billy Goats Gruff” are all classic examples of stories that use the rule of three. In speeches: “I came, I saw, I conquered” is a famous example of the rule of three used by Julius Caesar.

How to use the rule of three? ›

3 Ways to Use the Rule of Three in Your Writing
  1. Three-part structure. Use a three-part structure to organize your writing. ...
  2. Tricolon. At the sentence level, try using a group of three words that parallel each other in length and/or form. ...
  3. Hendiatris. Use three words that work together to convey a single concept.
Aug 30, 2021

When should you use the rule of thirds? ›

It is often used for landscape photographs because it helps appealingly divide the space. It dictates the proportion between sky and land, for example. The rule of thirds is also used for portraits, especially for side portraits, because it allows you to give the subject perspective.

What is the rule of thirds minimalist? ›

The rule of thirds is a compositional rule that suggests aligning your subject within specific guidelines and intersection points. The rule states that an image should be divided into nine equal parts with four imaginary lines. This involves two horizontal lines and two vertical lines, equally spaced.

What is the art techniques rule of thirds? ›

The Rule of Third splits an image into thirds vertically and horizontally, as shown in this grid. Artists will often separate the foreground and background content by using the horizontal lines. The overlapping areas indicated by the red circles are known as the focal points.

What is the rule of thirds mindset? ›

The Rule of Thirds can be used in many ways to help us achieve personal growth. It can be situational in that ideally, we should spend one-third of our time in our comfort zone, one-third in a stretch, and one-third in “pure white-knuckle terror”.


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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.