How to Give Someone Space: It’s Time to Let Go (2024)

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How to Give Someone Space: It’s Time to Let Go (1)

How to Give Someone Space: It’s Time to Let Go (2)

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Why is space important?

How to give someone space and time

Are you invading someone’s space?

How to ask for space

How to focus on yourself

How to give someone space when you don’t want to

Becoming a better partner

“I need some space.”

These four words can send your heart racing. Did you do something wrong? Is it something you said? Are you about to break up?

But knowing how to give someone space is a normal part of a healthy relationship. According to a recent slew of surveys, 10 percent of adults in the U.S., Canada, Western Europe, New Zealand, and Australia “live apart together.”

But what about other types of relationships? It turns out that sometimes we need space from friends, family, and, yes, coworkers. Weirdly, we rarely tell coworkers and friends we need some space — at least not directly.

Yet if there are long-term partners who choose not to live together, it makes sense that we can keep important relationships and ask for space. We can learn from these examples of keeping their distance to maintain autonomy while valuing their partners.

The core principle is the same: everyone needs space sometimes. And some of us need more space than others.

When we set healthy boundaries in relationships, we maintain our independence and sense of self. We free ourselves to connect with friends, pursue our hobbies, and take care of ourselves.

These are all important kinds of self-care that can help your relationship in the long run.

Now you have to figure out how to give someone space healthily. This can be tricky and requires lots of communication, but these conversations are necessary and will benefit you both in the long run.

Why is space important?

Personal space goes beyond romantic relationships. You might feel agitated after spending too much time with a friend, coworkers, or family. Sometimes distance is necessary when someone feels like “too much.” And that may have nothing to do with them — your social battery might be at 0%.

When you or a friend communicate a need for space, it’s not bad. It just means you need time to recoup to be a better friend to them.And if they refuse to leave you alone, they might have their own issues to work through. Sometimes low self-esteem, lack of control in life, or anxiety is at the heart of clinginess.

What “space” actually means

If someone asks you for space, they don’t love you. We know anxiety might try to convince you of that, but it’s not true. They just need time to indulge in other things that make them happy or recharge.

When you take a step back, you give them the gift of:

  • Autonomy
  • Control over themselves
  • Freedom for self-care
  • A stronger sense of self
  • Self-confidence
  • Empowerment
  • Free time
  • Improved well-being

And, most of all, you give them trust. You trust that they care about you and will be there when you need them — even if they need space.

How to give someone space and time

Here’s how to give someone space without losing them:

1. Ask how much time they need

Knowing there’s a time limit can help you relax if you’re nervous. You won’t have to be apart forever. Do they just need an evening to recuperate, or do they need a few days to get their stress under control?

This is also a great way to validate their feelings and request. It’s difficult to muster up the courage to set a boundary. When you ask how much time they need, you’re telling them it’s okay.

How to Give Someone Space: It’s Time to Let Go (3)

2. Find out what “space” looks like

“Space” can mean a lot of things. Maybe they need an evening per week to watch Netflix on their own, travel for a week, or go out with friends more often.

They may also be referring to “emotional space.” For example, if you have a habit of trying to fix their problems, they might need you to let them figure it out.

3. Don’t ask for an explanation

You might feel hurt or rejected. But asking why they need alone time will make things worse. If they already feel like they need space, this will only make them feel more smothered.

They may explain themselves without you asking. In this case, listen actively and without judgment. Otherwise, don’t press the subject. You aren’t entitled to their reasoning.

4. Thank them for communicating their needs

Gratitude shows them that you support their needs, personal goals, and interests.

5. Honor their request

Once you commit to giving space, don’t go back on your promise. Assure them that your relationship will be fine, even if you take time away from it.

6. Encourage them to do their favorite things

It might have been a while since they asked for space. Encourage them to get back to some of the things they love. This will help them feel like they’re free to pursue their goals.

7. Avoid constant texting

Smartphones, social media, and messaging apps make it easy to communicate, even when you’re not in the same room. Think about how much you’ve initiated contact lately. If it’s too often, it might be time to stop texting so much. Let them come to you when they’re ready.

8. Do your own thing

Sometimes, if you get too involved in your relationship, you neglect your own interests. What did you do for fun before you met this person? Maybe some space will reacquaint you with old hobbies.

9. Feel what you need to feel

You might be surprised or hurt that they’re asking for space. Take some time to process those emotions. Writing in a journal or meditating can help you let go of that negative energy and refrain from taking it personally.

10. Do something fun before disconnecting

This is a tip on how to give space without being distant: Do one of your favorite activities together before taking time apart. Spending time will give you something fun to remember until you see each other next.

Are you invading someone’s space?

Someone in your life might need breathing space but is afraid to tell you about it.

And some people are afraid of giving space at all. This usually happens due to a fear of abandonment. This person may have previously set boundaries, only to experience a negative consequence.

You might even share that fear. If you have an anxious attachment style, you probably cling to people who are close to you. If that’s the case, you might unconsciously take up too much space.

It’s crucial to get to the root of your fears to improve your mental health and be a better friend.

How to Give Someone Space: It’s Time to Let Go (4)

Here are signs you might be contributing to an unhealthy or toxic relationship:

  • They only like what you like. This is a sign they might not have the time or energy to pursue their own interests.
  • They do the bare minimum in conversation. When you talk to them, they never offer opinions of their own. They also give short answers.
  • They have closed body language. If you’re talking to them and their arms or legs are crossed, it indicates not being receptive to your presence.
  • They seem codependent on you. Are they constantly checking in? Always asking for your approval? You might be too deep into their lives.
  • They change their schedule. To avoid confrontation and the risk of hurting you, they must change their schedule to take time out of the day for themselves.
  • They hide where they’re going. They might not feel you would give them this space willingly.

If you think you might be taking too much space, ask them about it. When you initiate the conversation, you communicate that it’s okay for them to set boundaries and you care enough about this person to respect them.

Self-awareness is important in relationships at home and at work. BetterUp can help you cultivate this skill. We can help you do Inner Work® to take your relationships to the next level.

How to ask for space

Are you the one asking for space? This can be a difficult and vulnerable experience. Here are some tips to help you set boundaries:

1. Explain what space looks like to you

This will prevent the other person from jumping to conclusions about what you want. And, whether you need a little space or a lot, your needs are valid. Just communicate them clearly. Your partner, friends, or family can’t give you something you aren’t asking for.

2. Use “I” statements

For example, “I need space because I need time to take care of myself.” This reassures the person that it’s not about them — it’s about meeting your own needs.

3. Come to an agreement

It’s important to have a conversation about what you both need and work out what the “ideal” is for you both. It’s less about having everything you hoped for and more about being on the same page.

4. Use an individuals-first approach

You were whole people before you entered each other’s lives. As much as you care for each other, you shouldn’t blend into the same person. Space is a way to avoid this outcome.

How to focus on yourself

How to Give Someone Space: It’s Time to Let Go (5)

Whether you’re asking for space or being asked, it might have been a while since you had time to yourself. Here are some tips to focus on own life:

  1. Spend time doing things you love
  2. Practice self-compassion
  3. Create a self-care plan
  4. Clarify and pursue your goals
  5. Learn more about yourself
  6. Take time for physical exercise
  7. Spend time with loved ones, friends, and family

It’s important to be comfortable being alone.

How to give someone space when you don’t want to

It might be scary, but giving your partner space is important for you and your relationship. Here are some steps to overcome your fears about giving someone space:

How to Give Someone Space: It’s Time to Let Go (6)

  1. Be honest with yourself. It’s okay to feel the way you do. But you’ll have to find out why temporarily losing someone’s attention causes so much pain.
  2. Let go. Once you understand the root of your feelings, learn to reframe them. Remember that past experiences don’t dictate your present.
  3. Forgive yourself. You might feel shame over these feelings. Don’t! This kind of self-work is difficult, and you’re slowly making improvements. Forgive yourself so you can make room for more improvement in your life.

If the fear of abandonment is too extreme, consider seeking professional help. Therapists can help you identify and overcome your fears.

Becoming a better partner

Giving someone space is an act of love and compassion. It shows that you trust and value them for who they are. Giving them space will help them get reacquainted with themselves and deepen your bond.

If you have trouble giving space, you might have your own unresolved issues. Learning how to give someone space is an opportunity for self-improvement.

BetterUp can help you along the way. We’ll offer guidance as you discover more about yourself. Using Inner Work® techniques, you can make the changes need to live a better life.

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Published June 23, 2022

How to Give Someone Space: It’s Time to Let Go (2024)


How to Give Someone Space: It’s Time to Let Go? ›

It is better to be vague but honest than tell a white lie. If they ask why you need space, say "I'm busy", "I need to spend more time on ______", etc. Be nice about it and don't say “go away!” or be harsh or inconsiderate. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

How do you give someone space without losing them? ›

Here's how to give someone space without losing them:
  1. Ask how much time they need. ...
  2. Find out what “space” looks like. ...
  3. Don't ask for an explanation. ...
  4. Thank them for communicating their needs. ...
  5. Honor their request. ...
  6. Encourage them to do their favorite things. ...
  7. Avoid constant texting. ...
  8. Do your own thing.
Jun 23, 2022

How do I respond to "I need space text"? ›

5 Things To Do When Your Partner Asks For Space
  1. Ask Them What They Mean By “Space” You're entitled to this answer. ...
  2. Ask Them How Much Time They Need. Saying they need “time” is vague. ...
  3. Don't Cling Harder. ...
  4. Support Them Through This Decision. ...
  5. Know That It Isn't Always About You.

How do you politely tell someone to give you space? ›

It is better to be vague but honest than tell a white lie. If they ask why you need space, say "I'm busy", "I need to spend more time on ______", etc. Be nice about it and don't say “go away!” or be harsh or inconsiderate. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

What do you say when giving someone space? ›

You might say, “I really want to give you the space you need. Can you tell me what space looks like for you so I know what you expect?” For instance, they might want you to stop all contact for a few days. This might include texting, social media, and in-person conversation.

How to give him space when he pulls away? ›

Give him space to breathe and collect his thoughts.

Cut back on texts and calls, and resolve not to meet up with him in person for a while. Space is especially important if he pulls away early in the relationship when you haven't been dating long.

Does needing space mean it's over? ›

A need for personal space doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong with the relationship. Sometimes, partners feel the need to focus on themselves or their own emotional well-being.

Does giving space mean no contact? ›

'Space in a relationship' can mean different things to different couples at different times. To some, it could mean completely cutting all communication ties, while others may see it as reducing the number of times they exchange text messages per day.

Should you text when giving space? ›

Limit the time you spend calling and texting

However, constant texting, calling, and social media might intrude on their time and thoughts when they need space or might make them feel agitated.

How to make someone miss you? ›

10 proven ways to make a guy miss you
  1. Deliberately leave things behind. ...
  2. Give him some personal space. ...
  3. Make him wait before replying his texts. ...
  4. Take things slow. ...
  5. Wear a unique perfume. ...
  6. Add some mystery to your experiences together. ...
  7. Have adventures with him (and your friends)
Jan 18, 2018

How long should you give someone space? ›

Ultimately, this depends on what you and your partner decide is best for your relationship. “Space can be from a couple of hours to a couple of days or weeks,” says Ruiz, though he generally doesn't recommend his clients take longer than 3 to 4 weeks.

How to tell someone you need space without hurting their feelings? ›

Tell her that it's something that you've recognized that you need and not that she did anything to push you away. Talk about the reason you need space and how it affects you so she understands better. “I've always been someone that needs alone time, so I'm not asking because of anything you've said or done.”

How to tell someone to leave you alone professionally? ›

Any statement you make should be clear and concise – and you should be prepared to repeat it. Something like: “I'm going through some difficult stuff right now and I need some privacy while I work things out. I'll get in touch down the road. I appreciate your patience.”

How to give her space without losing her? ›

It's important to respect her request for space and allow her the time she needs. Meanwhile, focus on personal growth and self-improvement. Maintain open communication, and if she shows signs of readiness to reconnect, gradually reintroduce yourself into her life.

Is asking for space a breakup? ›

When your partner announces that they need space, it can set off alarm bells. But it doesn't mean something is wrong or that they want to break up with you.

Does giving someone space ever work? ›

Space can heal a relationship,” explains Jason Polk, a licensed clinical social worker and couples therapist in Denver, Colorado, “especially if the couple is currently toxic or verbally abusive to each other.” That's why some couples therapists might even suggest a break or taking space to a couple.

What does giving space in a relationship mean? ›

Giving space means allowing your partner to have their own time, interests, and independence. It means not being overly possessive or controlling, and allowing your partner to have room to grow and develop as an individual.


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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.