How to create the ultimate backyard environment for your chickens (2024)

I say this time and time again in my workshops and courses, but reducingflock stress and excellent husbandry are the best ways to keep your hens healthy and happy.

Like all animals, chickens have basic needs that need to be met in order to be healthy and live a stress-free and happy life. Get these fundamentals right, and you'll be on your way to chicken success!

Modern backyard chickens haven't lost their foraging instincts. They love nothing more than to scratch and peck and hunt for bugs, or socialise together while dust bathing (more on this later).

A safe, functional, predator proof chicken house is another essential for ayour flock.

So let's take a look at the must-haves for your chickens and how you can create the ultimate environment for them.

The chicken coop or chicken house

How to create the ultimate backyard environment for your chickens (1)

A backyard chicken coop is a safe house or shelter where the chickens can lay their eggs in nesting boxes and perch at night. It doesn’t have to be massive (see below for recommended space), as they prefer to be outdoors during the day.

The chicken run

Achicken run is a fenced-in play yard around or attached to your chicken coop. Some people may call this a 'straw yard'. Unless you are keeping your chickens in a large aviary or a chicken tractor, they are going to need a safe area to roam, scratch and dustbathe during the day. This area should be predator proof, you don't want your hens harmed or frightened by other animals.

Chickens need access from the run to their backyard coop to lay eggs and seek shelter from wind and rain. They also need shade from extreme summer sun.

If you allow your chickens to free-range during the day, a run may not be necessary. But I still recommend you build one as it allows for circ*mstances such as if you're going away on holiday and someone is caring for your birds, orthere's anoutbreak of a disease in your area (which happened in Australia in 2020 and more recently the UK has had 'flock downs') and your birds can’t free-range.

A covered area of the chicken run is also the perfect location for your hens' feeder orautomatic chicken feeder. Typically kept in the run rather than inside the coop, it must be sheltered from the weather and protected from wild birds.

How much space do chickens need?

In the chicken coop

If you have a separate run or straw yard for outdoor daytime activity, your hens willonly need 0.5 m² per bird inside the chicken coop, as they’ll only use it for perching overnight and egg-laying.

The amount of space a hen house should allow each hen is 1 to 3 m² of usable floor space during the day, depending on the size of your hens. Bantams need less space, while large breeds need more.

In the chicken run or backyard

How to create the ultimate backyard environment for your chickens (2)

Chickens love space to spread out and eat, scratch and dust bath. Chickens will have fewer illnesses and behavioural problems when they have more space.

How much yard do you need for chickens? 1m² per bird - minimum. If you allow 3m² per bird, you will have fewer health and behavioural issues.

Ideally, allow them to free-range outside the run during the day or the afternoon.

Chicken house must-haves

What do backyard chickens need? Your chicken house should have the following features:


Cross-ventilation is critical for your backyard chickens’ health in summer and winter, but you also want to protect them fromcold winds.

Facing north

Ideally, position your chicken coop to face north if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere (south for my Northern Hemisphere friends) or east to greet the early morning sun.This keeps the chicken coop dry and avoids the harsh west sun in the afternoon.

Be predator proof (especially fox-proof) and ideally rodent proof

You will find higher populations of foxes inurban than in the rural areas. Foxes are also amazing at climbing and digging.

Also, make sure your chicken housing can prevent rats, mice and sparrows from entering.

Provides protection

Your ladies need adequate coverage from the rain, snow, wind, and summer sun. Make sure it is free of condensation and mould.


Make sure there is enough floor, perch, and nesting box space per bird. See above.

Roosting perches

How to create the ultimate backyard environment for your chickens (3)

Chickens will naturally return to their perches at dusk each day. Perches raised off the ground are essential. Wooden ladders, timber, or thick tree branches are perfect. Allow a minimum of 25cm of perching space per standard hen size.

Silkies area flightless breed of chicken that prefers a height of just 30cm from the ground. However, most other birds don’t mind higher perches. If you have more than one perch, you can make them different heights or keep them the same height. I love using heavy saw horses (such as the Rhino Saw Horse from Bunnings, pictured below) as my perchesbecause they're easy to remove from the coop and clean.

Nesting boxes

Nesting boxes must be lower than the perch, or else chickens will perch in the nesting boxes, and they will soon fill with droppings!

Ideally, the nesting boxes and the nests should be on opposite sides of the chicken house so you can easily clean around the perching area without disturbing the nesting boxes.

Nesting boxes should be around 30cm x 30cm x30cm.

All chicken breeds prefer somewhere dark, cool and quiet to lay their eggs.

My favourite nesting boxes are pet carriers, as they can be easily removed and cleaned. Butyou cancreative with nesting boxes!

Scavenge for old drawers, lawnmower catchers, 44 gallon plastic drums cut in half (pictured below), and old crates. Even a timber square angled against the inside of the chicken coop or house works. They all make terrific options for nesting.

Add Nesting Box Herbs For Chickens to help repel lice, mites and insects in your chickens' nesting boxes. It also has a calming effect on your birds.

Roll-away nesting boxes

These types of nest boxes see the egg roll into a container as soon as the chickens lay. Roll-away nesting boxes are great if egg-eating is a problem. Be aware, though, that they are not set-and-forget – they can become blocked with huge eggs or mud during winter.

What's the best brand of roll-away nesting boxes for backyard chickens?I highly recommend the brand SKA.

How to create the ultimate backyard environment for your chickens (4)

Choice of bedding or litter material

Chickens like to be on soil or bedding that is dry and friable. If their coop or run is wet or smelly, your flock will develop health problems.

When choosing bedding, find something dry with minimal dust. Good options for bedding include washed sand, wood shavings, dry wood mulch or dry leaves, and rice hulls.

Straw is traditional, but mites can house and breed within an individual stalk of straw. Straw can also become soggy, matted and smelly in winter.

Do NOT use hay or pea straw, as these are prone to going mouldy when wet.

Depth of bedding

You have two options:

Option 1

Maintain a thin layer (around 10cm) of bedding and change it regularly—fortnightly or as required. This works for inside small coops.

Option 2

“Deep Litter” is a term used to describe dry bedding that is so thick, it absorbs moisture and droppings. Then, as the chickens continually turn the litter, it composts—keeping bugs and other pathogens at bay.

Deep litter is the best bedding system for chook runs and large coops, but to work, it has to be deep – as in 8-10 inches (24cm). This is a critical error that most people make.

Simply layer around 24-30cm of dry, friable bedding such as chemical-free wood shavings. Wood chips and shavings soak up the rain, absorb manure, and are easy for the chickens to turn.

As your chickens flatten and squash down the bedding, simply add more to maintain depth. Deep Litter bedding should be cleaned out (great compost for the garden) and replaced every 6 months or as needed.

A word of warning! Never use chemically treated timber shavings, even if they are free!

Dust bath

Chooks like nothing more than fluffing and rolling about in a sandy spot.

Backyard chickens do this for natural lice and mite control. It's also a social activity, and reduces flock stress - it's like them going out for coffee!

When free-ranging, your hens will will find a dry spot to dust bathe. If birds can’t free-range, grab a baby bath or kiddy pool and fill it with sandy soil. Add a little sprinkle of yellow dusting sulphur every few months to help deter mites.

Fencing around your yard

How to create the ultimate backyard environment for your chickens (5)

Strongly reinforced wire fencing such as heavy-duty chicken wire can double as a chicken boundary fence and a growing frame for fruiting vines and trees.

But! One chicken loose in your veggie patch can destroy a crop in a short time. A basic rule is to fence either around your chickens or around your garden beds.

How do you stop chickens from flying away? Build your fence to a minimum height of 1.8 m.Even with a fence, light breeds such as Ancona, Hamburgh, and Old English Game bantams may test your fencing, in which case wing trimming is advised; see my blog about behaviour in chickens here.

Location, location, location!

Design your chicken coops to be in the centre of your garden and as user-friendly as possible. Place compost bays and bins inside or next to the chicken enclosure to make it easy to clear out deep litter and turn it into excellent compost.

You can have trees and garden plants around the chicken system, especially those with high feed needs, such as citrus trees and passionfruit vines.

Here is a 2020 video where I talk to local poultry breeder and judge Ian Nash about housing for backyard chickens.

Chicken enrichment ideas

Our understanding of the importance of chicken enrichment, especially for large commercial flocks has never been greater. Chicken enrichment comes back to allowing a chicken to exhibit their natural instincts. While I've seen somebirds enjoy peck toys and chicken swings, many won't engage with them. Themost important enrichment activities for chickens of any age is giving them somewhere to scratch (forage) and dust bathe. According to the RSPCA, in the wild, jungle fowl (the ancestors of most of our chickens) spend a whopping 61% of their time foraging. So prioritise having soil or litter for them to scratch in before adding activities as a treat or bonus! Check out my article onBoredom and weekends away: What to do with your backyard chickens for some practical ideas.

Now you’ve got all the info you need to create the ultimate backyard environment for your chickens. I’d love to see a picture of the finished result!Drop a comment below, tag me onInstagramorFacebook, or send me an email at

Want your chickens to be the healthiest and happiest they can be? I offer backyardchicken workshops,online programs,phone coaching, andin-person supportto families, schools, and free-range egg farmers. Visit myonline shopfor natural, tried-and-tested poultry supplies in Australia.

Grab my free guide,now!

Elise McNamara, Chicken Consultant & Educator.

How to create the ultimate backyard environment for your chickens (2024)


How to create the ultimate backyard environment for your chickens? ›

Chickens like to be on soil or bedding that is dry and friable. If their coop or run is wet or smelly, your flock will develop health problems. When choosing bedding, find something dry with minimal dust. Good options for bedding include washed sand, wood shavings, dry wood mulch or dry leaves, and rice hulls.

What is the best environment for raising chickens? ›

Chickens need a warm, dry and well-ventilated chicken house. This should have: A big enough entrance - this should allow your chickens to pass through easily without having to crouch.

How do I set up my backyard for chickens? ›

Backyard chickens need to have a shelter (a coop) that provides adequate space, protection from the elements and predators, and good ventilation. A modified shed, barn, or stable with an outdoor run is a good option for a coop. You can also purchase ready-made coops or build your own.

How to make chickens stay in your yard? ›

Chickens are natural homebodies.

Chickens love to forage, but they also have an instinct to stay close to the protected roost provided for them and reliable sources of food and water. So if they do stray, it probably won't be far. A well-maintained coop and a consistently full feeder are key.

What is the best thing to put on the floor of a chicken coop? ›

Concrete is ideal as it is easy to clean and prevents pests or predators from digging underneath. Strong, galvanised or stainless steel aviary mesh is also suitable along with concrete pavers. Wooden boards can also work but must be supported above ground level to avoid any rot.

What do chickens like to do the most? ›

Chickens love to forage, so providing any sort of litter for them to forage through is a great amusem*nt. Fresh litter in the coop, piles of mulch or leaves, hay bales etc. all provide a new, exciting scratching opportunity! If you want to raise the stakes, hide food and treats in the litter.

How do backyard chickens survive winter? ›

On sunny days, chickens will position themselves to absorb the sun's warmth, and on cold nights, they will huddle together in a tight group to share body heat. Chickens can even slightly lower their internal metabolism to better resist cold snaps.

How many chickens do I need for a dozen eggs a week? ›

Planning for Egg Production Per Week

If you wanted to get about a dozen eggs per week, you would need between 3 to 5 laying hens. For two dozen eggs a week, you would need to double those numbers for a flock size of between 6 to 10 laying hens.

How do I keep my backyard chickens entertained? ›

Hang up a CD – hens love shiny things much like budgies like mirrors. By hanging up some CDs around the run or garden, your hens can have lots of fun. Add mirrors to their run – chickens are fascinated with pretty much anything that moves, including their own reflections.

What smell do chickens hate? ›

As with deer, however, there are plenty of herbs that can be incorporated into the landscape that chickens will avoid. These include: borage, calendula (pot marigold), catnip, chives, feverfew, lavender, marjoram, Mexican sage, peppermint and spearmint, rosemary, sage, salvias, St. John's wort, tansy and yarrow.

What do chickens hate to walk on? ›

Most chickens don't like the pungent smell of strong spices, so they will tend to avoid areas that reek of them. If a chicken does wander onto spice-covered ground, the spices will coat the bottom of its feet and create a burning or tingling sensation.

How do you train chickens to not run away? ›

How to Keep Chickens from Escaping Your Yard
  1. Use a Chicken Run. ...
  2. Clip Their Wings. ...
  3. Provide Adequate Space and Environment. ...
  4. Secure the Base of Your Fence. ...
  5. Minimize Attractants Outside the Yard. ...
  6. Training and Behavioral Considerations. ...
  7. Install Reliable Fencing. ...
  8. Bottom Line.

How often should you clean the chicken coop? ›

How often you should be cleaning a chicken coop? You should provide fresh food and fresh water every day, and you should clean the bedding out once a week or once a month(the deeper the bedding layer the less often you have to clean it out). It's best practice to do a total clean-out at least twice a year.

How cold is too cold for a chicken? ›

The answer is - it depends. Chickens are comfortable at temperatures as low as 40-45 degrees Fahrenheit but can withstand subzero temperatures with a draft-free shelter. However, it is important to note that the actual temperature tolerance of chickens depends on various factors such as breed, age and overall health.

How often should you change the bedding in a chicken coop? ›

Typically, a complete change of straw is done every week to ensure that your coop remains relatively clean and odor-free. But we understand that some add straw to a mixture of other bedding options (i.e. hemp) with straw for a deep litter method.

Where is the best place to put chickens? ›

Most chicken keepers choose to have a coop and a run. A chicken run is a fenced-off area where the chickens are able to free-range. The coop provides shelter, while the run provides space to forage. There are many benefits to having a coop and run.

What is the best environment for laying hens? ›

Free-range systems provide the highest welfare potential for laying hens. A good laying hen housing system should provide a rich and stimulating environment which allows for the expression of a wide range of behaviours. Perching, foraging, nesting and dustbathing are all behaviours that need to be fully provided for.

What is the healthy environment for chickens? ›

Provide a safe and secure coop and outdoor run.

Your chickens will thrive in a well-ventilated, draft-free, and dry coop that has adequate space for them to comfortably move around. The coop should include nest boxes for each hen to lay eggs and a roosting area for chickens to sleep.

What chickens don't do well in cold weather? ›

Not all breeds of chickens will handle cold weather the same. Heavier breeds such as Plymouth Rock, Wyandotte, Ameraucana and Orpington over-winter well. Smaller breeds have less feathering, or have large combs and wattles and may need extra care to stay warm, maintain body weight and keep healthy during cold weather.


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.