Homesteading For Beginners | Your Homestead Quick Start Guide | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | (2024)

Time to learn homesteading for beginners. Want to know how to homestead? If you want to know how to start homesteading, keep reading for ourhomestead quick-start guide!

Homesteading For Beginners | Your Homestead Quick Start Guide | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | (1)

Homestead Quick-Start Guide

If you've come to the decision that you want to transition your life and lifestyle to a homestead, I would first of all like to congratulate you. You have taken the first essential step towards an amazingly rewarding life for yourself and your family, and yet another towards the fruitful and healthful practice of raising your own food and becoming more self sufficient.

Also See: 133 Homesteading Skills For The Modern Day Homesteader

By self-sufficient, I don't even mean going off grid: you don't have to bore a well and install solar power, though if you can, that's awesome. What I am talking about is reducing your reliance on the grocery store, knowing what's in your food, and all round just feeding your family more healthfully. Teaching a child to provide for themselves is a lesson in independence and responsibility – and everyone knows that digging int he dirt is good for you!

So many people have concerns about the physical and ethical treatment of food animals within the commercial system that the allure of raising your own or buying local is growing consistently. There are farmers markets in just about every town, and locally grown meat – be it beef, pork, lamb or chicken – from small farms is ever easier to source.

Homesteading For Beginners | Your Homestead Quick Start Guide | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | (2)

Towns and cities across the US are having their ordinances banning backyard chickens challenged, as people embrace the trend towards home grown eggs. Remember there's no rules about what constitutes a homestead; anyone who is taking charge of their food sources and providing for themselves qualifies in my book; whether on a quarter of an acre or on a hundred acres! Just bear in mind: chickens are often heralded as ‘the gateway drug' to homesteading, and there's a huge truth to that!

Homesteading For Beginners | Your Homestead Quick Start Guide | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | (3)

As a seller of both meat and dairy animals, increasingly I see people questioning the nutritive value of the milk they are buying from the store, and questioning the sources of allergies and intolerances. Often in their journey from cow milk through soy, almond and rice milk, they eventually stumble upon raw goat milk. Genuine, farm-raised raw goat milk is the best tasting milk in the world, and it's but a small step for those able to do so to decide to keep a small milk goat in their yard. Then, like the potato chip analogy, you can't just have one. And that's how it begins.

Homesteading For Beginners | Your Homestead Quick Start Guide | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | (4)

Ultimately, if you enjoy your homestead and are successful in your growing farm, you might even be able to offer a few animals for sale, or set up a table at a market for fresh vegetables or eggs. Selling your produce is a great way to offset some of your feed or medical costs, and quality, appropriately priced stock is always going to sell well, whether as breeding animals or as cull / freezer fillers.

Homesteading is hard work, requires a strong constitution and often means giving up vacations and out of town trips, but I promise you, you're going to have the best time of your life!

The first and most important thing you need to do, before you even think about going any further, is to identify exactly what you want from your homestead.

Do you plan to go ‘full service', raising meat, dairy and vegetables, or some other combination? This is often dictated by the property you are using: are you staying where you are, or buying a new piece of land?

If you are staying where you are, assess your property carefully.

Homesteading For Beginners | Your Homestead Quick Start Guide | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | (5)

I have had the frustrating experience of trying desperately to shove a square peg into a round hole on a thoroughly inappropriate property and, while it was only for a year while we found our dream farm, it was a tough year. Be realistic about your property and its capacity. For example, I was living deep in the dense woods, with no pasture, surrounded by mountain laurel, trying to maintain and grow my dairy goat herd. Falling trees and branches were constantly destroying my fences, goats were escaping and getting into the mountain laurel, and my feed and hay bills were outrageous. It was a challenging year for everyone.

If you plan to move to a new property, decide what you want first, and then search for a property that suits you needs.

This is a long term decision, so don't rush it. It's hard, but think with your head instead of your heart. It's easy to fall in love with a house or property, and think you'll make some imperfection “work”, but you've got a lot of hard work ahead of you, so don't make it harder. Location (especially relating to agriculturally zoned land and surrounding residentally zone properties), expenses relating to a variety of issues from property taxes to work needing to be done on the house to make it reasonably habitable – these all need to be taken into consideration. As a real life example, when we bought our property, we instantly fell in love with the acreage, the pasture and the barn. We paid very little attention to the house, apart from the fact that it was standing, had a roof and was in dire need of a really, really good clean. We figured we could live with the fact that one of the two bathrooms was unusable, the windows were all single paned, and there was no heat or air. None of this seemed like a big issue in the first flush of true love, but I can tell you, that was a miserable first winter. There was ice on the insides of the windows, and at night we all huddled in the one small room that we could afford to heat with an electric space heater. And I had a six month old… not the best fun I've ever had. The second winter we could afford to install a wood stove, and all that is now a distant memory. I offer it up as a learning experience!

Start small.

The temptation to be like a kid in a candy store is enormous, but it's also very easy to become overwhelmed, especially if yo are new to raising animals. Each type and breed is rife with its own set of issues, and it's really best to get a good hold of one before you move on to the next. Lots of the things you learn will be transferable, so don't be discouraged. I began initially with chickens; learning about the power of predators, good nutrition, and parasites. I also started with a small 12×6′ garden, and I now plant 2500sqft each year.

Find a mentor!

If you are venturing into a specific breed of livestock, be it goats, sheep or cows, a mentor who is familiar with that breed and their foibles – some may have specific nutritional requirements or parasite vulnerabilities, or you may need to be making educated decisions regarding breeding choices – and having someone to turn to is invaluable.

Join a group, even if it's just on Facebook.

You're going to have a million questions, and the support of a non-judgmental group (they are out there, find one!) will make any problems you have so much easier. You'll also learn time saving shortcuts, and medical knowledge that you can use to avoid calling the vet out for every minor ailment.

Before you acquire any kind of livestock, find a local vet who treats them, and register.

The first time you need a vet will be at 9pm on a Saturday night, or on Labor Day, and vets often won't do emergency calls for non-clients.

You're never more certain to encounter the circle of life than on a homestead.

Deaths, whether it be to illness, old age or accidents, will happen. If you have young children who have never experienced this, decide in advance how you plan to handle it. It can be hard to think straight in the heat and sadness of the moment and little ones are sure to have questions.

Good fences make for happy homesteaders.

Homesteading For Beginners | Your Homestead Quick Start Guide | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | (6)

Both in terms of keep what's yours in, and what's not yours out. Stray dogs are destructive predators, and will take any kind of livestock out, from a chicken to a goat, to a calf. And if they can't take them down, they'll run them til they drop. So make sure BEFORE you acquire stock that your fences are watertight. As the old saying goes, fences should be horse high, hog tight and bull strong. Personally, I find my larger animals (horses and alpacas) way easier to keep contained than my Nigerian Dwarf goats.

Click here To Learn How to Install a Chain Link Fence

Homesteading For Beginners | Your Homestead Quick Start Guide | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | (7)

Where there are animals there will be predators.

Homesteading For Beginners | Your Homestead Quick Start Guide | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | (8)

Whether it's a possum after your birds, or a coyote pack stalking your lambs, you're going to need to address the issue. Fences, unless they are electrified effectively, aren't going to keep coyotes out, so you might want to consider a Livestock Guardian of some kind. Donkey, llamas and dogs are often used to keep predators at bay.

Homesteading For Beginners | Your Homestead Quick Start Guide | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | (9)

Preserve your bounty.

Homesteading For Beginners | Your Homestead Quick Start Guide | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | (10)

Life will be super busy during spring, summer and fall as you plant, tend, harvest and milk, but during the down months of winter, you'll be super happy you preserved, canned and froze. Home canned goods are summer in a jar.

Click here to learn more about canning.

Always plan ahead.

There's an aspect of homesteading that means that you're always looking ahead to tomorrow: breeding need to take place so that kidding / lambing / calving takes place at the appropriate time, eggs must be collected to be hatched in 21 days, seeds are planted to germinate and grow when conditions are optimal… bear this in mind always. But never, ever forget to enjoy today.

Need more tips on how to start homesteading? Watch this video on how to start a homestead from scratch from Becky's Homestead:

What do you think of these homesteading tips? Let us know in the comments section what your thoughts are on this guide on how to start homesteading. Will you give it a try? Let us know how it went and share your experience with us in the comment section below.

Have any homesteading projects you’d like to share? Share it with us an we’ll give it a try. We’d love to know what you think!

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Homesteading For Beginners | Your Homestead Quick Start Guide | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | (2024)


How to become a homesteader with no money? ›

10 steps to start homesteading, on the cheap
  1. Simplify your life. This would be the first thing to do when you want to start homesteading. ...
  2. Make homesteading friends. ...
  3. Start gardening. ...
  4. Preserve what you grow and what you gather. ...
  5. Learn to sew. ...
  6. Get starts from other people. ...
  7. Plan ahead. ...
  8. Cheap chickens.

How many acres do you need to start a homestead? ›

For the average family of four, you can expect to grow a year's worth of food on three to five acres. We really do think that five acres is the sweet spot because it allows you to stack your animals and really utilize permaculture practices. One acre for gardens, perennials and fruit trees.

Is there money in homesteading? ›

Making money on a homestead is a great way to help cover expenses and have extra income to finance improvements to your property. With hard work and dedication, working on the homestead can become a full-time gig. Here, we will outline 12 homesteading business ideas and provide guidance for beginning the journey.

Is there still free land to homestead in the United States? ›

The Homestead Act was repealed in the 48 contiguous states in 1976 and in Alaska 10 years later. But you can still find towns offering free land to would-be residents who want to relocate on a shoestring budget and can meet homebuilding and other requirements.

How to afford living on a homestead? ›

How Do People Afford Homesteading?
  1. Get Out of Debt (and Stay Out!)
  2. Make Your Own Skin and Hair Products.
  3. Grow Your Own Microgreens.
  4. Make Your Own Soap.
  5. Create a Meal Plan.
  6. Learn About Herbal Remedies.
  7. Make Coffee at Home.
  8. Start Growing Your Own Food.

What state is the best to start a homestead? ›

Oregon is one of the best states for homesteading because of its great climate and water supply. It's known as a state for homestead farmers because of the many benefits the state offers. From low property taxes to a large farming community, over 30,000 small farms reside in Oregon.

How do I start off the grid in homestead? ›

How to build an off-grid life for yourself
  1. Find low-cost or free land. ...
  2. Construct a cabin or tiny house. ...
  3. Grow your own food. ...
  4. Fish responsibly. ...
  5. Forage for edible plants. ...
  6. Collect and filter water. ...
  7. Generate energy through renewable means. ...
  8. Swap goods and services.

How do you turn your home into a homestead? ›

Filing a homestead declaration typically requires three steps.
  1. Complete a homestead declaration form.
  2. Sign your declaration in front of a notary.
  3. Record the homestead declaration form with your county recorder's office. County Recorders' offices will typically charge a per sheet recording fee.

What type of land is best for homesteading? ›

But homesteads can work well on wooded acreage! Pigs can flourish in wooded properties. Of course, you can clear out some of that land. Perhaps the land is an overgrown old pasture that's never been maintained.

What is a micro homestead? ›

Have you heard of micro-farming? Well, a micro homestead is similar. Micro-farming is defined as a farm that's five acres or less. Micro homesteading has a more subjective meaning that can range from growing vegetables, raising livestock, or just having productive and aesthetic permaculture.

How much land does it take to feed one person for a year? ›

So while there are many variables and lots of imprecision when answering “How much land is needed to feed a person,” for today's American diet, with today's agricultural system, I'll stick with about one acre.

Is homesteading illegal in the US? ›

Between 1862 and 1934, the federal government granted 1.6 million homesteads and distributed 270,000,000 acres (420,000 sq mi) of federal land for private ownership. This was a total of 10% of all land in the United States. Homesteading was discontinued in 1976, except in Alaska, where it continued until 1986.

What are the disadvantages of homesteading? ›

Cons of Buying Homestead Property:
  • Limitations on Property Usage: Homestead laws often impose restrictions on the use and development of the property. ...
  • Reduced Mobility: Homestead property typically requires a certain level of commitment, as it may limit your ability to relocate or sell the property easily.

How do I make money with my property? ›

How To Make Money In Real Estate: A Guide For Beginners
  1. Leverage Appreciating Value. Most real estate appreciates over time. ...
  2. Buy And Hold Real Estate For Rent. ...
  3. Flip A House. ...
  4. Purchase Turnkey Properties. ...
  5. Invest In Real Estate. ...
  6. Make The Most Of Inflation. ...
  7. Refinance Your Mortgage.

How do I become a modern homesteader? ›

Modern homesteading refers to a self-sufficient lifestyle—living autonomously, with minimum help from others. In a nutshell, it includes subsistence agriculture, renewable energy sources when possible, home preservation of food, zero-waste living, and, depending on your skills, even homeschooling, and craftwork.

What makes you a homesteader? ›

Homesteading is a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. It is characterized by subsistence agriculture, home preservation of food, and may also involve the small scale production of textiles, clothing, and craft work for household use or sale.

What is a job of a homesteader? ›

Daily chores include: Chopping wood. Feeding and looking after animals. Tending central boiler during the cold months. Cooking meals.


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.