Growing Vegetables – It Grows in Alaska (2024)

Adventures in Seed Starting

Embarrassingly, given my job title, I’m terrible at starting seeds indoors. I blame it partially on my travel schedule and not being able to give the little seedlings the love and attention they deserve. It could also be because I have not been willing to buy the proper setup to start seeds. Maybe it is because I am not a perfectionist, and some indoor seed starting can be a bit tedious. Or it could be because I’m short on time.

I do pretty well throwing seeds in the ground (direct seeding) once the soil is warm enough. But my direct seeding technique would also benefit from more precision in that I would need to do less thinning and would likely have more productive crops overall as well. I’m looking at you carrots!

I am also a good customer at our local greenhouses and happily (mostly) pay for the cost of transplants, knowing it has saved me a lot of time, effort and failed attempts.

But this year, I wanted to give preseason seed starting my best effort. I tried four ways of starting seeds, first planting them on April 3rd because that’s when I had time.

  1. Traditional seed-starting soil with a heat mat
  2. Peat pellets
  3. Hydroponically (Aerogarden)
  4. Winter sowing

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Too Much or Not Enough Zucchini? A Matter of Perspective.

When you’re planning your garden–how much zucchini do you need? When I was a kid, I hated zucchini except when it was covered up in zucchini bread. Maybe because it was so bountiful and we ate so much of it at certain times of year. Maybe it was because often it ended up as a soggy mush in a stir-fry.

Growing Vegetables – It Grows in Alaska (1)

Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate and hope for a bumper crop of all types of squash. Maybe it’s because I’ve found tastier varieties like Costata Romanesco, an heirloom type with a sturdier texture and nuttier taste or summer squash with a more neutral taste than zucchini. Also, I’ve learned there is a big difference between the gargantuan zucchinis I grew up eating and the more petite sizes that optimize taste and texture. This resource is helpful if you want to choose best squash varieties for where you live.

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Herbs—Easy to Grow, so Many Ways to Use

In the summer, there’s no reason to settle for dry, colorless herbs that may have been in your cupboard just a little too long. Simply trot out to your backyard herb garden, ideally as close as possible to your kitchen, and snip your herbs as needed. Another advantage? They’re a great thing to grow in a small space.

Growing Vegetables – It Grows in Alaska (2)

In the winter, herbs are one of the easiest edible plants to grow indoors as well. You’ll need grow lights and some type of aeroponic or hydroponic system also helps.

What herbs lack in calorie count and volume, they make up for in flavor and variety. In addition to a wide range of herbs like basil or Perilla (shiso), there are many, many varieties of each herb. For example, there are sweet basil, purple basil, lemon basil and on it goes.

Growing Vegetables – It Grows in Alaska (3)

Here, purple basil is interplanted with calendula and fox glove. Purple basil is tasty, but pesto made with purple basil is very unappetizing looking.

Give herbs similar growing conditions that you would give vegetables—neutral pH, sunny location and well-drained, fertile soiland they will thrive. But there are several ways that herbs differ from growing vegetables. One big difference is that you’ll generally only need to grow one or two plants, unless it’s something like basil that you like to eat a lot of. Continue reading

Growing Winter Squash and Pumpkins in Interior Alaska

Growing Vegetables – It Grows in Alaska (4)

My sisters and I (far left) reluctantly helping harvest more zucchini in our Fairbanks garden. Photo by Maggi Rader.

I grew up in Fairbanks eating much more zucchini than any kid should have to. Of course I never minded when it masqueraded as bread peppered with chocolate chips. These days, kids in Fairbanks are lucky–they also get to enjoy winter squash and pumpkins which is becoming a much more feasible crop across Alaska.

Indisputably, the most knowledgeable and experienced winter squash and pumpkin grower in Fairbanks is Virgil Severns. He has grown the crop for over 30 years with his wife Anne and recently published a pamphlet on the topic. I wondered what attracted him to the crop originally and he said, “The thing that got me started really, years ago, the experiment station and the plant materials center offered a bunch of seeds and so I got some of those seeds and I planted them and they did well so it got me started growing squash.”

The pamphlet explains which varieties will grow best in Interior Alaska and cautions that some types (acorn, butternut, delicata, and sweet dumpling) are sensitive to our long days and as a result, do not produce female flowers in time for the fruits to mature. Continue reading

Growing Carrots in Alaska

Carrots, especially fresh Alaska grown carrots, are unmatched in taste and texture. A favorite of kids and adults alike, they’re excellent raw, in soups or stews, roasted, or even fermented. Carrot tops can also be eaten. I like to use them to make broth, juice, and pesto.

Growing Vegetables – It Grows in Alaska (5)

With proper thinning, and well-drained, loose soil, carrots thrive in Alaska. The biggest challenge with growing them is probably getting the spacing right and keeping them weeded. Carrot seeds are tiny so you almost always have to thin after they emerge. Some people like to use seed tape or a seeder and pelleted seeds to get their spacing just right—or even a paper-pot transplanter. But if you don’t plant thickly enough and you have poor germination rates, you’ll also have low yields. Germination can also take quite a few days (about two weeks, and longer in cooler soils). During this time, you have to ensure the seeds stay consistently moist. I like to cover the seeds with frost cloth to hold the moisture in and provide some extra warmth. I learned this trick from a farmer in Homer, Alaska. Unfortunately, while your carrots take their sweet time to emerge, weeds are eager to grow and soak up the water and nutrients intended for your carrots. Continue reading

Growing Turnips, Radishes, and Rutabagas in Alaska

The Brassicaceae family includes a bunch of vegetables that grow super well in Alaska’s often cool weather. Some examples are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, turnips, daikon radishes, radishes and rutabagas. I’m going to talk about a few of the below-ground or root brassica vegetables now.

Growing Vegetables – It Grows in Alaska (6)

You can eat turnips and their greens. Left, photo by Glenna Gannon; right, photo by J.R. Ancheta.

When you think of a radish, you probably think of a small, round, radish (red on the outside and white on the inside) commonly sold in grocery stores. These mature super quickly — in under three weeks. Examples of this type of radish are Cherriette or Cherry Belle. But radishes come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Some are long and cylindrical while some are short and stubby. Some are purple and some are white. Daikon radishes are the biggest radishes. They are white and spicy and make a good addition to kimchi or Korean sauerkraut. Here is a nice comparison chart of specialty radishes. At the Fairbanks Experiment Farm, we trialed just a few Daikon radishes in 2017 and found that Alpine and Summer Cross No. 3 grew big and long respectively. Continue reading

Growing Beets in Alaska

Beets are a versatile, tasty and nutritious root vegetable. Apparently, like cilantro, some people have a strong aversion to beets. You can eat both the root and greens of the beet. Beets are delicious steamed, roasted, pickled or fermented, and they also store well in a root cellar.

Growing Vegetables – It Grows in Alaska (7)

Heidi Rader shows off beets from the variety trials in Fairbanks. Photo by Glenna Gannon.

In 2018 vegetable variety trials in Fairbanks, in descending order, Zeppo, Boro, Subeto, Pablo, Red Ace, Detroit Dark Red, Robin and Merlin yields were significantly higher than Falcon, Early Blood Turnip and Lutz Green Leaf. Zeppo was the highest-yielding variety at an average of 2.1 pounds/row feet. The higher-yielding varieties also had correspondingly high ratings in other areas, including plant vigor, bolting sensitivity and uniformity. The average size of Boro, Subeto and Zeppo beets (all hybrids) were over 5 ounces in 2018! Continue reading

Growing Peas in Alaska

My favorite type of pea is snap peas eaten fresh off the vine—a perennial kid favorite too. I’ve never intentionally grown shelling peas. I prefer growing things where I can eat most of what I grow—like with kale as opposed to Brussels Sprouts. Why give yourself the extra work of not only growing the pod but also shelling it? Maybe I’m just lazy because I don’t clean leaves and stems from my berries either. I guess if you have a dish you like that calls for shelled peas, then I would understand why you would do it. Then there are snow peas where the entire pod is eaten. Their distinguishing feature is that they are flat, sometimes very large pods. So the basic categories of peas are snap, shelling, and snow but there are some grey areas.

Growing Vegetables – It Grows in Alaska (8)

I had a bumper crop of Sugar Ann Snap peas one year when I had beautiful, deep, moist silt loam.

One of the confusing things about garden crops is the somewhat fuzzy categories that have been developed and how they don’t always best describe the varieties or types that are being grown. Julie Riley wrote an excellent article on peas, and has some good ideas for how pea categories could better be described. Strawberries are another good example of wonky categories that I have written about before.Julie also talks about the importance of planting peas early and knowing what type of pea you’re growing so that you harvest at the right time. Continue reading

All About Alliums—Knowing Your Onions, Shallots, Garlic and Leeks

Alliums are the vegetables we can’t do without–onions, garlic, chives, leeks, and shallots. They are so called because they belong to the genus Allium. We add them to pizza and pasta, soups and stir-fries, and Thai and Indian cuisine. So why not make some space for alliums in your garden this year?

Growing Vegetables – It Grows in Alaska (9)

Siberian Onions growing in the Georgeson Botanical Garden in Fairbanks, Alaska.

They are easy to grow but you must first know how to start them. There are several ways.

You can plant onions, shallots, leeks, chives, and Siberian onions from seed. Garlic, on the other hand, does not produce fertile seed so you must plant garlic cloves. Seeds should be started inside about 10 weeks before transplanting outdoors.

But seeds aren’t your only option. I don’t have the patience for starting alliums from seed so I buy sets or dormant plant bundles which can be planted directly outside and show visible, daily growth. Sets are dried, half-grown or baby onions. If growing onions, shallots, or leeks, you can grow them from semi-dried or dormant plants that come in bundles of about 50 or 60 plants. If kept cool and dry, you have up to one week before they need to be planted. You can also buy live transplants, but this is likely more expensive than sets or dormant plants. Continue reading

Asparagus is Worth a Try in a Warm, Sunny Garden

Rhubarb patches are common in Alaskans’ backyards, but not asparagus patches. Like rhubarb, asparagus is an edible perennial and, if not quite as reliable or prolific as rhubarb, is certainly one to consider. The beauty of perennials is that once they’re established, they’re relatively easy to maintain and you’ll be harvesting them around the time you’re planting annual vegetable crops. Perennials do require more upfront work than annuals.

Growing Vegetables – It Grows in Alaska (10)

Asparagus ferns at the Georgeson Botanical Garden in Fairbanks, Alaska.

In 1995 Pat Holloway described asparagus as “finicky” in Fairbanks and I asked her recently if this was still true. She said yes and explained: “Warmer winters are one thing, but they are like peonies–they need snow cover. We have had spectacular successes on our warm south-facing slopes until we lose the snow then everything is wiped out. If we keep getting these 40 below spells, and there is no snow–not good. At my house–1000 ft elevation, I can’t grow it worth a darn even though I rarely get to minus 25. I get these wimpy stalks that make great feathery fillers, but not much else. They survive, but just barely. I think it is worth trying on the good, warm sites, but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t work.” See what a difference a high tunnel in Homer, Alaska makes in how well asparagus grows in Homer, Alaska.

There have been just a couple asparagus trials done in Alaska that I’m aware of–in the 90’s by Pat Holloway and more recently the Alaska Plant Materials Center starting in 2014. Most of the varieties trialed in the 90s aren’t readily available anymore. Jersey Giant was one of the top performers in these earlier trials and in 2014 so that is probably a good bet. Compared with crowns planted in the same year, Viking KB3, an open pollinated variety, yields were highest. Both Jersey Giant and Viking KB3 are available from Daisy Farms, along with many of the varieties trialed more recently by the Alaska Plant Materials Center. Continue reading

Growing Vegetables – It Grows in Alaska (2024)


What vegetables grow well in Alaska? ›

Root crops — carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, rutabagas — grow well in Alaska but must be thinned, otherwise they will grow luxuriant tops and no bottoms. Crowded plants are also more susceptible to bolting.

What crops grow in Alaska? ›

As a result, the agricultural industry in Alaska is small, producing primarily cold-hardy crops like hay, barley, potatoes, carrots, and kale.

Why do vegetables grow bigger in Alaska? ›

In part, it's because of Alaska's long hours of daylight. In some areas of the state, vegetables can bask in the sun for 20 hours or more in the summer months (this is also what makes Alaska veggies so sweet). Pair the sunlight with very fertile soil, and you get 3-foot beans and 40-pound beets.

What fruit trees grow well in Alaska? ›

Use your zip code to find area-compatible fruit trees, berry plants, and more, marked with a check for easy identification. Surprisingly, many varieties, including apples trees, cherry trees, blackberries, aronia berries and honeyberries thrive in Alaska's cold, excelling in Tanna soil.

What food grows naturally in Alaska? ›

The wild edible plants most commonly used in Alaska are: Beach Greens (Honckenya Peploides): Use the leaves raw in salads, or cooked in soups, in mixed cooked greens, or in any dish that calls for cooking greens. Beach greens are also good pickled.

Can you grow cucumbers in Alaska? ›

Cucumbers “Grown in Alaska”

In addition to our tomato crop, we also grow English cucumbers. Their taste is crisp, sweet, and succulent. Since they are seedless, they are perfect for salads and sandwiches.

Can you grow tomatoes in Alaska? ›

Unfortunately for most Alaskans, you really need a greenhouse in order to ensure that tomato flowers morph into fruits, something most tomato flowers won't do unless the temperatures are over 55 degrees at night. If not, the blossoms drop off first.

Can you grow potatoes in Alaska? ›

Potatoes are among the most valuable crops grown on Alaskan farms, creating a net value over 3 million dollars annually. The potato can be afflicted by a wide range of pests and diseases, many of which are carried in or on the tubers used for seed.

What is the largest cash crop in Alaska? ›

A Growing Industry

For Alaska, the study puts the value of the marijuana harvest, as of the end of the fiscal year in June 2021, at $104 million. That dwarfs the $9 million for hay, $1 million for barley, and about $30 million for all other produce and livestock farmed in Alaska.

Can you grow watermelon in Alaska? ›

It's not perfect for Alaska, but it's a starting point. For example, some crops listed in the calculator like melons, watermelon and pumpkins, simply won't mature in our short Alaska growing season unless you start them much earlier and/or plant them in a greenhouse or a hoop house.

What are the giant vegetables in Alaska? ›

With its fertile soil and summer days boasting close to 20 hours of sun, this region of Alaska, including Palmer's Matanuska Valley, has garnered a reputation for producing huge, record-setting vegetables: a 138-pound cabbage, a 2,051-pound pumpkin, a 64-pound carrot.

What state is best to grow vegetables? ›

California leads the nation in agricultural production with over 25 million acres of harvesting and farmland. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has a detailed map showing zones where plant hardiness is the best and where gardeners and farmers can determine which plants can be successfully harvested.

What plants can survive in Alaska? ›

The Brassicaceae family includes a bunch of vegetables that grow super well in Alaska's often cool weather. Some examples are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, turnips, daikon radishes, radishes and rutabagas.

What fruit is native to Alaska? ›

antioxidants in Alaska's blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, lingonberries, and a basket of other wild fruits Alaskans commonly gather as late summer cools. Many of Alaska's berries have higher oxygen radical absorption capacity (ORAC) than commercial fruits studied.

Do any nuts grow in Alaska? ›

Most nut trees are not cold-climate tolerant, but there are a couple of varieties (bush hazelnuts, dwarf Korean pine nut) that can tolerate cold winters, and could potentially provide a good source of protein. Any local food production will also help reduce Skagway's carbon footprint and improve our food security.

When to plant vegetables in Alaska? ›

Now, for all the summer vegetables like beans, cowpeas, corn, squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, gourds and sunflowers, you should plant those seeds directly into the ground around May 8, or if your soil is still very cold, once the soil is near 60° F in temperature.

Do tomatoes grow well in Alaska? ›

Most tomatoes love warm summer days and better yet, still-warm evenings. The interior of Alaska, and many northern areas, are surprisingly warm enough over the summer for growing tomatoes, especially when you care for a few specific things.

What vegetables do they eat in Alaska? ›

Vegetables. Rich glacial soils and the midnight sun produce sweet carrots, crisp potatoes, and plenty of leafy greens, not to mention broccolini, rhubarb, radishes and Romanesco. Anchorage-area farmers markets bring the best of the harvest to the table.

Do potatoes grow well in Alaska? ›

Potatoes are among the most valuable crops grown on Alaskan farms, creating a net value over 3 million dollars annually. The potato can be afflicted by a wide range of pests and diseases, many of which are carried in or on the tubers used for seed.


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.