Footnotes – The Plantrician Project (2024)

Research and extrapolation provided by T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies Board Member J. Morris Hicks, author of Healthy Eating, Healthy World.


The earth’s surface is covered by oceans and other bodies of water and approximately 8 billion acres of arable land—the equivalent of about 6 billion football fields (approximately 1.3 acres each) –Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations.


Currently, there are over 7 billion people on the face of our planet, predicted to hit the 9 billion mark by


In order to produce the Standard American Diet (SAD), heavily comprised of animal protein and dairy, it’s estimated that the equivalent of 2 football fields are required per person per year—with much of this allocated to growing the crops to feed the animals.Source:Lappe, Frances Moore.Diet for a Small Planet. 1982, page 69.

Her numbers were 3.25 acres which equals 2.5 football fields; so we used a more conservative two football fields assuming that some agricultural efficiencies have been gained since 1982.


If all 7 billion of us on the face of the earth were consuming theSAD, we would need at least two planet Earths to feed us all, and we only have

TheFAOreports 7.9 billion acres of arable land in the world; If it takes 3.25 acres to feed one person the typical western diet, then our 7 billion+ people would required over 21 billion acres, or the equivalent of almost three planet Earths. We used the conservative number of two planet Earths.


By contrast, on just one football field of arable land, it’s estimated that food can be produced to feed 7 people for an entire year when they are consuming a predominantly plant-based diet. On the same amount of land that it requires to feed one person the Typical Western Diet (TWD), you can feed 14 people the vegan diet.Source:Diet for a Small Planet, Frances Moore Lappe. 1982, page 69.

Her number was 1/6 of an acre for one vegan. Dividing two football fields (2.6 acres by .166 = 16 people. Again, we used the more conservative 14 people on two football fields.


If everyone in the world consumed a predominantly whole food, plant-based diet, we would have the equivalent of nearly 5 billion football fields worth of arable land that could be returned to forested land to regenerate the lungs of the planet or to expand food production to meet the needs of a growing world population.Source:J. Morris Hicks.

UsingFAOnumbers, extrapolation whereby roughly two billion people are eating theTWD. If they all switched to vegan, they would each free up over three acres of land (3.25-.167) = 3.09 times two billion acres = 6.18 acres / 1.3 = 4.75. Hence “nearly” five billion football fields.


J. Morris Hicks, Author,Healthy Eating, Healthy World: “When comparing our typical Western diet to a whole food, plant-based diet on a per calorie basis, we find that it requires over 10 times as much land, over 10 times as much water, and over 10 times as much energy.”Sources:Numerous.

Diet for a New America, John Robbins;Diet for a Small Planet, Lappe;Mad Cowboy, Howard Lyman and David Pimentel of Cornell University. After researching these sources and others, we found that the numbers varied widely depending on soil type of plant or animal product, and region of the world.BUTwe found that all of the sources supported our conclusion of “OVER 10 times for each.” It also removes some of the unproductive arguments about minute details regarding the amount of water to produce an apple vs. a hamburger. We think our way is much simpler and far easier to remember. Also fromWSJon 9-3-2011, theCEOof the world’s largest food company (Nestle was quoted) Mr. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe “The demand for meat,” he says, “has a multiplier effect of 10. You need 10 times as much land, 10 times as much [feed], 10 times as much water to produce one calorie of meat as you do to have one calorie of vegetables or grain.” on J. Morris Hicks website


When it comes to grain production vs. beef production: By using our grain to produce beef, we waste an estimated 96% of the grain’s calories and 100% of its fiber. Hence, for every “quarter pounder” of beef consumed, (190 calories of beef) the grain required to produce those 190 calories would produce enough grain to feed three people for an entire day.Source:Diet for a New America, John Robbins, page 352.

We then did the math and divided 190 by .04 = 4750 calories. That’s enough to feed three people almost 1600 calories each per day.

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Footnotes – The Plantrician Project (2024)


How many acres does it take to support one person? ›

So while there are many variables and lots of imprecision when answering “How much land is needed to feed a person,” for today's American diet, with today's agricultural system, I'll stick with about one acre.

How many acres does it take to feed a person? ›

For the average family of four, you can expect to grow a year's worth of food on three to five acres. We really do think that five acres is the sweet spot because it allows you to stack your animals and really utilize permaculture practices. One acre for gardens, perennials and fruit trees.

How many acres to feed one person vegan? ›

Instead of the usual value of 1.04 acres per person (335 million acres for 322 million persons), the ratio becomes 0.535 acres per person. And this answers the question as to what amount of land is needed for a complete vegan diet: just over half an acre.

What is the Plantrician project? ›

The Plantrician Project™ Mission:

Educate, equip and empower our physicians, healthcare providers and other health influencers with knowledge about the indisputable benefits of whole food plant-based nutrition.

Is 5000 acres a big farm? ›

Medium-sized farms ranged from 2,000-5,000 acres, while small-acreage farms had less than 2,000 cropped acres.

Is 1 acre enough for a farm? ›

A small poultry flock for meat or egg production would be feasible, but only if an adequate water supply is available. One acre is insufficient for ruminants/grazing animals. One acre is insufficient to produce a meaningful quantity of grains such as wheat, soybeans or corn.

Can you raise a cow on 1 acre? ›

A typical 1 AU, 1,000 lb, cow might require as much as 8 acres (3.2 ha) on poor quality pasture with low precipitation or as little as about 0.27 acres (0.11 ha) on an irrigated pasture in excellent condition.

How many acres do you need to live off the land? ›

However, it is possible to create a more self-sufficient lifestyle on a larger piece of land. Estimates for self-sufficiency typically range from about 1 to 10 acres per person, depending on the factors mentioned above and the desired level of self-sufficiency.

Can one acre feed a family? ›

To break down our oversimplified math: 1 Acre = 5 million calories, enough to feed our party of five with 1,350,000 calories to spare. And you'd still probably have room for rabbit cages and a chicken run. All of this is to say that feeding your family on a small plot is possible.

What if everyone ate less meat? ›

By one estimate, a complete phaseout of meat over 15 years would cut as much as one-third of all methane emissions and two-thirds of all nitrous oxide emissions. Water use would fall drastically. Biodiversity loss would slow.

Can the whole world go vegan? ›

If everyone were vegan, agriculture would need just a quarter of the land it uses today. Even a diet avoiding only meat from cattle and sheep would cut land use in half. What might that surplus space be used for? Quadrupling food production is not a viable option.

How many animals does 1 vegan save? ›

It suggests that 95 "is the average number of animals spared each year by one person's vegan diet." There are a variety of sources estimating average individual intakes of meat. A story in USA Today Wednesday reported that each meat-eating individual eats 7,000 animals (including fish) over their lifetimes.

How big of a farm can one person manage? ›

For someone who isn't farming as their full-time source of income, even one to three acres may be plenty of growing space for one person to maintain. This is particularly true if they do most of the work by hand and aren't using large mechanized equipment like tractors and combine harvesters.

How many acres of land is livable? ›

Much of this land is uninhabitable, as it is either mountainous or desert land. It's estimated that there are about 15 billion acres of habitable land on the planet. Considering that there are 7.8 billion people on Earth, there is just less than 2 acres for every person.

How many people can fit in 1 acres? ›

Being in a crowd sounds pretty foreign these days, but it can be helpful to think about how many people could fit into one acre of vacant land. This may sound crazy to think about because of our current situation, but you can fit about 20,000 people on one acre of undeveloped land.

How many people can one acre feed? ›

The general answer I've seen is about 1 acre per person is reasonable on a homestead using traditional organic and/or permaculture techniques.


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.