Farming (2024)

  • Tip: Regularly upload your Bloodborne save file (a valid PS+ subscription is needed):
  • [Settings] > [Application Data Management] > [Auto-Upload] > [Enable Automatic Uploads]
  • [Settings] > [Application Data Management] > [Saved Data in System] > [Upload to Online Storage].

1. Blood Vials & Quicksilver Bullets Farming

  • Central Yharnam is your answer.
  • Scourge Beasts, Large Huntsmen & Huntsman Minions = Blood Vials.
  • Huntsmen (Rifle) & Wheelchair Huntsmen = Quicksilver Bullets.
  • Mob Enemies through Central Yharnam = Blood Vials & Quicksilver Bullets.

2. Blood Stone Chunks Farming (Kekimus Prime's Method)

  • Note: You need to own the DLC (works on Patch v1.09)
  • Follow Kekimus Prime's Guide to farm as many blood stone chunks as you want. You need to be at the Research Halls lamp to make this work. Run up the steps next to the lamp & you will enter a large hall with a spiral staircase. Kill the Wandering Nightmare on your left but DO NOT loot it. Run to the far end of the hall (across the poisonous water) & you will see another Wandering Nightmare on the steps. Kill that too but DO NOT loot it. Run back to the Nightmare Church lamp & down the staircase. Kill the Wandering Nightmare but DO NOT loot it. Run back to the Research Halls & kill the two Wandering Nightmares again but again DO NOT loot them ! Repeat this process & remember NOT to loot the Wandering Nightmares. When you feel you've farmed enough then loot the Wandering Nightmares after killing them. You will keep getting the option to "search the corpse." Keep doing that until you don't see it anymore.
  • Note:
  • 75min of doing this gave me about 140 blood stone chunks.
  • This works only ONCE every playthrough so you may want to spend some time doing it to get as many blood stone chunks as possible.
  • DON'T die during this process or you will lose your progress of killing Wandering Nightmares & will have to start the entire process again.
  • I would highly recommend using this technique for blood stone chunks farming after you've killed Brador in the jail cell corridor so that both enemies (staff guy & wheelchair huntsman) will be dead & will not cause issues when running back & forth between the Research Hall & Nightmare Church lamps.

3. "If you don't meet the requirements to join certain chalice dungeons"

  • Obtain 2x Ritual Blood (1) from altar near the hanging beast in the big hall in Old Yharnam.
  • Defeat the Blood-starved Beast to obtain Pthumeru Chalice.
  • Complete Pthumeru Chalice, Central Pthumeru Chalice & Lower Pthumeru Chalice (don't remove this dungeon after completion as you can farm Ritual Blood (4) here).
  • Defeat Amygdala in Nightmare Frontier to obtain Ailing Loran Chalice (collect 4x Coldblood Flowerbuds in Nightmare Frontier for opening more chalice dungeons).
  • Defeat Ebrietas to obtain Great Isz Chalice.
  • Kill the Brain of Mensis in Nightmare of Mensis to obtain Living String (another raw material for opening chalice dungeons).
  • Complete Ailing Loran Chalice, Defiled Chalice (obtained from defeating Bloodletting Beast in Lower Pthumeru Chalice), Great Isz Chalice & Lower Loran Chalice (obtained from defeating Abhorrent Beast in Ailing Loran Chalice).
  • Complete Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice (obtained from Defiled Chalice Layer 3 boss).
  • Finally, create an Isz Root Chalice (obtained from Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice final boss) with all FRC rites (You can choose to either explore the Isz Root Chalice or remove it. After opening this particular chalice dungeon, you will be able to access ALL other FRC dungeons).

4. Blood Echoes Farming (Rear Visceral Attacks Method)

  • Note: Always equip the 2nd tier Heir rune, 3rd tier Heir rune & 3rd tier Moon rune to obtain max blood echoes from enemies slain with visceral attacks (rear or frontal).
  • a. Tips for successful rear visceral attacks
  • ALWAYS lock-on to an enemy for a rear visceral attack unless it's the Beast Possessed Soul which you cannot lock-on to while it's resting. However, you can lock-on to a Beast Possessed Soul while it's standing up.
  • When you're standing behind an enemy locked-on & ready for a charged R2 attack, NEVER initiate it while facing the enemy from its left side.
  • For a rear visceral attack, ALWAYS face the enemy from the right side slightly. This is because if the charged R2 attack is initiated while facing the enemy a bit from the left then after the charged R2 attack when you perform the 2nd R2 attack (assuming you're using the Holy Moonlight Sword), you will knock the enemy over thus breaking the attack chain & the NPC will chase you.

  • b. Tips for hunters at lower blood levels
  • If you can't kill the Bone Ash Hunter or Cainhurst Knight in one combo either due to being at a lower blood level and/or having an underpowered weapon (less than +10 or lower than 26.3%, 27.2% physical gems equipped) then follow these techniques:
  • As you level up, you'll be able to kill the Bone Ash Hunter with just charged R2+R2+visceral attack (specific to the Holy Moonlight Sword). With Ludwig's Holy Blade it's charged R2+visceral attack then R1 as soon as the Bone Ash Hunter stands up.
  • With the Cainhurst Knight, you will have to do (if you're using the Holy Moonlight Sword): charged R2+R2+visceral attack+R1 as soon as the Cainhurst Knight stands up.
  • If you can't cause enough damage then as soon as the visceral attack animation is done, RUN back to the lamp room, past the lamp & hide out of sight in the area beyond that (specific to w6qvjakg). This will de-aggro the NPCs.
  • Wait for the NPC hunter to return to their original position. You can follow them by walking (DO NOT run or you will aggro them again).
  • If the NPC has returned to their original position then you can run back & visceral attack them again for the echoes.
  • There is another strategy to de-aggro the Cainhurst Knight (specific to w6qvjakg). After the initial visceral attack, run behind the pillar to his right. He will chase you. Circle around it carefully until he de-aggros & returns to his original position. Then just walk up to him & administer another visceral attack to finish him.
  • Rinse & repeat to level up.

  • c. The Glyphs
  • From the experience, these 2 dungeons are the best:
  • Glyph: w6qvjakg (Pthumeru Ihyll Root Chalice: Layer 1)
  • You get 407,195 blood echoes. This can be done in 42 seconds.
  • Glyph: wm732fk9 (Pthumeru Ihyll Root Chalice: Layer 2)
  • You get 550,124 blood echoes. This can be done in 50 seconds.
  • Note: The times I've mentioned are based on killing the enemies as quickly as possible with complete visceral attack chains. If you aggro any of the hunters then it will obviously take longer than the times mentioned.

Blood Gems & Caryll Runes

5. 27.2% Cursed Tempering Damp Gems, Cursed Heavy Abyssal Gems and 31.5% Cursed Damp Bloodtinge Gems

  • Tip: If you have to reopen a chalice dungeon repeatedly for farming purposes then just use the ... button on the PS keyboard to copy & paste the glyph.
  • a. 27.2% Cursed Tempering Damp Blood Gems (including Poorman's, Fool's, Adept, Fire, Bolt, Arcane, Striking, Kinhunter's & OOS Waning Gems)
  • Glyph for Radial Gems: by68zgaj (Layer 1 Boss: The Merciless Watchers)
  • Glyph for Triangle Gems: p8mr34ip (As you run out of the layer 1 lamp room, the lever room is on your right & the door to the boss is on your left. Watch out for a Circle of Candles as you enter the small room before the lever room (Layer 1 Boss: The Merciless Watchers)
  • Glyph for Triangle Gems: 3eukenpk (Layer 1 Boss: The Merciless Watchers)
  • You can also farm blood stone chunks & insight here because you get 1-2 blood stone chunks & 2 insight after defeating a boss.

  • b. STR Scaling+65 Cursed Heavy Abyssal Blood Gems (Radials)
  • Note: Farm the Headless Bloodletting Beast for this gem. This is maybe the best glyph for farming Cursed Heavy Abyssal Blood Gems because you can get so many other useful gems along the way; Adept Gems either 28.7% Thrust or Blunt from the Undead Giant, many other types as mentioned above from The Merciless Watchers and Poorman's Gems from the Red Aura Madman just outside the Layer 2 lamp.
  • Glyph: 7enpbrta (Layer 1 Boss: Undead Giant with cannon, Layer 2 Boss: The Merciless Watchers, Layer 3 Boss: Headless Bloodletting Beast)
  • Follow these steps to waste less time whilst farming this gem:
  • Reach Layer 3 & unlock the boss gate by pulling the lever.
  • Enter the boss arena & hide behind the first pillar on the left & Bold Hunters Mark out of there. Return to the Hunter's Dream.
  • Equip everything you need for your fight with the Headless Bloodletting Beast. Un-equip anything you don't need.
  • When you're ready, stand in front of the headstone for that dungeon & exit the game from the in-game options menu. When you're at the main menu, shut down the game.
  • Upload your save file then turn on the game again. You will appear in front of the headstone. Enter the dungeon.
  • If you don't get any of the above mentioned Heavy Abyssals, then just exit the game from the boss arena & Download your uploaded save file. Rinse & repeat.
  • Note: Be careful that you don't Upload your save file when you need to Download it. Just pay attention during that process & you'll be fine. Always close down your game completely before uploading or downloading a save file.

  • c. 31.5% Cursed Damp Bloodtinge Gems (including Off-Shapes)
  • Note: I have done 3000+ runs of the infamous y592byza & naapatbx dungeons. However, y592byza involves a long run to the Shotgun Watcher & naapatbx comprises a Shotgun Watcher than can easily be glitched into the environment if hit too hard due to the narrow tunnel. Therefore, after further research, I have concluded that the following glyph (5kig3jjm) is the best for Cursed Damp Bloodtinge Gems farming as the tunnel isn't as narrow as in naapatbx nor is the run to the Shotgun Watcher too long like in y592byza.
  • Important Tips: Use the R2 thrust of the Holy Moonlight Sword to slay the Shotgun Watcher. Keep the Shotgun Watcher in the middle of the tunnel otherwise he will glitch into the environment. Also, when farming this enemy, if you don't get Cursed Damp Bloodtinge Gems for 4 attempts then either return to the Hunter's Dream then come back to the dungeon OR die to the Shotgun Watcher to reset the drop table. What you want to do is to ensure that you keep getting Cursed Damp Bloodtinge Gems so that they may drop Out-Of-Shape.
  • Glyph: 5kig3jjm (Cursed Pthumeru Ihyll: Layer 4)
  • Off-Shape/Out-Of-Shape Blood Gems: You may also obtain these blood gems in radial, triangle or waning form. These are called OOS (Off-Shape or Out-Of-Shape) gems & are VERY rare. You need dedication, commitment.

6. Caryll Runes and Uncanny & Lost Weapons

+ How to Farm Blood Echoes

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Echo Farming [Source]

  • Below are various echo farms listed in order of how soon you can access them, which also coincides with how much you can get out of them.
  • A few things to take note of in regards to this guide:
  • These areas are personal suggestions. There are other potential farms/farming methods out there, and these are ones that I've found to work nicely for myself.
  • The "Required Boss" is the boss you must defeat before you can have access to the listed area.
  • The "Ideal Run Time" refers to approximately the fastest time it takes to complete a run. Actual completion times will depend on your skill, your weapon/stats, and other factors such as if the mobs feel like being nice or not.
  • There are some sub-par rune setups listed because you probably will not have access to the ideal runes when you first get to the area.
  • The echoes per run were counted several times, though there may still be mistakes. Nonetheless, they should be good estimates of how much you can get per run.
  • A few notes in regards to farming:
  • The Heir bonus that grants you extra echoes with visceral attacks does not require that you kill the enemy with a visceral attack. You only need to kill them shortly after a visceral. If you take too long, you will not get the Heir bonus.
  • The Tier 3 Moon rune and the Teir 1 Heir rune both grant a 30% bonus, so they are interchangeable. I recommend using the Tier 3 Moon because in the event that you do not manage to kill an enemy quickly enough or if you didn't get a visceral at all, you will still get the 30% bonus from the Moon rune.
  • You can find the Tier 3 Heir rune in this Fetid, Rotted Pthumeru Ihyll glyph: df235ysm (Speedrun Video courtesy of /u/malady013)
  • Bold Hunter's Mark can help save a lot of time. Use this to reset the area and respawn at the lamp without having to first return to the Dream and then return to the area.
  • If you are confused about chalices and root chalices/glyphs, please see this FAQ.

Lamp: Lecture Building

Lamp: Mergo's Loft: Middle

  • Required Boss: Vicar Amelia
  • Ideal Run Time: ~1 minute
  • Secondary Benefits: Quicksilver Bullets, Sedatives (rare)
  • Down the hall to the right of the lamp is a room filled with slime students. They are easy pickings and they are weak to both bolt and fire. In NG, even the first fire gem you can find in the game is sufficient enough to burn through them quickly. Simply kill all the students in this room.
NG CycleRunesEchoes
NGNo Runes13,488
NGTier 1 Moon14,832
NGAll Moon Runes23,136
NG+6All Moon Runes247,040
  • Required Boss: Micolash, Host of the Nightmare
  • Ideal Run Time: ~1 minute
  • Secondary Benefits: Blood Vials, Quicksilver Bullets
  • As you've probably noticed due to the Heir runes, this farm focuses on visceral attacks. There are three Shadows you can parry and one pig you can backstab. As you go into this area, there will be two Shadows walking away from you. If you go up to them without moving too fast, the melee one will aggro earlier. Parry him first, then parry the candle guy. A little ways further is a fireball-throwing Shadow. Wait for him to attack with his mace and parry him. Just a little past the fireball thrower is a pig facing away from you. You can run up to it and unleash a fully charged R2, then stick your hand in its butt. Unlike other enemies, you don't have to sneak/walk up to it. If you'd like, there are more Shadows and pigs in this area for you to parry and backstab.
NG CycleRunesEchoes
NGAll Moon Runes31,185
NGTier 3 Moon, Tier 1 and 2 Heir42,997
NGTier 3 Moon, Tier 2 and 3 Heir49,613
NG+6Tier 3 Moon, Tier 2 and 3 Heir393,301

Lamp: Mergo's Loft: Middle - Alternate

Chalice: Lower Loran - Layer 2

  • Required Boss: Micolash, Host of the Nightmare
  • Ideal Run Time: ~1 minute, 30 seconds
  • Kill the first three Shadows and the first pig in whatever way works fastest for you. After the oblivious pig, there are two more pigs in the middle section of this area.
  • Use yourself as bait and lure these two pigs towards the patrol of four Shadows near the end of this area. With some luck, the pigs and the Shadows will duke it out. You can "assist" one side if you wish or just wait to mop up the victors, which tend to be the Shadows.
  • Due to the nature of the pigs and Shadows, there are more variables when it comes to how fast you can complete this run. Depending on the outcome of the fight, you yourself are also at more risk when it comes to duking it out with whomever is left.
  • If you do not have the top tier Heir rune and/or you can get this run down consistently and efficiently (in 1 minute and 30 seconds), then this has the slightly better echoes per second rate.
  • Note: If you are playing online, make sure you've killed the Bell Ringing Woman in the aqueduct area near two Shadows unless you want to deal with the risk of invasions.
NG CycleRunesEchoes
NGAll Moon Runes77,870
NG+6All Moon Runes617,337
  • Ideal Run Time: ~1 minute
  • Secondary Benefits: Blood Vials
  • There are a lot of beast patients just outside the lamp so all you have to do is exterminate them all. Fitting job for a hunter!
All Moon Runes87,184

Chalice: Great Isz - Layer 3

  • Ideal Run Time: ~1.5 minutes
  • Secondary Benefits: Quicksilver Bullets, Blood Vials, Gems (rare)
  • Just past the lamp, there are a lot of Emissary mobs hanging out plus two large wolves. Just mow through all of them and get your echoes.
All Moon Runes175,400

Chalice: Pthumeru Ihyll FRC - Layer 1

Chalice: Isz FRC - Layer 1

  • Glyph: w6qvjakg
  • Ideal Run Time: ~40 seconds
  • Secondary Benefits: Cursed Gems
  • This is the potentially fastest farm that I know of. It is also an incredibly late/endgame farm and in order to farm this place efficiently, you will probably need to hit the softcaps for at least STR and SKL.
  • There is a Bone Ash hunter and a Cainhurst hunter just past the lamp, both ripe for backstabbing. If you can kill them quickly, this is the most efficient farm listed. The issue is how to kill them quickly. Here are some suggestions/examples:
  • With the Whirligig Saw, use blood bullets each run so you can buff it with the Empty Phantasm Shell for free. Make sure you have top tier physical gems as well.
  • Bone Ash Hunter: Charged R2 -> Visceral -> R1
  • Cainhurst Hunter: Charged R2 -> Visceral -> Charged R2
  • Depending on your stats and gems, you may need to add in an extra hit or two, especially for the Cainhurst hunter.
  • Alternatively, you can use the Holy Moonlight Sword. Make sure you gem it up with top tier physical gems as those will perform better here than top tier nourishing gems.
  • Bone Ash Hunter: Charged R2 -> Visceral -> Charged R2
  • Cainhurst Hunter: Charged R2 -> Visceral -> Charged R2 -> Follow-up R2
  • The positioning of the Cainhurst hunter can make it hard to consistently kill him with that combo, which is why I personally prefer the Whirligig method. Play around and see what weapon and combos work best for you.
Tier 3 Moon, Tier 2 and 3 Heir147,045
  • Glyph: cb7jig9p
  • Ideal Run Time: ~20 seconds
  • Secondary Benefits: Cursed Gems
  • There is a Bone Ash hunter past the lamp to the left. Her back is towards you, giving you a free backstab. If your stats are high enough, she shouldn't be too hard to kill quickly. There are also some Emissary mobs nearby that you can beat up if you'd like, but they are unnecessary.
Tier 3 Moon, Tier 2 and 3 Heir147,045

Other Echoes Farming Methods

  • Early Game - Hemwick Charnel Lane:
    For this method use Heir rune to get more Blood Echoes from Visceral Attacks. Warp to Witch's Abode and run through the level backwards, before engaging Hemwick Grave Women blood tap for blood bullets and recover lost health by attacking them immediately. Executioner will run towards you, Visceral Attack him and run down the hill where you do the same to the other two Executioners. Once this is done use Bold Hunter's Mark and repeat. As byproduct you will get nice amount of Blood Vials from Executioners.
  • The above method gets you roughly 9,000 Blood Echoes in ~2 mins.
  • Lecture Building:
    Gain access to the lecture hall and unlock all of the doors. You will notice that there are two rooms with only one enemy and a room with about 20 enemies. Go to the room with 20 enemies and carefully kill them all. Next go to a room with only one enemy in it and die. This seems to improve the loading time as you don't have to go back to the dream and teleport back in. Recover your souls rinse and repeat. Each cycle gets you around 15,000 per run. If you die in the hall with the 20 enemies in it ensure that you get your souls back before attacking the mob. As an added bonus these enemies drop QS bullets and Sedatives.
  • The above method gets you roughly 15,000 Blood Echoes in 5 mins or less.
  • Mergos Loft: Middle:
    Get to Mergos Loft: Middle or anywhere close to the two cell elevators. Go into the cell elevator with the broken cell door and as you go up you will notice an open tall window you can roll into as the elevator goes up or down. Roll into it, kill the brains that frenzy really quick and then heal up. After killing three brains You get about 30-40k Blood Echoes easily. Rinse and repeat.
  • The above method gets you roughly 30,000 - 40,000 Blood Echoes.
  • Chalice Dungeon, Glyph: su5rrd2j Layer 2 by AzureSummer:
    In the hall right near the lamp, there are 2 Ashbone hunters standing with their backs exposed. 3 heir runes->2 viscerals->bold hunter's mark->repeat. Nets you about 320000 echoes in around 40 seconds, no risk involved. Here's the video. Now, how is this method better than a very well know Mergo's loft: Middle? First, as I've already mentioned, it's risk-free (especially considering that pigs and sword shadows can one-shot you on NG+6). Second, it's just faster.
  • The downside, however, is the fact that you need top gems to be able to kill those hunters. I am running two +27% and one +65 STR and still am not able to kill them after backstab and visceral. To avoid farming for 30% fool's gems, here is a little workaround: use a Stakedriver buffed with Phantasm Shell. Its R2 damage is absolutely absurd, so it greatly helps to deal with those Ashbones.
  • Nets you about 320000 echoes in around 40 seconds
  • Cursed Pthumeru Ihyll L1, Glyph: w6qvjakg by amygdalapls:
    I'd like to clarify that this is a very late/endgame farm. It requires you to go through pretty much most of the chalices including rather tough ones. It's not the best farm for mid-game, but it's the highest farm I know of for high level people pushing to max level or people that want to fill up their stocks fast.
  • The runes I have equipped are the two top Heirs and the top Moon, which can be swapped out for the last Heir as both offer a 30% increase. Weapon: Holy Moonlight Sword with three 27.2% physical gems. You can experiment with other weapons and see what's most efficient for you. 30% thrust gems will help as well since visceral attacks supposedly count as thrust.
  • Another way this can be done efficiently is with the whirligig saw at 99 strength. Same runes and same max physical gems, though I did it with two at 26.3%. You also need to use the empty phantasm shell. Bone Ash Hunter: Charged R2 --> Visceral --> R1. She's right at death's door after my visceral and I have 99 skill, so that R1 should kill her. Cainhurst Hunter: Charged R2 --> Visceral --> Charged R2. He's dead at this point for me, again at 99 skill, so you may need another whack to finish him off.
  • 407k Echoes Per Run Chalice Hunter Farm - can be done under a minute
  • xktcvpjm, F/R/C Isz Gravestone L1:
    Stock up on as many Bold Hunter's Marks as you can and equip all three moon runes. Enter the dungeon, light the layer one lantern and make sure you will respawn there when using a bold hunter's mark. Run directly outside of the room with the lantern and to the left, you will see a group of blue alien creatures. Kill them all. They give you about 10k echoes per kill and you make roughly 100k echoes per minute. Use a Bold Hunter's Mark, repeat as necessary. With +10 Ludwig's Holy Blade, one strong thrust attack will kill them instantly, this is effective as they tend to group together and line up when chasing you. Just bring your biggest, most powerful weapon because killing them quickly is the key to the efficiency of this method.
  • The above method gets you roughly 100,000 Blood Echoes.
  • Save-edited False Depth Chalice Dungeon cummmfpk:
    Dungeon is depth 8 but works as soon as you beat Blood-starved Beast. Can be used for easy blood echo farm that exploits unfortunate NPC placement. Walk outside of the Chamber of the Seal, wait for a few seconds to receive 83000 echoes, then use Bold Hunter's Mark and repeat. Video:

+ How to Farm Blood Stones

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Blood Stone Farming [Source]

Things to note

  • As you progress through the main game, Blood Stone Shards and Twin Blood Stone Shards will eventually become rather easy to find/purchase by the time you get to mid/late NG. Thus, they will not be a major concern in this guide.
  • Eye runes increase the item discovery stat, which can help you get more drops. You can find the top tier version in this Rotted Isz glyph: ji7y3vu8 (Speedrun Video courtesy courtesy of /u/malady013)

Lamp: Forsaken Castle Cainhurst

  • Required Boss: Vicar Amelia
  • There are several gargoyle enemies in this area. They have a decent chance of dropping Twin Blood Stone Shards. They also are a source of Blood Stone Chunks, though the drop rate can be rather disappointing (one in maybe ten runs). However, if you are desperate to farm chunks at this point of the game, this is likely your best bet.
  • If you have the elevator shortcut open, simply take it up. Exit the door on the right and there are two gargoyles you can beat up. Keep heading "backwards" and you will come across a rapier-wielding servant that can drop blood vials. A little further there are four more gargoyles you can kill.
  • Note: If you are using the Bold Hunter's Mark, send the elevator down behind you so you don't have to call for it when you respawn and want to head back up.

Lamp: Upper Cathedral Ward

  • Required Boss: Rom, the Vacuous Spider
  • Clear out the Upper Cathedral Ward's main building first to get that main gate shortcut open. Inside the building, there are several blue-eyed wolves. There are four on the ground floor and one will jump out of a window upstairs at the end of a hallway. Those all have a good chance of dropping regular Blood Stone Shards and Twin Shards. They also have the chance to drop Blood Stone Chunks, although those will be rarer.
  • A nice way you can cheese the wolves on the ground floor is to lure them up to the top floor. Go through the doorway that leads to the hallway with the window-hopping wolf. The wolves have extreme difficulty fitting through that doorway (just look at the size of them!) so you can somewhat safely attack them with a longer weapon while they bite at air.
  • These wolves have a better chunk drop rate than the gargoyles, plus the fact that it's faster to get to/from the lamp to these guys. If you're lucky and have high enough discovery, you can get up to around one chunk per run. If you aren't so lucky... may the good blood guide your way.

Chalice: Any Depth 5 FRC

  • All Depth 5 FRC bosses have a good chance of dropping a Blood Stone Chunk or two along with whatever gem you get from defeating them. If you can find a glyph that has a Layer 1 lever that's quick to get to and a boss that's easy to kill, that glyph is a good candidate for chunk farming.
  • You will get insight each time you defeat the boss. For 20 insight, you can buy another chunk, although my recommendation is to save up for 60 to buy a Blood Rock. By doing so, you'll be working towards both chunks and rocks when you farm these bosses.
  • As a side note: if you are not hurting for chunks, you can find some while you farm for top tier cursed gems.
  • Suggested glyph: huy83p9r
  • This Isz FRC has a Layer 1 Brainsucker boss, which should be relatively easy to defeat. The lever is guarded by a brainsucker in the room to the right of the lamp. Simply create the glyph, get to the lever, defeat the boss, remove the chalice, and repeat.
  • A big shoutout and thanks to the members of the Bloodborne community that have made this guide possible, including the kind hunters that have shared chalice glyphs filled with important loot. Thanks to you as well for reading this far!

+ How to Farm Blood Gems Offline

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Guide to Offline Prospecting by Grzester23 [source]

1. Introduction

  • So you want to farm some gems, but for whatever reason, you don't have access to PS+. Don't worry, you can still farm them offline, though it will be considerably more tedious.I'll get right to the point, you won't be able to get "absolutely perfect" gem setups. These would require save-edited dungeons, which can only be accessed through glyphs, something offline prospectors can't use. It's not that big of a deal however, as the difference between a "perfectly" gemmed weapon, and a weapon gemmed with offline equivalent gems is not that big.
  • With that out of the way, we can start digging.

2. Save-scumming offline

  • First and most important thing about farming gems is save-scumming. As you don't have access to PS+ Cloud backup save feature, you'll need to use an USB storage device. When you encounter a boss you want to farm for a gem, back up your save to the storage device, so you can revert back in case the boss doesn't drop the gem you're looking for.
  • How to back up and restore your save
  • Go to the Settings section of your PS4 menu, from there, scroll down to Application Saved Data Management. To back up your save, you want to go to Saved Data in System Storage. Here, you simply choose Copy to USB Storage Device, go to Bloodborne, select Bloodborne SaveData and copy it to your USB Storage Device.
  • To restore your save, you want to go to Saved Data on USB Storage Device. Here, you simply choose Copy to System Storage, go to Bloodborne, select Bloodborne SaveData and copy it to System Storage.

3. Creating your own dungeons

  • You'll need to create your own dungeons, as you can't use glyphs. That means you'll need to spend Ritual Materials and Blood Echoes every time you make one. To completely negate the cost of "failed" attempts, back up your save *before* creating the dungeon. If it doesn't contain the boss/mob you want the gem from, simply revert back to previous save and try again. That way, you spend materials/echoes ONCE, instead of how many tries it took you to get the desired dungeon.

4. Bosses, Mobs and their drops

  • In this section, I will list bosses and enemies worth farming. Included here is the dungeon type they can be encountered in (Pthumeru Ihyll, Lower Loran and Isz), as well as a brief description of the gem they drop. I also included the shape of gems you normally encounter in the given dungeon type. Gems may drop in other shapes, but the chance of this happening is very low. Such gems are called Out-Of-Shape (OOS for short).
  • Strength of gems dropped by Bosses depends on which layer they’re located. Gems dropped by Layer 1-2 Bosses can have Ranks 17-19, while dropped by bosses encountered on Layer 3-4, 18-20. Not every boss can appear on Layers 3-4, so not every Boss can drop Rank 20 (Abyssal) gem.

  • Pthumeru Ihyll (Radial):
  • Bosses
  • Undead Giant (Adepts + secondaries)
  • Mobs
  • Brainsucker (Low, non-fixed primaries, very high Flat Arcane secondaries)
  • Buffed Labyrinth Madman (Foetid Aura or Flame weapon buff, drops Non-fixed primaries, doubled secondaries)
  • Buffed Merciless Watcher (Foetid Aura, High, non-fixed primaries, though weaker compared to boss variant, no secondaries)
  • Self-healing Shotgun Merciless Watcher (Bloodtinge, no secondaries, normally drops Circles, but you can farm him for OOS)

  • Lower Loran (Waning):
  • Bosses
  • Amygdala (Nourishing Abyssals + secondaries)
  • Undead Giant (Adepts + secondaries)
  • Mobs
  • Loran Cleric (Low, non-fixed primaries, very high Flat Fire secondaries, decent for low-level twinks)
  • Buffed Labyrinth Madman (Foetid/Loran Aura or Flame weapon buff, drops Non-fixed primaries, doubled secondaries)

  • Isz (Triangle):
  • Bosses
  • Amygdala (Nourishing Abyssals + secondaries)
  • Merciless Watchers (High, non-fixed primaries, no secondaries)
  • Undead Giant (Adepts + secondaries)
  • Ebrietas (Arcane Abyssals + secondaries)
  • Brainsucker (Low, non-fixed primaries, very high Flat Arcane secondaries, higher than Mob variant)
  • Mobs
  • Brainsucker (Low, non-fixed primaries, very high Flat Arcane secondaries)
  • Buffed Merciless Watcher (Foetid Aura, High, non-fixed primaries, though weaker compared to boss variant, no secondaries)
  • Self-healing Shotgun Merciless Watcher (Bloodtinge, no secondaries, normally drops Circles, but you can farm him for OOS)

5. Primaries and secondaries

  • Every dungeon type has different gempools, which dictate what kinds of gems you can find there. Edited dungeons let you "cherry-pick" the gempool you want, so you have better chances at getting the desired gem. Offline however, you're stuck with predetermined gempools for each of the dungeons. This, alongside knowing which bosses/mobs appear in which dungeon is the most important thing when it comes to offline prospecting.Gempools are as follows:
  • Pthumeru Ihyll
  • Primaries
  • 76.985% - Physical ATK UP %
  • 4.205% - Thrust ATK UP %
  • 4.205% - Charge ATKs UP %
  • 4.205% - Blunt ATK UP %
  • 2.548% - STR scaling
  • 2.548% - SKL scaling
  • 2.523% - Reduces stamina costs
  • 0.849% - Phys. UP near death %
  • 0.841% - Phys. UP at full HP %
  • Secondaries
  • 41.241% - Add physical ATK
  • 12.250% - WPN durability UP
  • 12.250% - ATK vs open foes UP %
  • 12.250% - Reduces stamina costs
  • 12.250% - Charge ATKs UP %
  • 4.124% - Phys. UP near death %
  • 4.083% - Phys. UP at full HP %

  • Lower Loran
  • Primaries
  • 38.484% - Fire ATK UP %
  • 30.893% - Physical ATK UP %
  • 19.266% - Bolt ATK UP %
  • 2.912% - Add slow poison effect
  • 2.912% - Add rapid poison effect
  • 2.883% - HP continues to recover
  • 0.971% - ATK vs the kin UP %
  • 0.971% - ATK vs beasts UP %
  • Secondaries
  • 18.889% - Boosts rally potential
  • 18.889% - Add fire ATK
  • 18.889% - Add bolt ATK
  • 11.447% - Add slow poison effect
  • 11.447% - Add rapid poison effect
  • 11.334% - HP continues to recover
  • 3.816% - ATK vs the kin UP %
  • 3.816% - ATK vs beasts UP %

  • Isz
  • Primaries
  • 62.792% - Physical ATK UP %
  • 11.533% - Fire ATK UP %
  • 8.970% - Arcane ATK UP %
  • 6.407% - Bolt ATK UP %
  • 1.538% - Add slow poison effect
  • 1.538% - Add rapid poison effect
  • 1.281% - Thrust ATK UP %
  • 1.281% - Blunt ATK UP %
  • 0.777% - STR scaling
  • 0.777% - SKL scaling
  • 0.769% - Reduces stamina costs
  • 0.513% - ATK vs the kin UP %
  • 0.513% - ATK vs beasts UP %
  • 0.256% - Phys. UP at full HP %
  • 0.256% - ATK UP near death %
  • 0.256% - ATK UP at full HP %
  • 0.256% - ATK UP %
  • 0.256% - Arcane scaling
  • Secondaries
  • 31.206% - Add physical ATK
  • 9.362% - Add slow poison effect
  • 9.362% - Add rapid poison effect
  • 7.802% - Boosts rally potential
  • 7.802% - Add fire ATK
  • 7.802% - Add bolt ATK
  • 4.681% - WPN durability UP
  • 4.681% - HP continues to recover
  • 4.681% - Reduces stamina costs
  • 3.121% - ATK vs the kin UP %
  • 3.121% - ATK vs beasts UP %
  • 1.560% - Add arcane ATK
  • 1.560% - Phys. UP at full HP %
  • 1.560% - ATK UP near death %
  • 1.560% - ATK UP at full HP %

  • Disclaimer: Effects not listed in the gempool can still be rolled onto a gem, though the chance of this happening is very low. Gems like these are called Out-Of-Effect (OOE for short) and are not included here.
  • Keep in mind that Primary effects of most gems dropped by bosses are fixed. % chances of primary effects listed here apply only to enemies/bosses with non-fixed primaries, like Merciless Watchers or Labyrinth Madmans.

+ How to Farm Bloodtinge Gems

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Bloodtinge Gem Farming in 2020 [by DrAnger90]

  • Good Hunters,

    I've been working on Bloodborne the last 2,5 years with the Tomb Prospector community when it comes to editing dungeons and what you can do with them, which has increased our understanding of the Chalice Dungeons significantly. In this post I want to explain how Bloodtinge gem farming has changed now that we know all this new information about the Chalice Dungeons, to inform everyone about the odds you're really facing in an attempt farming these awesome gems. There is also a lot of old/wrong information out there, which made me want to write this up as well.

    To give an idea what save-editing has done for Bloodtinge gem farming, I want to compare old fashioned farms with new edited ones and estimate how long it takes to get a certain gem in each of them. There are only 2 different viable farms to get pure Bloodtinge gems: Shotgun Watchers (31,5% max) and Merciless Watcher bosses (32,6% max) (ignoring the Madman farm that gives 25,2% Blood ATK UP gems with a double secondary). Ultimately, I want to do this as detailed as possible, but Reddit or a Wiki is really not the place to do that. So I will try to keep it as concise as possible to hopefully make it understandable and readable for everyone. For the whole write-up I would like to refer you to our Hex Research sheet which shows all the explanations on the right side of the document.

Gem pools and Discovery

  • Our research made us able to understand how gem pools work in Chalice Dungeons. What I mean with gem pools, is the likelihood of each gem effect (like Tempering, Fire or Nourishing) that can appear on gems with non-fixed stats. You can read how exactly this works in great detail in the Gem Pools tab of the Hex Research document. This has been thoroughly tested with real game farms and proved to be very accurate.

    From this, we know that the chance to have the Bloodtinge primary gem effect on a non-fixed primary gem (Merciless Watcher boss) is extremely low, 1/11892 in Pthumeru Ihyll, 1/10407 in Lower Loran and 1/39018 in Isz. Next to that, it made us able to identify that there is a certain edited gem pool that has the highest probability of 1/408, this is called the "slot machine" gem pool.

    We were also able to explain how the Discovery stat works in Bloodborne. Here is a quick recap:

    Whenever the player is in a Cursed dungeon and is wearing any number of Discovery enhancing runes (Eye runes or Milkweed Oath), they get a hidden bonus of 1000 points on their Discovery stat. Whenever the player is in a dungeon that uses one of the two unused "Terrible Curses" that drop the player down to 25% or 12,5% HP, this bonus is increased to 5000 instead. The total Discovery of your character influences how likely it is for non-boss enemies to drop a gem.

    Some enemies that are not part of the dungeon layout but are spawned in later by random effects like the Rotted Rite, seem to not be affected by this bonus. We think that the bonus should be applied to Shotgun Watchers, although we don't have confirmation in the form of real farms as of yet.

    The Discovery stat only matters for the Shotgun Watcher farm since they have a <100% chance to drop a gem when you kill them. Bosses already guarantee a gem when you kill them, so the Discovery stat only matters there when you farm Blood Stone Chunks/Blood Rocks from them.

    Presumably, the Terrible Curse will increase the chance for a gem to drop from Shotgun Watchers from 51,21% with a normal Curse to 54,33% at 439 base Discovery.

    This concludes that there are the two main ways to upgrade our existing old fashioned Bloodtinge gem farms:

  • editing the gem pool to a "slot machine" gem pool for the Merciless Watchers boss farms,

  • using a Terrible Curse for the Shotgun Watcher farm.


  • Now that we know how we can update our existing farms, we need to talk about how and where we farm before we can make actual comparisons. I tried to make sure this post is most useful for what I think is the most common build that wants these kinds of gems. But you can simply edit the information a little bit when you use other builds as well.

    There are two parts doing this comparison, the first is the actual odds the gem will drop the way you want which is generally the same for everyone. Base Discovery won’t really matter much at all according to the calculation as long as you use a single Discovery enhancing rune while farming Shotgun Watchers (though it is always advised wearing all of them). The second part is the time it takes for you to farm a single time in each dungeon which heavily depends on the character, how fast your loading screens are and your own farming experience. It is of course extremely important that you find a way of farming that is best for you, but speed should always be prioritized to be the most efficient.

  • How do we farm?
  • we use a character that is around Blood level 100-150, which has no investment in the Skill, Strength and Arcane stats,

  • we equip all Discovery enhancing runes which brings our base Discovery to 330 (5330 with the Terrible Curse) when we farm Shotgun Watchers,

  • we equip all Clawmark runes to increase our Visceral Attack damage and use the beasthood save scum method when we farm Merciless Watcher bosses,

  • we use a normal ps4 (ps4 pro or modified ps4's may have faster loading times which will make you farm faster).

    I think the best way to kill Merciless Watchers with a build like this is with Visceral Attacks. Using the beasthood save scum method will make sure you can do this as fast as possible. Save scumming means you upload your save file to a USB device or Cloud before the fight, and when you don't get the gem you want, you quit the game and reload the save and try again. Make sure to build up beasthood in the dungeon before you upload the save file. Once you have max beasthood, quit to main menu and reload. You will see that the beasthood is still there when you load back in and has max duration. Also make sure your insight is as low as possible and you're wearing attire with the highest beasthood.

    Farming Shotgun Watchers is much more straightforward and should be no problem, even with the Terrible Curse active and low Vitality. You can just R1 spam with a tricked Chikage, or use a bit more thought and use the L1 transform attack followed by R1s.

  • Where do we farm?
    Shotgun Watcher farms:
  • Normal: naapatbx (layer 3, under the lift in the cave)

  • Edited: gvpuuz84 (layer 1, main layer immediately to the right in the dark room, Terrible Curse, this is actually an edited Sinister Pthumeru Ihyll layout)

    Merciless Watcher boss farms:
  • Normal: pwmf22gu (radials, stairs arena), 5pwujscd (triangles, stairs arena)

  • Edited: x69bm25r (radials, single pillar arena), g23a3ed3 (radials, stairs arena which is more safe but slower), 74rpt7p6 (triangles, 4-pillar arena)
  • How do we compare farms?
    As a reminder, most of the explanations for assumptions can be read in our Hex Research document about this topic.

    The total chance a Bloodtinge gem drops with the stats you want can be described as following:

    Desired gem chance = [chance a gem drops from an enemy] x [chance of the gem being Bloodtinge] x [chance of the gem being the right shape] x [chance the gem has the right rating] x [chance the gem has the right curse]

    Once you have the average farm time for each farm as well, you can get an estimate how long it would take to get a certain gem with a certain success rate.

    For the fastest farms we’re comparing, it will look like this. At first the chance a Bloodtinge gem with the desired shape, the highest rating, the best curse are shown. Then the average times it takes to do one run including loading screens are shown.

DungeonChanceAverage farm time
Shotgun Watcher farms:
Normal: naapatbx (OOS radial)1/728835 seconds
Edited: gvpuuz84 (OOS radial)1/682728 seconds
Merciless Watcher boss farms:
Normal: pwmf22gu (radial)1/218337150 seconds
Normal: 5pwujscd (triangle)1/716370150 seconds
Edited: x69bm25r (radial)1/7491140 seconds
Edited: 74rpt7p6 (triangle)1/7491140 seconds
    The chances shown here are pretty much fixed for everyone, The only ones that can change a little bit are the chances for the Shotgun Watchers depending on your Discovery stat. But the influence this has is really small so you can assume these to be fixed as well. The average times for the Shotgun Watcher farms are already really fast but the Merciless Watcher farms can be faster than mine with some practice. But you always need ~40 seconds to kill this boss. Most time is spent on resetting the run after a failed attempt. Perfect runs will be around 100-110 seconds with a normal ps4 but it is probably impossible to be that consistent.

    Note the difference in chance for the Merciless Watcher boss farms for normal and edited dungeons. Getting OOE Bloodtinge radials/triangles in normal dungeons is almost impossible.

    I’ve seen people conclude things with their own farms with sample sizes way too small. Confirmation bias plays a large role farming gems, people feeling one farm is better than the other because they got (un)lucky. With the information we have now we can make way better estimates on how long it would actually take to get the gems you want. It is impossible to say that you need to farm X times to guarantee a certain gem. We need to find a way of comparing farms. Therefore, I will use the binomial distribution function which can say things like: “you need to farm X times in a dungeon with a Y chance to get a certain gem and it will result in a Z% chance of success.” Then we are able to compare old and new farms by noting down the time it takes to get the same gem given the same success rate.


  • If you want to stay away from edited dungeons, I would advise to only farm naapatbx for 2 perfect radial 31,5% Bloodtinge gems which will take around 15000 farm runs (140 hours) with a ~60% success rate or around 22500 farm runs (210 hours) with a ~80% success rate. Merciless Watcher bosses have extremely low Bloodtinge gem drop rate to even consider farming for.

    If you want to use edited dungeons, you need to choose how much time you are willing to spend on this. If we simply compare both Shotgun Watcher and Merciless Watcher boss farms to get 2 perfect radial 31,5% or better Bloodtinge gems (and a circular one): The Shotgun Watcher farm gvpuuz84 takes around 13650 farm runs (106 hours) with a ~60% success rate or 20500 farm runs (160 hours) with a ~80% success rate, where the Merciless Watcher boss farm x69bm25r takes around 7500 farm runs (292 hours) with a ~60% success rate or 11200 farm runs (438 hours) with a ~80% success rate. This makes gvpuuz84 about 2,75 times faster. Note that x69bm25r has a chance to drop 32,6% Bloodtinge gems and that you need to farm gvpuuz84 for a couple hours for a perfect circular 31,5% gem as well. On the other hand, gvpuuz84 is much easier to farm.

    This also makes our edited Shotgun Watcher farm gvpuuz84 about 1,3 times faster than the unedited naapatbx.

    If you are certain you want to get a full 32,6% Bloodtinge setup you need to farm 2 different dungeons, one for radials and one for a triangle. This makes getting an estimate much more difficult, because if you get lucky in the first dungeon and you get a perfect triangle OOS Bloodtinge gem, you can skip the triangle dungeon farm. If we ignore this small chance, we can assume you need to farm both dungeons a certain amount of times. Then we can estimate the success rate if we combine both answers. Note that choosing the success rate for both dungeons is kind of arbitrary in this case. But I’ve chosen these ones because it’s consistent with the other examples,

    You would need to do 15000 farm runs (580 hours) with a ~60% success rate in x69bm25r (2x radials) and 7500 farm runs (290 hours) with a ~63% success rate in 74rpt7p6 (triangle) to get a ~37% chance of getting all 3 perfect 32,6% Bloodtinge gems. We can up this chance to ~69% if we do 22500 farm runs (873 hours) with a ~80% success rate in x69bm25r and 15000 farm runs (582 hours) with a ~86% success rate in 74rpt7p6. This combines to around 1455 hours of farming.

    Number of runs and total hours needed to farm in all examples can be divided by X if you consider X number of curses to be acceptable and can be divided by Y if you consider Y number of ratings to be acceptable. There are 6 curses, Stamina DOWN, Kin DOWN, Beast DOWN, ATK DOWN, WPN DOWN, HP DOWN, There are 3 ratings for each farm, 16-18 for Shotgun Watchers and 17-19 for Merciless Watcher boss: 29.3% (16), 30.4% (17), 31.5% (18) and 32.6% (19).

    If you use a character with more stat investment, more Discovery, have a faster ps4 or more skill than me, you will farm a bit faster than I will assume in this post, certainly the Merciless Watcher boss farms. That is why it is always good to try out different farms and see how fast you can farm there and use this data so you can make an estimate for yourself how long it would approximately take to get the gems you want. It might be the case that a Terrible Cursed dungeon kills you more than a regular one. The couple percent bonus to gem drop chance you get from the Terrible Curse might be nullified because you’re overall slower in that case and it might be better to farm in a normal Curse dungeon. You can try to swap Discovery runes (remember to always keep one on) for runes that make you survive as well. The Terrible Curse Discovery bonus is way more than you will ever get from the Eye runes.

    Generally I would just advise to stick with the Shotgun Watcher farms. I’m fine with Stamina or Kin curses, so farming in gvpuuz84 would take around 7000 farm runs (53 hours, ~60% success rate) to get a complete set of 31,5% Bloodtinge gems which seems doable to me, but remember it is still a lot of time.

    Let me know how your experiences have been farming Bloodtinge gems, if my estimations are in the right direction and how fast your runs have been. I would be very interested to see all that. I would like to thank the Tomb Prospector community that helped me work on this for a long time. This post wouldn’t be possible without all the new information we have about the game. I hope you all liked it!

+ How to Farm Blood Gems For Lower Blood Levels

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Farm NPC Hunters in FRC Loran 6q77zr9h [by altairnaruhodou]

  • FRC Lower Loran 6q77zr9h is absolutely one of the most amazing chalices ever generated, and I'll tell you why.
  • Though it is mostly famous for Abhorrent Beast farming in Layer 3, I found this chalice here on reddit when I was in need of higher damage for my BL4 character. The post recommends it for easy Bone Ash farming in Layer 1.
  • What I discovered by going on, however, is that Layer 2 of this dungeon contains a Bone Ash, Cainhurst and Beast Claw Hunter who can all be cheesed in ridiculously easy ways without your character getting a single scratch.

The Advantages

  • These hunters respectively drop radial, triangular and waning gems, offering you a ridiculously quick farming route for all common gem slots.
  • These hunters drop all kinds of gems, all with a main stat plus a secondary stat and a random curse. Mostly, though, they drop powerful Elemental gems, which are much harder to farm in certain shapes than Phys gems (especially radials).
  • Depending on your stats, these gems can be as or more powerful than FRC Depth 5 boss drops, and in a lot of cases they make very little difference.
  • This is a way faster and easier method compared to boss farming, which makes it invaluable for lower level builds.

You may need this chalice if

  • you have an ARC build who needs very diverse and powerful Elemental gems early on, to be able to farm bosses later.
  • you have a BL4 or low-BL character who needs powerful Physical or Elemental gems and still has a hard time killing Depth 5 bosses.

The Basics

  • Glyph: 6q77zr9h
  • Type: Foetid - Rotted - Cursed Lower Loran Root chalice, Layer 2
  • Accessibility: PS+ subscription required, access available after 1. generating Root chalices of any kind with the FRC rituals 2. buying Sinister Lower Loran chalice OR after defeating Darkbeast Paarl in Lower Loran Layer 3. I discovered this trick during my BL4 run.

The Videos

The Strategy

  • This farming location is the main structure of Layer 2. Bone Ash and Cainhurst are before the boss door, whereas Beast Claw guards the arena proper. They require two different strategies, which I am going to explain separately.
  • Bone Ash Hunter and Cainhurst Hunter
  • The reason why the two are so easy to exploit is that this layer features a boulder trap, just straight ahead from the layer lamp. Bone Ash and Cainhurst stand, far from each other, in a circular room at the farther end of the boulder corridor. If you learn to exploit the trap timing, the boulders will lay them flat for you, giving you amazing gems in return.
  • Notable fact: a dormant Beast-Possessed Soul is right outside the lamp room. It can be farmed for strong Triangulars or kept as an emergency ally against the hunters.
  • The boulder trap is right in front of the layer lamp, but behind a one-way door that you can open by circling around it. From the lamp, you will find the door to the boss on your left; on the right is the path you want to take. Turn right then, and you'll find yourself on a bridge with a lone Loran beast. Past the beast: you will turn right again and find the boulder trap in front of you. On the far end where the boulder falls, there is the room with the hunters. Go instead where the boulder falls from, and open the wooden door behind it; you will be in a circular room with a ladder, and the one-way metal door will be right in front of you. Open the shortcut - and happy farming!
  • As shown in the video, farming these gems requires some use of timing. The trick to exploiting this boulder trap successfully is to cross the corridor and lie in wait in the doorway before the hunters' room, until just a moment before the boulder rolls at your back. When you hear the boulder falling, wait around three seconds, and shoot Bone Ash to catch her attention. She will start chasing you immediately, and you will run towards the halfway safe spot of the boulder corridor, where you arrived from.
  • This will leave you a much shorter window to reach the middle corridor and get to safety, but it also means Bone Ash will have less time to catch up with you before the boulder lays her flat - preventing her from following you to safety.
  • Once she is on the ground, run very fast to the beginning of the corridor, past the falling boulders, and let them do the rest of the work from your awesome safe spot. Shoot occasionally to slow her down if needed.
  • In case she gets out of the corridor, past the boulder, run away as far as you can, and fast. She will slowly walk back to her position once you're out of sight, and will become a pancake/almost die on the way. Then you can rinse and repeat.
  • You can repeat for Cainhurst hunter, but be careful - his projectiles are all one-shots, and he tends to return to his spot more than Bone Ash. If nothing else, he runs less, and will be more inclined to be killed.
  • The hunters die in 2-3 boulder hits, depending on how you behave.
  • Beast Claw Hunter
  • When you feel like moving forward, you can walk to the other end of the layer, and surprise! You will notice a Beast Claw Hunter stands in the way, right in front of the boss door. He can be a nuisance, but as long as you kite him away and cross the fog wall, you should have no issues.
  • What you need to do now is beat the Loran Silverbeast which is boss of Layer 2. Though you must be careful with the one-shot jumps he does, Silverbeast is a very weak boss, and once you dodge him you should just need a couple of Fire radials from Bone Ash to utterly devastate him.
  • Congratulations! You unlocked the Layer 2: Heart lamp, which is what you need to farm this hunter.
  • Now, whenever you spawn at the Silverbeast lamp, Beast Claw will be facing the emptiness of the corridor, and the door of the arena will leave him open him to an incredibly easy backstab. But it isn't all: he cannot get inside the arena, due to an invisible wall.
  • So backstab him, get away behind a column, let him calm down and repeat. He will be dead in no time.

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