Create A Tulip Garden | The Gardening Plot (2024)

Create A Tulip Garden – Tulips are one of the first flowers to take the spring stage. As the last drifts of snow seep into the soil, these bright signs of spring dance in the sunlight. However, you don’t have to wait for spring to grow tulips. Whether it lies in a bed, under a shrub, in the crevices of a rock garden or in a container, a tulip bulb is an underground flower factory just waiting to “spring up” from whatever soil it occupies.

The whole purpose of a tulip bulb is to flower. In fact, in the center of each bulb, tiny leaves cradle a baby bud. The white, onion-like bulb that surrounds the bud stores all the nutrients that the bud needs to sprout and grow. The only real help the tulip needs to grow is a generous drink of water and some soil to keep it moist.

Create A Tulip Garden | The Gardening Plot (1)

Tulip garden

Selecting tulip bulbs

When selecting bulbs, a simple rule of thumb is that the bigger the bulb, the bigger the flower. Choose plump bulbs that are firm and heavy for their size. Although the tunic (outer papery skin) need not be intact, avoid bulbs that are withered, overly dry, scarred, and have traces of mold, soft spots, or other blemishes. However, more difficult than selecting bulbs is first choosing from the over 100 varieties of tulips which are divided into 15 divisions. Careful selection from different divisions can help you plan a tulip garden that begins in early spring and dances on through the end of May.

1. Single Early

Short-stemmed tulips (usually about 8-inches high) that flower in late March and early April.

Create A Tulip Garden | The Gardening Plot (2)

Single Early tulips

2. Double Early

A profusion of petals on 12 to 15 inch stems makes an attractive display when these bulbs are forced indoors. Although they usually bloom from early to mid-April, they are more delicate than some other cultivars and need protection from cold and inclement weather.

3. Triumph

A standard since 1923 when they were named by Dutch breeder, N. Zandbergen, these tulips take the throne at the end of April as they tower to 18 inches high.

4. Darwin Hybrids

One of the tallest garden tulips (usually over 2-feet tall) these red, white and yellow beauties are perfect for naturalizing and are those you generally see returning in established gardens May after May.

Create A Tulip Garden | The Gardening Plot (3)

Tulip ‘Darwin’ Hybrid

5. Single Late

Originally known as Cottage tulips, these hybrids inter-mingled and successfully merged with Darwin hybrids. Like the Darwins, they grow well over 2-feet tall and bloom in May.

6. Lily-Flowered

Another May-flowering tulip, this group was originally grouped with Cottage tulips but was reclassified in 1958. On stems that grow from 1 ½ to 2-feet tall, long, shapely flowers have pointed petals that most closely resemble native Turkish tulips and boast the first scented tulip, the Ballerina, in their troupe.

7. Fringed

A short (12 to 18 inches) but showy group of tulips that brightens the May garden with ruffles that either mirror or add a contrasting color to the rest of the bloom.

8. Viridiflora

May blooms with a flash of green streaked through their petals, this group of tulips varies from one to two-feet tall.

Create A Tulip Garden | The Gardening Plot (4)

‘Spring Green’ viridiflora tulips

9. Rembrandt

Once highly prized by gardeners, today these tulips are nearly obsolete. Although streaked with beautiful breaks and stripes of artistic color, it was discovered that this palette was created by a virus that could spread to other tulip cultivars. Although some suppliers still offer the Rembrandt, these tulips are no longer commercially grown and advertised types are generally no relation to the true Rembrandt cultivars.

10. Parrot

A riot of petals that curl in all directions, these blooms look like they could use some preening. However, they aren’t named for their resemblance to feathers, but rather for the bud that resembles a parrot’s beak. A few of these May-blooming cultivars are scented. They generally grow from 16 to 24 inches tall.

11. Double Late (Peony flowered)

Although less resistant to poor weather, peony flowered cultivars are another excellent choice for container tulip growing. From mid to late May, these tall (1 ½ to 2-feet) blooms bear a profusion of petals in close resemblance to their namesake.

Create A Tulip Garden | The Gardening Plot (5)

‘Kaufmanniana’ tulip

12. Kaufmanniana

If you have difficulty in pronouncing the name of this group, you can also call its cultivars ‘water lily tulips’. Opening flat under the mid-March sun, the foliage of these flowers is characterized by deep purple or brown blotches. Shorter than some other cultivars, the Kaufmanniana is only 6 to 12 inches high.

13. Fosteriana

Greigii crossed with Kaufmanniana “fostered” this division. From 8 to 18 inches tall, these tulips add drama to the April garden with foliage that ranges from grey-green to glossy green.

14. Greigii

Another short (8 to 12 inches) addition to the early spring garden (late March to early April), striking wavy edged foliage provides a perfect backdrop for an eruption of upright blooms that stand amidst a frame of flared-out petals.

15. Species

The last and the least? This group is truly the dwarf (4 to 12 inches) of the tulip family. However, they’re easy to naturalize and their cheery blooms repeat year after year anytime from March to May, some varieties even seeding themselves freely! They are definite proof that good things come in small packages!

Create A Tulip Garden | The Gardening Plot (6)

Planting the tulip bulbs

Although grown in Holland since the late 16th century, tulips are native to the mountains of Turkey. There, the winters are cold, the spring rains are plentiful and they have cold winters, plenty of water in the spring, and the rest of the year is well… hot! Tulips need the warmth of summer sun to ripen next year’s flower buds. However, they need the cold of winter to rest for their lively emergence in spring.

Generally, unplanted bulbs are difficult to keep over winter. Once evening temperatures dip to 50°F, it’s time to put them in the ground. Fall is also the best time to nourish your tulips. Before you begin planting bulbs, work nutrient rich compost through your soil. Although bulbs will grow in nearly any type of soil, the richer your soil is, the bigger your bulb lift will be next summer. Good drainage is another crucial factor in keeping bulbs healthy.

Plant bulbs two to three times their height. For compact displays, plant them closely together, but not touching. The root side of a bulb is the more rounded side; the pointed side is the part that will open and sprout foliage and flower.

Create A Tulip Garden | The Gardening Plot (7)

Tulip garden

Container tulip garden

Choose container size according to the height of your cultivar and the density of your bulb planting. Plant bulbs the same as you would garden grown-tulips, making sure there is at least ½ inch of soil below the planting.

Plant tulips for indoor forcing in September and October. Place pots in a cool garden spot (outdoors) and cover them with an inch of clean soil. When top growth is about ½ -inch to 1-inch, transfer them indoors to a darkened area with a maximum temperature of 60°F. Let the stems lengthen for about three weeks and return them to a lighted area with a slightly higher temperature.

Use fresh soil-based potting mixtures only. Peat based mixtures may burn the roots of your bulbs and soil less mixtures dry too quickly.

If putting containers outdoors, protect them from severe frosts particularly when combined with penetrating winds. Store them in a cool area like your garage or wrap with sacking or straw and cover them with plastic bags until the weather is more tulip-friendly.

It is essential to keep tulip containers sufficiently watered. Unlike garden grown plants, those in containers cannot seek for water deeper within their environment. Dry pots result in stunted and shriveled flower heads.

Create A Tulip Garden | The Gardening Plot (8)

Container tulip garden

Tulip care

When tulips are done flowering, either snip the stem or deadhead the bloom. However, let the leaves die naturally. This is the time the bulb absorbs the nutrients it needs for next year’s growth. When the foliage becomes discolored, remove it to prevent “tulip fire”, which can poison your soil. This is also a good time to lift any tulip bulbs that you want to remove from your tulip garden.

Lifting bulbs isn’t any more complex than digging them out of the ground or dumping them out of the pot. Usually each bloom produces one good-sized bulb and two smaller offshoots that can be discarded. Allow lifted bulbs to dry naturally. Then store them somewhere cool in an airy container (net produce bags and burlap bags work well) to provide good circulation until next planting time.

Tulip problems

When tulips produce foliage but no flowers, the most probable cause is damage caused by slugs or snails. Although liquid slug killers are available from most garden centers, most of them are toxic to beneficial organisms and insects in your garden as well as your pets and your family. The easiest way to deter slugs from invading your tulips is to create a barrier of lava rock or diatomaceous earth around your tulips. Both have sharp edges that kill invading pests by cutting into their skin and causing them to dry up. Another effective way to control slugs is with beer traps. Partially filled cans buried up to the lip will attract and drown slugs.

Create A Tulip Garden | The Gardening Plot (9)

White tulips in garden border

Create A Tulip Garden | The Gardening Plot (2024)


Create A Tulip Garden | The Gardening Plot? ›

Plant Like a Pro

Plan on 9 to 12 bulbs per square foot. For a full look, put 2" to 3" of space between the bulbs. Using a 4" spacing will stretch the bulbs, but not look quite as full. To plant a lot of bulbs fast, dig out the entire planting area to a depth of 6 to 8” and pile the soil on a tarp nearby.

How do you make a tulip garden? ›

Plant Like a Pro

Plan on 9 to 12 bulbs per square foot. For a full look, put 2" to 3" of space between the bulbs. Using a 4" spacing will stretch the bulbs, but not look quite as full. To plant a lot of bulbs fast, dig out the entire planting area to a depth of 6 to 8” and pile the soil on a tarp nearby.

What is the short note on the tulip garden? ›

Located at the foothills of the Zabarwan mountain range, on the banks of the Dal Lake, Indira Gandhi Tulip Garden is a beautiful expanse of lush greenery. Spread over an area of 30 acre, it is the largest tulip garden in Asia, and is more commonly known as Siraj Bagh.

What is the best month to plant tulip bulbs? ›

For the best results you need to plant your tulip bulbs in autumn. This is due to the soil needing to have cooled off from the summer season before you plant. Ideally you should plant your tulip bulbs in October or November. However if you are in a warm climate it is best to plant them in December.

What is the best soil for tulips in the ground? ›

Fertilizer/Soil and pH: Tulip bulbs require a well-drained soil. Sandy soil enriched with organic matter is ideal as is a pH of 6.0 to 6.5.

How to create a tulip field? ›

Simply dig out a generous circle of soil, about 6 in (15 cm) deep, mix in a little organic bulb fertilizer and compost, and then plant your bulbs roughly three times as deep as they are tall. Tulips can be planted quite close, less than 1 in (2.5 cm) from each other, similar to eggs in a carton.

How do you make a raised tulip bed? ›

How to plant tulips in raised beds?
  1. Remove the top 6 inches of soil in your raised bed.
  2. Add in some compost to make sure the soil has some nutrients to help the flowers form. ...
  3. Add your bulbs to the raised bed. ...
  4. Add the soil you removed on top of the bulbs. ...
  5. Water them in.

What do tulips symbolize? ›

The most known meaning of tulips is perfect and deep love. As tulips are a classic flower that has been loved by many for centuries they have been attached with the meaning of love. They're ideal to give to someone who you have a deep, unconditional love for, whether it's your partner, children, parents or siblings.

What is a few sentences about the tulip flower? ›

Only/Just a few people came. We went out for a few drinks after work. I know a few people in the class. The train leaves in a few minutes.

How many tulip bulbs can you plant in one hole? ›

And following the design principle known as the Rule of Threes, odd numbers of objects in a grouping look more pleasing than even, so we suggest planting at least three to five tulip bulbs per hole. It's also beautiful to plant an entire area—say, a few feet wide and long—for maximum aesthetic impact.

Can you leave tulip bulbs in the ground all year? ›

While you do not need to dig and divide your tulips every year; they should be dug up at least 3-4 years if planted in the ground. If you are not digging them up yearly, make sure they are not in an area of the yard where they will be watered all summer. Too much water over the summer will rot/kill your bulbs.

Can I plant multiple tulip bulbs in one hole? ›

Fortunately, it's easy to plant lots of flower bulbs at once! You can maximize your spring bulb display by layering several bulbs in the same planting hole. That way, you can dig once, but plant for a variety of blooms! The rule of thumb is that the larger the bulb, the deeper it's planted.

Do tulips do better in pots or in the ground? ›

Tulip bulbs will thrive just as well in pots and containers as they do in the ground. This is especially useful for gardeners who lack outdoor space or waited to plant their bulbs until after their ground froze for the season.

How deep to plant tulips in ground? ›

How Deep to Plant Daffodils, Tulips, & Other Bulbs. The general rule of thumb for planting spring bulbs is to plant two to three times as deep as the bulbs is tall. This means most large bulbs like tulips or daffodils will be planted about 6 inches deep while smaller bulbs will be planted 3-4 inches deep.

Can you plant tulips in potting soil? ›

As with in-ground plantings, you'll want the bulbs to be buried at least 8 inches deep, so measure from the top of the container to a depth of about 9 inches, then fill the pot up to that mark with Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix. Place the bulbs pointy end up in the pot (you can pack them tightly together).

How do I incorporate tulips into my garden? ›

When combining tulips with perennials, consider some perennials that, although they may not flower at the same time as the tulips, will hide the dying and yellowing foliage of the tulips when they are finished blooming. Daylilies are a good example. Plant annuals around tulips that are just poking out of the ground.

How many tulip bulbs do you plant in one hole? ›

And following the design principle known as the Rule of Threes, odd numbers of objects in a grouping look more pleasing than even, so we suggest planting at least three to five tulip bulbs per hole. It's also beautiful to plant an entire area—say, a few feet wide and long—for maximum aesthetic impact.


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