Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe - Gwen's Nest (2024)

Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe - Gwen's Nest (1)

This red hots cinnamon tea recipe tastes like those bright little candies, but it’s really a super healthy treat! I have tried through the years to like healthy teas. Like green tea. I KNOW it’s super good for you, but…I just couldn’t dig it.
Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe - Gwen's Nest (2)

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And then there was Matcha tea. I bought a box after reading about it, and I tried it. I really tried. But. Erm…I was underwhelmed with the flavor. It sat around in my tea box not being loved. Until now. Last year, my friend Cyndi posted on Facebook about trying cayenne cinnamon tea.

Cayenne? Sounds painful. But she said that it tasted like red hots! I was intrigued.

I’ve been a fan of hot cinnamon candy since I was a little girl. My Dad used to show up at school with pockets full of atomic fireballs to hand out to my friends. One year, he had the bright idea to tell us kids that on Christmas day the world smells like cinnamon. We woke up with burning upper lips, since he’d snuck in and wiped some cinnamon oil under our noses. Ha! As much as I *love* cinnamon flavor, I’m not a fan of the burn.
Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe - Gwen's Nest (3)

Aside from tasting like candy, my friendalsotalked about the health benefits of using cinnamon and cayenne.

Shesaid that she was, “hoping to get my circulation working better and stay warmer. I’ve always been on the cold side. Not only have I noticed that I am feeling warmer, I have also noticed much better digestion, more energy, and help with my blood sugar…I’m completely sold on cayenne. Amazing herb!”

I’ll tell you more about the benefits in a minute, but suffice it to say I was intrigued enough to try her tea idea.
Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe - Gwen's Nest (4)

I started experimenting, and using up some of those packetsof unused teas. WOW! I was hooked. If you like the taste of red hots or atomic fireballs, then you should try this!

You can tailor the amount of kick, and build your way up to more spice if you want. My amounts are for a gentle kick… you can always add more. And be aware that cayenne loses its heat as itages. So if you reorder fresh cayenne, just be aware that you may want to back off the measurements a bit to find your comfort zone.Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe - Gwen's Nest (5)

If you get it a little *too* spicy, you can always add some cream to tame it back. Fat helps calm down the kick.

I started out making this by the cup, and am now enjoying it by the thermos full. It’s THAT delicious! I’m gonna have to get more boxes of green tea to keep up my new habit. And this is a habit that I can be proud of, since this is a SUPER healthy tea recipe!

Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe Benefits

Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe - Gwen's Nest (6)First, this tea (unlike red hots candies and fireballs) is sugar free. Just like the cinnamon candies, it’s got a sweet, cinnamony kick that’s slightly addictive. And there’s SO many more benefits to this grown up treat.

I’ve tried using regular black tea with this tea recipe, and I just really, really love it with green. Specifically green matcha tea. I found the Kirkland’s brand Green Tea with Matcha at Costco for under $20 for 100 tea bags.

Green tea is one of the healthiest things you can drink, and is full of antioxidants. It’s beneficial to blood vessel health, as well as the heart, brain, and memory. (Pour me another cuppa!)

It’s thought to be protective against Alzheimer’s, congestive heart failure, high cholesterol, and may help stabilize blood sugar1.
Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe - Gwen's Nest (7)

Matcha: If you find green tea with Matcha, you’re in for even more benefits! Matcha is a powdered concentrated form of green tea. Dr. Axe says,

According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the catechins in matcha green tea (EGCG, EGC, ECG, and EC) are so powerful that it is believed that they actually help prevent cancer.

Green tea is also thought to promote weight loss and boost metabolism while lowering bad cholesterol levels. AND in studies, it promotes cell regeneration, and aids recovery from strenuous workouts.2

Cinnamon: Because this is a water extraction, you can use whatever cinnamon sticks you have on hand. I really love the taste of ceylon cinnamon, and the lower coumarin (blood thinning component) makes it a healthier choice for regular consumption if you’re using lots of powdered cinnamon in recipes and drinks. Cinnamon is a wonderful herb for enhancing digestive “fire”, and has beenused to help stimulate healthy gastric secretions in cases of nausea, gas or bloating, and even anorexia. 3

Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe - Gwen's Nest (8)Cayenneis an herb that I’ve shied away from, due to its intenselyspicy nature. Cayenne comes in different heat grades…and especially if you’ve got a fresh batch it can really be potent stuff!Cayenne has been a part of herbal medicine since ancient Egypt, and is thought to be a powerful stimulant for the digestive system, heart, and circulation. 4

Red Hot Cinnamon Tea Recipe Printable & Pin

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Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe - Gwen's Nest (9)

I use the Trim Healthy Mama Sweet Blend sweetener (my affiliate link to their store)
& the Kirkland’s brand Green Tea with Matcha is my favorite (my Amazon affiliate link- or find it at Costco!)

5.0 from 2 reviews

Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe

Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe - Gwen's Nest (10)


If you like Cinnamon Red Hots candy, or atomic fireballs, then you'll LOVE this super healthy tea! It gets me all warmed up for winter- I drink it by the thermos-full. And it's got an impressive resume of benefits that you can read more about on my blog. NOTE: Cayenne comes in different potencies, and loses its heat with age. If you're sensitive to heat, start with the smaller amounts listed here and work your way up.

Author: Gwen

Recipe type: Drinks


  • By the cup:
  • one green tea bag- I like the Kirklands green tea with matcha powder (here)
  • 1 small cinnamon stick (3-4 inches)
  • 1/16th teaspoon cayenne pepper - or two of the small stevia extract spoon fulls
  • 1 teaspoon sweet blend or 1-2 packets of Truvia or sweetener of choice
    By the Thermos (Quart)
  • 1 quart (4 cups) boiling water
  • 1 to 2 large cinnamon sticks (or 3-4 small)
  • 3 green tea bags
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne, or to taste or heat tolerance
  • 1 tablespoon sweet blend, or 3-5 packets of Truvia or your sweetener of choice to taste
  • cream, optional


  1. Bring water to a boil, adding cinnamon sticks to water.
  2. When water comes to a boil, pour off into cup or thermos.
  3. Add cinnamon stick, tea bag(s), cayenne, and sweetener.
  4. Allow to steep 5-10 minutes or overnight for strongest flavor.
  5. Taste and adjust heat and sweet.
  6. Serve and enjoy!
  7. If you overshoot the heat, add a splash of heavy cream- the fat helps blunt the heat of cayenne.
  8. If you let the tea sit between cups, shake to blend the cayenne, or your last cup will be the spiciest!


Adjust cayenne to your heat tolerance. If the cayenne in your spice cabinet has been there a while, you may get away with using a good bit more. However, if you replace it, be aware that fresh cayenne has a substantial *kick* to it. Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe - Gwen's Nest (11)


  1. Green Tea Benefits
  2. Matcha Benefits
  3. Cinnamon Benefits & Contraindications, more Contraindications
  4. Cayenne Benefits & Contraindications

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Cinnamon Red Hots Tea Recipe - Gwen's Nest (2024)


Is it okay to drink cinnamon tea every day? ›

Cinnamon tea is rich in plant compounds that might help control blood sugar and inflammation. It's likely okay to drink a cup every day, but switch to Ceylon cinnamon if you have liver disease or a risk of bleeding.

How much cinnamon should you put in your tea? ›

The easiest way to make this beverage is to simply add 1 teaspoon (2.6 grams) of ground cinnamon to 1 cup (235 ml) of boiled water and stir. You can also make cinnamon tea by steeping a cinnamon stick in boiling water for 10–15 minutes.

Can you buy cinnamon tea bags? ›

English Tea Shop Organic Ceylon Cinnamon - 20 Tea Bag Sachets, 35 g. This product has sustainability features recognised by trusted certifications.

Is it better to drink cinnamon tea at night or morning? ›

The advantages of drinking cinnamon tea before bed include supporting a weight loss program and easing sore muscles. Additionally, it promotes digestion of the food consumed during the day, speeds up metabolism, and helps with weight loss. And it continues to function as you restfully sleep the next day.

Is it safe to boil cinnamon sticks to drink? ›

In a small saucepan, combine the cinnamon sticks and water. Bring the pot to a boil, then lower the heat and gently simmer for 15 minutes. Remove the large cinnamon sticks with a slotted spoon or fork, then pour the tea through a strainer to catch any small pieces that might have flaked off.

Is cinnamon tea good for the kidneys? ›

In conclusion, cinnamon has no adverse effects on the physiology and morphology of normal healthy kidneys, therefore its use is safe for kidneys.

Why can't you drink more than 4 cups of cinnamon tea a day? ›

Potential Risks of Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon contains a chemical called coumarin. Eating too much can cause liver damage, cancer, low blood sugar, or breathing problems. Adults shouldn't have more than one teaspoon of cinnamon per day — children should eat even less.

Does ground cinnamon dissolve in hot water? ›

Cinnamon grounds are made up with a chemical component that makes them almost completely water resistant, so whether it is milk or water or any other liquid you looking to dissolving ground cinnamon with, your best option is to not ruin your drink and mix ground cinnamon into your coffee grounds.

What is the best time to drink cinnamon tea? ›

Drinking cinnamon tea post meals can aid digestion, speed up metabolism and control blood sugar levels. All you want to know. Several studies have found the benefits of cinnamon with the spice being especially useful in regulating blood glucose.

How to make cinnamon tea to burn belly fat? ›

Boil a cinnamon stick in water till its gets fragrant. Squeeze a dash of lemon in it and add one teaspoon of raw honey to it. Your weight loss drink is ready. You can also include some other spices like ginger, pepper, cardamom and mint to make the concoction even healthier and tastier.

How to dissolve cinnamon in hot tea? ›

Adding to already boiled water usually results in the cinnamon clumping together and sinking to the bottom. Mix the ground cinnamon into the water, boil it on the stove, and then strain it through a fine sieve to remove any clumps before drinking the tea.

What is the healthiest cinnamon you can buy? ›

Given that Ceylon cinnamon contains little to no coumarin, it would be considered the healthiest type of cinnamon to have if you plan to consume it regularly compared to cassia.

Can I sprinkle cinnamon in my tea? ›

Cinnamon tea is always a true treat and thanks to its endless array of health benefits, it is definitely worth adding this spice to your rack and your teapot. Cinnamon should be consumed in moderation as too much of the sweet spice can lead to side effects.

Does cinnamon tea detox your body? ›

Cinnamon and lemon is a super simple way to add a detox boost to your morning tea. Because lemons and cinnamon go well with pretty much any type of tea, choose your favorite type, add them in, and you're automatically promoting healthy detoxifying processes for your body!

What does cinnamon tea do to your body? ›

Based on the science, drinking cinnamon tea may help make symptoms like menstrual cramps and nausea more bearable. Help your heart. Several studies have found that cinnamon can ease inflammation, lower blood pressure, and removing excess cholesterol from blood vessels.

What happens to your body when you drink cinnamon water everyday? ›

Consuming cinnamon water regularly can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease by improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation.


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.