Cannabis Flowering Timeline: the 3 Stages (with Pictures) (2024)






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Cannabis Flowering Timeline: the 3 Stages (with Pictures) (1)<\/img><\/div>

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Cannabis Flowering Timeline: the 3 Stages (with Pictures) (2024)


What is the flowering process of cannabis? ›

The flowering stage occurs naturally when plants receive less than 12 hours of light a day. For cannabis to completely enter the flowering stage it requires periods of 10 to 12 hours of complete darkness.

What should my buds look like at 5 weeks? ›

In week 5 of flowering, you can observe the buds all over your plant becoming thicker. You may also spot new buds growing in new places such as along the main cola. With buds abounding, your cannabis plants will get fatter every day. This is a surefire sign you are in full flowering mode.

What is the lifecycle of cannabis flower? ›

Cannabis is an annual dioecious (unisexual) flowering plant. To elaborate, it germinates from a seed, reaches sexual maturity, reproduces and dies all within one year when growing wild. Its flowers are unisexual so males and females are distinct plants, but hermaphrodites have been continually documented.

What does week 3 of flowering cannabis look like? ›

At this stage your cannabis plants wont have completely stopped growing and your plants could be up to 50% bigger than they were prior to flipping the lights. New stems and leaves become more apparent in week three of flowering and more pistils can be seen emerging from the leaf bunches atop the main colas.

What are the steps from bud to flower? ›

From Bud to Bloom: The Life Cycle of a Flower
  1. 1 The Seed Stage.
  2. 2 Germination.
  3. 3 Roots Development. 3.1 Importance of Root Growth. 3.2 Nutrients Absorbed by Roots. ...
  4. 4 Stem Growth. 4.1 Stem Elongation Process. ...
  5. 5 Leaf Formation.
  6. 6 Bud Formation.
  7. 7 Floral Differentiation.
  8. 8 Inflorescence Development.
Aug 29, 2023

What are the steps of flowering? ›

It grows more leaves and a longer stem or stalk and eventually becomes an adult plant. The major stages of the flower life cycle are the seed, germination, growth, reproduction, pollination, and seed spreading stages. Plants are able to reproduce in two different ways - sexual reproduction and asexual reproducion.

What week do buds turn purple? ›

If it's not in their genes, it could also be due to a lack of phosphorus which tends to come out during the flowering phase, maintaining a healthy green during the growth period and at around the fourth flowering week the leaves will begin turning purple, lilac or slightly red.

What week do buds harden up? ›

If you grow strains with an average flowering time, the majority of bud development will occur by the 6th week of bloom. In the last two weeks, the buds will mostly be ripening and not really growing much more in size. At this point, the previously white pistils on the buds will now slowly turn amber-brown.

When should I pull my buds? ›

You'll know your buds are ripe for the picking when those little trichomes turn a milky or amber hue. Take a good look at your buds, too—they should be nice and bulky, looking their best. That's your cue to start harvesting!

How many hours is the flowering cycle? ›

To maintain the vegetative state, growers typically use daily photoperiods of ≥16 h of light (≤8 h dark), and when flowering is to be initiated, the photoperiod is abruptly switched to 12 h of light and 12 h of darkness [12,13,14].

What is the late stage of flowering cannabis? ›

Late Flowering Stage: Ripening (After Week 8)

In the final weeks of cannabis blooming stage, the buds are nearing maturity, and their potency and aroma are reaching their peak.

What is the mid flower stage of cannabis? ›

Definition and Duration. The mid-flowering stage refers to the phase when cannabis plants transition from the early flowering stage to the later stages of flower development. It typically occurs around 4 to 6 weeks after the start of the flowering cycle, depending on the strain and environmental conditions.

When should I start removing fan leaves during flowering? ›

Early to Mid-Flowering Stage: It is generally recommended to start removing fan leaves during the early to mid-flowering stage when the plants have established enough bud sites. At this point, the plant has sufficient resources to support the remaining leaves and direct energy towards bud development.

What does pre-flower look like? ›

Pre-flowers are small, underdeveloped versions of the flowers that will later develop into buds. They appear at the nodes, where branches and leaves meet the main stem. Male pre-flowers typically develop small sacs, while female pre-flowers have pistils, which are hair-like structures.

What does early flowering cannabis look like? ›

At first, you'll see white fuzzy pistils/hairs at the joints where fan leaves meet the stem. These can appear in the vegetative stage for older plants or soon after 12/12. These are known as “pre-flowers” and are a hint of what's to come.

How is cannabis flower processed? ›

The cannabis flowers must still go through the drying and curing process to ensure the highest quality in the final product. Properly drying and curing improves the smell and taste of the buds, and the effects feel more potent. It also reduces the harshness of the smoke.

What does cannabis look like when it starts to flower? ›

Appearance of White Hairs (Pistils)

Female cannabis plants produce pistils, which are small, white hair-like structures that protrude from the pre-flowers. These white hairs are one of the most visible signs of the flowering stage.

What is the best light cycle for the flowering stage? ›

Light Requirements in the Flowering Stage

Most growers switch to a 12/12 light cycle, providing 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness followed by 12 hours of light. This light/dark ratio simulates the natural photoperiod of late summer and early fall, signaling the plants to start flowering.

What is the auto flowering stage of cannabis? ›

Autoflowering Stage

Autoflowering cannabis plants have a fixed lighting cycle of 18 hours on and 6 hours off for both the vegetative and flowering stages. To support their growth, the app will prompt you to change the water and nutrients on a weekly basis before week 4, and every three days after week 4.


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.