20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (2024)


20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (1)

Kersasp Shekhdar, Gardener

Kersie is a professional and vocational writer who learnt the basics of gardening as a toddler, courtesy of his grandfather. He is an active gardener with a preference for flowering plants.

/ Updated August 14th, 2023

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (2)

Colin Skelly, MHort (RHS), MCIHort - Horticulturist

Colin is a Horticulturist and Horticultural Consultant with experience in a range of practical and managerial roles across heritage, commercial and public horticulture. He holds the Royal Horticultural Society’s Master of Horticulture award and has a particular interest in horticultural ecology and naturalistic planting for habitat and climate resilience.

/ Meets Our Editorial Guidelines


  • 1) Azaleas
  • 2) Chives
  • 3) Heuchera
  • 4) Aurinia saxatilis
  • 5) Achillea millefolium
  • 6) Rhododendron
  • 7) Strawberries
  • 8) Butternut Squash
  • 9) Buddlejas
  • 10) Eremurus
  • 11) Hydrangea macrophylla
  • 12) Violas
  • 13) Aloe vera
  • 14) Gardenias
  • 15) Radish ‘Sparkler’
  • 16) Periwinkles
  • 17) Impatiens glandulifera
  • 18) Oregano
  • 19) Thyme
  • 20) Lagerstroemia indica
  • References

If shallow soil is one of your biggest gardening woes then worry not: our quick tour of 20 fantastic and diverse plants for shallow soil will leave you having a tough time deciding which ones to grow.

It’s true: shallow-rooted plants are very diverse.

In this guide you’ll find evergreen bushes and deciduous shrubs, ornate flowers, courtyard garden plants and cottage garden favourites and even a few herbs for your kitchen.

“There are many options for shallow soil, but bear in mind that in prolongedhot, dry weather, the most tolerant of shallow soil plants will succumb to water stress,” shares Horticultural Consultant Colin Skelly.

“I use a weeper hose for areas of shallow soil that are planted, with moisture sensors if possible to ensure that moisture levels are replenishedwhen needed.”

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (3)

We have indicated the approximate depth of the soil that is needed for many or most varieties of these plants and are conservative in our numbers, preferring to err on the high side rather than the low!

We hope you’ll be spoilt for choice with this guide.

1) Azaleas

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (4)
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Rhododendron spp.
  • SOIL: Humus-rich; acidic / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Partial shade / Full sun
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Deciduous / Evergreen

Gorgeous Azaleas are rightly admired for being quite unique; these floriferous bushes produce lovely flowers in a marvellous array of hues.

However, these bona fide bushes have a shallow though wide root system allowing many of them to be grown in shallow soil.

Azaleas have innumerable and varied charms.

Some are evergreen to keep you company in the grey of January, others get covered in blossoms in summer and others bloom twice in the same year.

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (5)

A top cultivar Azalea bush in full bloom is verily a sight to behold.

Azaleas can have delicately-freckled snow-white blooms, intense glows of fiery orange, big funnel-shaped flowers or star-faced ones.

Many of them have wonderful scents and many are bi-coloured.

Azaleas are divided into at least 8 groups which include thousands of cultivars.

Look around and you’ll find some that will be happy in even 20cm of soil.

2) Chives

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (6)
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Alliumschoenoprasum
  • SOIL: Any type; Acidic / alkaline / neutral Ph
  • SUNLIGHT:Full sun / Partial shade
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Evergreen

Though a few varieties have roots up to 30cm, which is certainly shallow, common chives have ultra-shallow bulb roots that reach no more than 8cm.

So, if you have very shallow soil, you can grow chives – a triple-value plant.

First, chives are excellent pest repellants – and that includes rabbits!1Chives | Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation. (n.d.). Plant Village. Retrieved March 23, 2023, from https://plantvillage.psu.edu/topics/chives/infos

They are very effective against aphids, Japanese beetles and carrot flies.

These qualities make it a very practical plant to grow hard by your precious roses.

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (7)

Next, it bears delightful little globular flowers in shades of mauve and purple, bringing cheerful colour over the spring-summer seasons.

Last but not least, chives are a type of herb with a subtle herby-onion taste.

It can be used as a flavouring in pot-cooked dishes and as a seasoning on cold cuts.

3) Heuchera

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (8)
  • COMMON NAME(S): Coral bells
  • SOIL: Any type; acidic / alkaline / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Light, dappled shade
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Evergreen

Among the plethora of Heuchera varieties on offer, many will grow in no more than 12cm of soil.

For a truly ornamental plant to need such little soil is a wonder in and of itself.

These plants feature an abundance of scalloped foliage that come in colours that can be sedated and restrained all the way to the striking and dramatic.

You can get them in chalky, indeterminate tones and dull pewter, and in riveting deep reds and magenta-purple.

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (9)

The leaves are heart-shaped or rounded.

Some varieties feature leaves that are wonderfully veined, marbled, and sometimes mottled, in reds and purples.

These evergreens that you can grow for the foliage offer a summertime bonus.

They put up slender stalks that rise above the leaves, and these bear dainty little flowers on upright panicles.

They provide an additional splash of colour in hues typically ranging from soft pink to lipstick red.

4) Aurinia saxatilis

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (10)
  • COMMON NAME(S): Gold dust
  • SOIL: Chalk, loam or sand; acidic / neutral / alkaline pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Evergreen
  • FLOWERING PERIOD(S): Spring / Summer

Basket of gold is a low-growing, mat-forming evergreen that is content in soil that is not only shallow but poor.

For a good month starting in late spring, basket of gold produces a carpet or cloud of cheerful, sunny yellow.

This plant is often used in rockeries, which is no surprise because its native habitat includes chasms, mountainsides and similar terrain in the Aegean region.2Aurinia saxatilis | gold dust. (n.d.). Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved March 23, 2023, from https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/26319/aurinia-saxatilis/details

Its low-maintenance nature covers not only the soil but also watering requirements.

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (11)

For such a humble plant it has a few unexpected attributes.

For one, it’s as tough as nails so this is one plant you won’t need to tend to.

Secondly, those cheerful little blooms will bring a heavy, rich scent to your shallow-soil patch and that, in turn, will attract lots of bees and butterflies for additional colour.

As for the rest of the year, there’s that brilliant green foliage.

5) Achillea millefolium

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (12)
  • COMMON NAME(S): Yarrow
  • SOIL TYPE: Any type; Acidic / alkaline / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Deciduous

Yarrow may be considered a ‘weed’ as it grows wild throughout the UK, but it gives depth to our list.

This tough plant can flourish in soil that is both shallow and nutrient-poor.

Add to that its low watering needs and you have a plant-and-forget type of option.

Note that some cultivars’ roots require soil depths greater than 20cm but the species plant is fine in shallow soil.

Yarrow works as a delightful ground cover because of its bright green, fern-like compound leaves and it also bears lovely billowing clouds of little creamy-white flowers all summer long.

They exude a sweet perfume that you will like as much as the honeybees.

6) Rhododendron

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (13)
  • COMMON NAME(S): Deciduous azalea
  • SOIL TYPE: Humus-rich; Acidic pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Light, dappled shade
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Evergreen / Deciduous
  • FLOWERING PERIOD(S): Spring / Summer

A bona fide garden plant that is grown mainly for its wonderful flowers and can grow to be a large bush, Rhododendrons surprisingly makes do in soil just 30cm deep.

Rhododendrons have spreading fibrous roots but no deep tap root.

Though Rhododendron is a huge genus, most ornamental Rhododendron cultivars are shallow-rooted so you can take your pick.

However, one or two species are classified as invasive plants in the UK so buyer beware!3Invasive non-native plants. (n.d.). Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved March 23, 2023, from https://www.rhs.org.uk/prevention-protection/invasive-non-native-plants

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (14)

This genus has hundreds of species and many thousands of cultivars to choose from.

These lovely bushes are valued for their diversity of flowers, which are often intricate, as well as for their landscaping value.

Over spring and summer, Rhododendrons explode in a profusion of glorious colour.

Though you’ll find yellows, purples, and reds, Rhododendron ‘specialises’ in more shades of pink than you can imagine.

7) Strawberries

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (15)
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Fragaria
  • SOIL: Any type; alkaline pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun / partial shade
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Deciduous / evergreen

What’s to say about strawberries except that they’re luscious and they can grow in soil only 25cm deep (sometimes even less!).

Unlike apples and a good many other fruits, strawberries are considered a treat, so the plants’ ability to thrive in shallow soils is something gardener-parents should surely take advantage of.

These universally popular fruits have a nutritional bang eaten fresh off the plant, but it’s healthful even when consumed in preserves and jams.4Martin, J. (2022, November 8). Strawberry jam recipe. BBC Good Food. Retrieved March 23, 2023, from https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/strawberry-jam

To grow strawberries, your shallow soil needs to be well-drained and rich, and these plants need watering and a bit of care.

Still, growing strawberries is definitely worth the effort.

8) Butternut Squash

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (16)
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Cucurbita moschata
  • SOIL: Loam or sand; Acidic / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Deciduous

Squash includes rather different kinds of gourds and not all are shallow-rooted.

For example, pumpkins and courgettes have deep roots but if you have shallow ground, you can grow a flavourful vegetable that is technically a fruit – butternut squash.

Many squash, including butternuts, grow on spreading, creeping vines.

A type of winter squash, butternut allows you to make use of your 30cm deep soil to reap an autumn-long harvest for the kitchen.

However, that shallow soil should drain very well, have organic content, and be regularly fertilised.

Having derived their name from their somewhat buttery colour coupled with rather a nutty taste, butternuts are considered a warming food for autumn and winter nights.

Butternuts are often roasted for serving as a side dish, are tasty ingredients in pastas and make for a rich soup stock.5Butternut squash. (2022, November 29). BBC Good Food. Retrieved March 23, 2023, from https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/glossary/butternut-squash-glossary

9) Buddlejas

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (17)
  • COMMON NAME(S): Butterfly bush
  • SOIL: Any type; Acidic / alkaline / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun partial shade
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Deciduous
  • FLOWERING PERIOD(S): Summer / Autumn

Buddlejas number among the most vigorous plants of all.

This deciduous perennial has gained fame, good and bad, because of its very special attributes.

Let’s address the bad news first.

These bushes grow like there’s no tomorrow and a Buddleja plant alone will keep your pruning shears as busy as all the rest of your plants combined.

Buddleja also spreads very aggressively, to the extent that it is classified as an invasive weed in the UK and elsewhere.6Invasive Shrubs to be Aware of in Your Garden. (n.d.-b). The RSPB. Retrieved March 23, 2023, from https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/advice/gardening-for-wildlife/plants-for-wildlife/shrubs-for-gardens/invasive-shrubs/

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (18)

However, there’s a reason this shrub is called ‘butterfly bush’.7Buddleja. (n.d.). Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved March 23, 2023, from https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/buddleja

It draws squadrons of pretty butterflies because it is very floriferous and bears scented, nectar-rich flowers.

Also, those conical spikes and panicles are a sight to be seen and have a lovely array of light and bright tones through the pink-purple spectrum that you can take pleasure in all summer long.

10) Eremurus

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (19)
  • COMMON NAME(S): Foxtail Lily
  • SOIL: Chalk, loam or sand; Acidic / alkaline /neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Deciduous

Eremurus is a plant that will rise to over 2m in height in soil a mere 20cm deep.

That’s because its starfish-shaped roots are so close to the soil surface that they are actually partially visible.

Foxtail Lily is not exactly easy to grow in British climates nor does it bear showy flowers.

The reasons you may opt for it are as distinct as this deciduous perennial itself.

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (20)

Firstly, this is a semi-exotic plant from the arid steppes of South-Central Asia, so it will not be something too many of your visitors will be at all familiar with.

Next, it has a very tidy habit.

The long, narrow lily-like leaves form a basal rosette from the midst of which tall erect stalks emerge.

These are topped with spike-like tapered racemes of tiny yellowish flowers which look furry or feathery from a short distance.

11) Hydrangea macrophylla

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (21)
  • COMMON NAME(S): Hortensia
  • SOIL: Clay, loam or sand; acidic / alkaline / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun / partial shade
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Deciduous

Garden Hydrangeas have long been a favourite in the UK and it’s not just because of the flowers’ well-known colour-shifting abilities.

Garden Hydrangeas make terrific bedding choices and equally terrific specimen choices, and most of them need a scant 15cm of soil.

Though not all of the innumerable cultivars in all the classes will grow in such shallow soil, many Hydrangeas will.

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (22)

Hortensia Hydrangeas are deciduous perennials, a majority of which reach just over a metre in height.

While they have unusually ‘well cut’ leaves in intense and rich shades of green, the large flowers are even more lush than the foliage.

Many varieties flower for three months or more.

As for those amusing colour-shifts, that is a speciality of Hortensias.

Many gardeners find it interesting to alter the soil’s pH level and watch the blooms shift around the purple axis from pink to blue and vice versa.

12) Violas

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (23)
  • COMMON NAME(S): Pansy
  • SOIL: All types; neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun / partial shade
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Deciduous / Evergreen
  • FLOWERING PERIOD(S): Spring / summer / autumn / winter

Violas are possibly the gold medallists in the ‘garden charmers’ category.

A mere 15-25cm in height and needing about the same shallow soil depth, pansies are usually grown and considered as annuals.

As a very general rule, these plants flower from sometime in spring to sometime in summer.

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (24)

However, the countless types and kinds of violas resulting from non-stop floriculture have resulted in varieties that bloom during different times of the year.

So, if you mix and match them, you can delight in year-round charming flowers.

Some violas provide a relatively more ‘well behaved’ look with predictable colours and sharply-delineated patterns while some pansies are more boisterous, with their broad daubs and splashes of intense hues that bleed into one another.

13) Aloe vera

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (25)
  • COMMON NAME(S): Barbados aloe
  • SOIL: Loam or sand; acidic / alkaline / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Evergreen

Those broad and thick, strappy leaves are nothing to look at unless the Aloe vera variety is one whose foliage has leopard spots, and even then it may be lacking in ornamental value.

However, there are other reasons for growing this awesome plant.

One of Mother Nature’s little wonders, this succulent’s great value is in the gel inside those spiky leaves.

Many Aloe Vera varieties will grow quite happily in soil only 20cm deep, provided it is the right kind of soil and you don’t make the mistake of over-watering it.

Aloe veras are also remarkably generous with themselves when they’re happy – you can have your hands full dividing the offsets (which will make much-appreciated gifts).

14) Gardenias

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (26)
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Gardenia spp.
  • COMMON NAME(S): Gardenia / Cape Jasmine
  • SOIL: Clay, loam or sand; Acidic / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Partial shade
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Evergreen
  • FLOWERING PERIOD(S): Summer / Autumn

Gardenias are among the most alluring and sensuous flowers of all and they can be grown in soil a mere 25cm deep.

The lengths of Gardenia roots vary both by variety and by size of the plant, but most varieties will have no problem making a home in soil of the specified depth.

The problem is that this tender plant sometimes struggles to grow outdoors in UK climates.8Gardenia. (n.d.). Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved March 23, 2023, from https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/gardenia/growing-guide

However, a few varieties are hardy to H3 so some southern parts of the UK will suit these plants just fine.

Gardenias are beautiful evergreen bushes and those famed funnel-shaped or saucer-shaped blossoms are very large, radiate a tropical appearance, and exude an enticing perfume.

On top of that, these prolific bloomers produce flowers nearly all summer and all autumn long.

15) Radish ‘Sparkler’

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (27)
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Raphanussativus‘Sparkler’
  • SOIL: Any type; Acidic / alkaline / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun / partial shade
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Deciduous

So that there is no confusion, it is only round white-tipped radishes, and not other types of radish, that will stay healthy and happy in soil 25cm deep (and even less).

These types are mainly summer radishes and a few different cultivars are available.

Round white-tipped radishes are easy to grow from seed, are quick to maturity and are relatively low-maintenance plants.

They can be sown with little expenditure of time and may be harvested on a recurring basis – all they need is fertile soil.

While often eaten raw in salads, they impart a delicious flavour to stove-cooked foods.9Radish. (2022, June 9). BBC Good Food. Retrieved March 23, 2023, from https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/glossary/radish-glossary

16) Periwinkles

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (28)
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Vinca minor
  • SOIL: All types; acidic / alkaline / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun / partial shade / full shade
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Evergreen
  • FLOWERING PERIOD(S): Spring / Summer / Autumn

Vincas are wonderfully delightful flowering plants, typical of the ‘cottage garden’ look, while the charming wide-open blooms are akin to wildflowers (which Vinca species are).

Vincas may also be mat-forming sub-shrubs or bushy plants but most of them are evergreens.

Most are content in shallow soil and all have a few attributes in common.

First, they have shiny, deep green foliage that is pleasing in its own right, which also makes Vincas much appreciated as an attractive ground cover.

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (29)

Next, most varieties of these easy-going plants are entirely indifferent to position and do well in anything from full sun to full shade.

Similarly, you need not worry about aspect either.

As for those small, cheerful saucer-shaped flowers, they are on show for months on end – even up to nine months of the year.

They are also borne in profusion.

The colours are genuinely eye-catching, ranging from pure white through royal purple to blood red.

17) Impatiens glandulifera

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (30)
  • COMMON NAME(S): Himalayan balsam
  • SOIL: All types; Acidic / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun / partial shade
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Evergreen
  • FLOWERING PERIOD(S): Summer / Autumn

Impatiens glanduliferas are not the usual Impatiens whose roots, though classified as shallow, go much deeper than the 20cm roots of this plant with its unusual valved flowers.

This Impatiens, usually called Himalayan balsam, has some impressive features, chief among them that it needs only about 20cm of soil yet can reach heights of 2-3m!

The problem is that it spreads very aggressively and is considered an invasive weed in the UK and other regions.10Pollard, K. (2017). Impatiens glandulifera (Himalayan balsam). CABI Compendium. https://doi.org/10.1079/cabicompendium.28766

Himalayan balsams bear copious flowers through most of the summer and autumn, and these flowers have two very amusing features: they are shaped like a bobby’s helmet, albeit of a bright pink hue, and their seed pods explode with quite a pop.

These flowers are nectar-rich and they attract honeybees and butterflies by the score – a final plus point for this ‘weed.’

18) Oregano

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (31)
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Origanum vulgare
  • SOIL: Chalk, sand or loam; Acidic / alkaline / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun / partial shade
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Deciduous
  • FLOWERING PERIOD(S): Summer / autumn

If you like mildly spicy foods or Mediterranean cuisine and you have ultra-shallow soil, oregano is your plant of choice.

This herb is quite easily grown from seed and all varieties are hardy perennials.

Growing to 15-30cm and having a bushy habit, they are perfect as a ‘filler’ plant.

Oregano also has some ornamental value.

Among the various cultivars, one or two exhibit brilliant golden-green foliage.

However, this herb is primarily about taste, and you can choose one cultivar that is sweetish and only mildly spicy, another that has a gingery, chilli-like kick, and many a flavour tone in between.

Regardless of taste, oregano produces a mass of decorative tiny pink flowers for most of the summer and autumn.

19) Thyme

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (32)
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Thymus vulgaris
  • SOIL: Chalk, sand or loam; alkaline / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Evergreen

Thyme just might be the winner in the ‘bang for buck’ competition where shallow soil goes.

Needing a mere 15cm of soil, this plant delivers one of the most desirable of all herbs and is also a fairly decorative plant.

This herb is used throughout the UK and other countries in the preparation of savoury dishes, imparting not only flavour but also an appetising aroma.

Indeed, the corner of your garden in which thyme is grown will have a clean, fresh scent.

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (33)

Some varieties have deep green leaves that glisten, while others have variegated leaves.

All produce oodles of tiny flowers, usually purplish-pink, during summer.

Only 10-20cm high, it makes for a lovely ground cover.

Best of all, thyme is an evergreen from which the leaves can be harvested year-round.

Sow seeds once and then flavour your dishes whenever you want, on demand!

20) Lagerstroemia indica

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (34)
  • COMMON NAME(S): Crepe Myrtle
  • SOIL: Chalk, sand or loam; acidic / alkaline / neutral pH
  • SUNLIGHT: Full sun
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: Deciduous
  • FLOWERING PERIOD(S): Summer / autumn

Crepe Myrtle is technically a woody shrub, though it grows to be a small ornamental tree.

There are several varieties of crepe myrtle and most will grow well in soil 30cm deep.

Pruned even halfway decently, some crepe myrtle varieties have a beautifully branched, full-ish shape and exhibit slender, shapely limbs.

Others are smaller shrubs that have an appealingly unkempt bushy habit.

This plant’s bark flakes and peels, providing visual texture.

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (35)

The properly ovate leaves are a spanking bright green in many varieties, and these provide further visual interest come autumn when they put on a colour show in yellows and golds.

However, it is the crinkly, ruffled flowers in dense panicles that supply the ornamental ‘bang’.

Reminiscent of crepe, they are on show for most of summer and autumn in many tones of pink and purple.

20 STAPLE Plants For Gardens With Shallow Soil (2024)


What plants can grow in 2 inches of soil? ›

  • 1) Azaleas.
  • 2) Chives.
  • 3) Heuchera.
  • 4) Aurinia saxatilis.
  • 5) Achillea millefolium.
  • 6) Rhododendron.
  • 7) Strawberries.
  • 8) Butternut Squash.

What vegetables can be planted shallow? ›

Effective Root Zone (in inches) for Shallow Rooted Vegetables
Vegetable/CropEffective Root Zone Depth (in inches)
Chives6 (16 cm)
Dandelion6 (16 cm)
Endive6 (16 cm)
Escarole6 (16 cm)
9 more rows
Oct 6, 2023

What vegetables grow in 4 inches of soil? ›

Some vegetables, like spinach and spring radishes, have very shallow roots and don't need more than 4 to 6 inches of soil to grow successfully.

What evergreen plants have shallow roots full sun? ›

Boxwoods, azaleas, yew, and compact hollies are all evergreen shrubs with shallow root systems. Dwarf evergreen shrubs, thanks to their shallow roots and slow growth, are good choices for foundation planting beds, since they do not typically cause issues with a home's foundation.

What is the shallowest depth you can plant in? ›

Deeper planting may be recommended as the season progresses and soils become warmer and drier, however planting shallower than 1.5 inches is generally not recommended at any planting date or in any soil type.

What is the best ground cover with shallow roots? ›

Creeping Stonecrops (Sedum spp.)

The plants have shallow roots, so they can be grown on very thin soil. Full sun brings out the brightest foliage colors, which can be aqua, teal blue, yellow, lime green, burnt orange, red or maroon (as well as green). Sedums are evergreen, so they also provide winter interest.

Can tomatoes be planted shallow? ›

Plant Tomatoes Deep, Deep, Deep. Each Bonnie tomato label urges you to plant tomatoes deep, so that a full 2/3 of the plant is underground. That means that if you buy a 10-inch tall plant, all but the top three to four inches is buried.

Can cucumbers grow in shallow soil? ›

Cucumbers are shallow-rooted so ensure that the soil is free of clumps to enable the delicate root system of the plants to penetrate it easily. Seed should be sown in groups of three, spaced according to the directions on the packet, into a saucer-like depression in the soil.

What plants have deep roots? ›

Perennials, like hollyhocks and black-eyed Susans, can have roots extending up to several feet, depending on soil type, climate, and specific species. Other deep-rooted flowers include lavender, coneflowers, Russian sage, salvia, coreopsis, and columbines.

Which vegetables need the deepest soil? ›

Pumpkins, winter squash, and watermelons have deep roots that go down 24 to 36 inches or more. Tomatoes, artichokes, okra, and sweet potatoes also have deep roots.

What are the best vegetables to plant in a small garden? ›

Cherry tomatoes are definitely great producers, as are green beans. Many greens such as lettuce, chard, and spinach, are cut and come-again vegetables, which would make them an ideal choice. With limited space you might like to employ square-foot gardening methods, and I highly recommend companion planting.

What vegetables can be grown in 6 inches of soil? ›

A 6-inch raised bed is perfectly fine for smaller leafy greens like lettuce plants, arugula, and spinach. If you would like to grow romaine or other heading lettuces, Swiss chard, or smaller varieties of kale, I recommend having a raised beds that's at least 12 inches deep.

What vegetables are shallow rooted? ›

Shallow-Rooted Plants
  • Corn.
  • Broccoli.
  • Spinach.
  • Cabbage.
  • Lettuce.
  • Kale.
  • Chard.
  • Onions.
Mar 23, 2018

What is the easiest plant to grow in full sun? ›

Top 10 Low-Maintenance Plants for Full Sun
  • Panicle hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata)
  • Holly (Ilex spp.)
  • Bloomerang® lilac (Syringa x)
  • Bluestar (Amsonia)
  • Russian sage (Perovskia)
  • Stonecrop (Sedum)
  • Milkweed (Asclepias)
  • Ornamental Grasses.
Jul 27, 2019

What is a shallow rooted plant? ›

Trees and plants with shallow roots usually have more laterally extending root systems and might be helpful when gardening in shallow soil or in containers. However, the roots of shallow rooted plants can extend far beyond the canopy and cause damage to nearby hard landscaping and foundations.

Will grass grow in 2 inches of soil? ›

Break up the soil with an aeration tool such as a rototiller; a depth of 3 to 6 inches is adequate for growing grass.

How many inches of soil do plants need to grow? ›

They should have at least 8 inches of soil depth to accommodate the root systems of plants, because the majority of plant roots require 6 – 8 inches of soil for healthy root growth. A depth of 8 – 12 inches will suffice for most gardening situations.

What shade plants have shallow roots? ›

Shallow-rooted plants such as wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens, Zones 3–8) and bunchberry (Cornus canadensis, Zones 3–6) are great for dry shade because they often thrive in the close-quartered niches of a trunk flare or in soils encumbered by tree roots.


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.