10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (2024)

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Table Of Contents

  1. For the Record…
  2. More Allergen-Friendly First Birthday "Cakes"
  3. Grain-Free Brownies
  4. Nectarine Squash Pops
  5. Homemade Gelatin or Gummies
  6. Dairy-Free Chocolate Mousse
  7. Easy Apple Crisp
  8. Baked Apple Bread(less) Pudding
  9. Grain-free Coconut Muffins
  10. Dairy-Free, Egg-Free Butterscotch Pudding
  11. Neopolitan Ice Cream Cake (Grain-free, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free)
10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (1)

When is a cake not a cake?


10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (2)

Pumpkin Fudge Recipe

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  • Author: Katie Kimball
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 10 mins
  • Yield: serves 4-8 1x
  • Category: dessert



  • 1 c. pureed orange vegetable (sweet potato, squash, pumpkin – preferably not canned, but in a pinch, go for it)
  • 1/2 c. coconut cream concentrate (use the code STEWARDSHIP for 10% off at that site!)
  • 13 Tbs. maple syrup (as little as possible for little ones!)
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. powdered ginger
  • 1/8 tsp. cloves


  1. Soften coconut cream by placing it near the stove while cooking or in a bowl of warm water (in the tightly closed jar).
  2. Measure all the ingredients into a food processor (or Vitamix or Blendtec Twister jar).
  3. Blend until smooth.
  4. Scoop/pour into muffin tins, small cake pans, or small bread pans.
  5. Freeze for a few hours.
  6. Let sit for 10-15 minutes to soften in order to slice into cubes (if you used a rectangular pan). The muffins cups will pop right out with a little warm water on the bottom.
  7. Store leftovers in the freezer.


* Thanks to Purely Twins for the great inspiration!

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I don’t know the real answer to what surely sounds like an 8-year-old boy’s favorite joke, but my answer is this:

When it doesn’t have any flour or sugar.

Flour and sugar – often more sugar than flour – define the art of baking a cake. As much as I desire great pictures for my babies’ first birthdays, flour and sugar just aren’t on the list.

In fact, with baby no. 4 here, a big part of me just wanted to skip celebrations and not add anything else to my to-do list. He wouldn’t know any different, right? But Mommy Guilt kicked in and I realized that he’d be on to me when he was older because there would be no pictures.

So JUST to get pictures of a one-year-old birthday cake on a high chair tray, we had close family and godparents over for a “party.”

Which meant I had to figure out a “cake.”

Baby Gabe hadn’t had grains yet, since his gut doesn’t have the enzymes to digest them. (We start our babies off with real food, but simple.) He seemed to have an unfortunate reaction to eggs multiple times, so I’m still scared to feed those to him! (I just haven’t had a day where I wake up and think, “Yeah, today I’d be totally cool with a vomiting baby for 24 hours. I got nothing better to do…”)

He had done dairy, but I didn’t see the point in giving him much sweetener if any.

Even though I’ve been talking with Catherine Clinton of WellFuture, one of our sponsors, about how new research says not to worry about introducing allergenic foods early, I can’t seem to shake the habit from what I was told ten years ago with baby number one.

I was on the hunt for the perfect, allergy-free first birthday “cake” and found just the recipe!

Related:Beginning a Gluten and Dairy-Free Diet

10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (3)

It made for a darling photo shoot, both with and without Gabe. 10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (4)

And SO so yummy.

10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (5)
10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (6)

For the main “cake” with the candle, I topped it with a probiotic frosting made of homemade yogurt cheese, a splash of vanilla or almond extract, and a tiny bit of maple syrup (although none for Gabe, why bother?). That would obviously make it not dairy-free, but it totally didn’t need it (see above). Those little circles made in muffin tins were also delish!

10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (7)

The best part of the night was when he was holding a chunk and it got too cold for his hands and he didn’t know what to do! He just cried but kept a tight fist on the fudge! Everyone was cracking up.

If serving something frozen to your baby sounds a little cold-hearted (it’s funny! Really!), the same mush would go awesome into a Squooshi pouch and be delicious and nutritious.

For the Record…

It wasn’t always this “clean” at the KS house.

It wasn’t always the “KS” house! This is my oldest son’s food coloring laden birthday cake, from a box mix:

10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (8)

Ok. So not that. Established?

More Allergen-Friendly First Birthday “Cakes”

I asked blog colleagues of mine if they had any ideas for healthy birthday treats for a one-year-old so that you all have more than just one to choose from, and they delivered!

10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (9)

Grain, Nut, Egg & Refined Sugar Free Cupcake

10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (10)

Wow! Recipe from Raising Generation Nourished

Grain-Free Brownies

10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (11)

Recipe from Natural Fertility and Wellness

Nectarine Squash Pops

10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (12)

Recipe from Just Take a Bite

Homemade Gelatin or Gummies

You could totally stick a candle in this, or a “bowl” of fruit gummies!

Dairy-Free Chocolate Mousse

10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (14)

Recipe from Naturally Loriel

Easy Apple Crisp

My recipe – so easy – slow cooker, bake it, stove top, whatever! Free downloadable printable! Skins off for little ones but I’m usually lazy and leave them on…

Baked Apple Bread(less) Pudding

10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (16)

Recipe from Simple Abundant Life (does contain eggs)

Grain-free Coconut Muffins

My recipe! We made a quadruple batch into a 2-layer cake! (does contain eggs)

Dairy-Free, Egg-Free Butterscotch Pudding

10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (18)

Recipe from Just Take a Bite

Neopolitan Ice Cream Cake (Grain-free, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free)

10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (19)

Recipe from Just Take a Bite

What did you do for your kids’ first birthdays?

Unless otherwise credited, photos are owned by the author or used with a license from Canva or Deposit Photos.

Category: Real Food Recipes

Tags: birthdays, dairy-free, desserts, egg-free, fall, gluten free, grain free, kid-friendly, maple syrup, nut-free, party food, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes

10 Alternative First Birthday Cakes {Pumpkin Fudge Recipe} (2024)


What can I give my 1 year old instead of a birthday cake? ›

11 Healthy Alternatives to Cake for Baby's 1st Birthday
  • Chocolate-Dipped Banana Bites. The Lemon Bowl. ...
  • Chocolate Pudding Cups. Chocolate Covered Katie. ...
  • Healthy Banana Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting. Amy's Healthy Baking. ...
  • Chewy Oatmeal Cookies. Accidental Happy Baker. ...
  • Rainbow Fruit Skewers with Vanilla-Honey Yogurt Dip.

What is a good birthday cake for people who don't like sweets? ›

Watermelon and Peach Fresh Fruit Cake
  • Red, White, and Blue Fruit Salad. ...
  • How to make a watermelon cake - My Fresh Perspective. ...
  • Healthy Melon Cake for a Summer Party - Jenny is baking. ...
  • Rainbow Fruit Cookie Cake. ...
  • Andrea Ramirez. ...
  • Watermelon cake for summer. ...
  • MAKE IT | Fresh Fruit Birthday Cake + mini cakelets.
Jul 20, 2019

What can I send instead of birthday cake? ›

15+ Birthday Cake Alternatives
  • Crepe Birthday Cake. Who doesn't like breakfast for dessert? ...
  • Mini Pancakes. ...
  • Brownie Birthday Cake. ...
  • Candy Buffet Ideas For a Birthday Party. ...
  • Birthday Cookies Ideas. ...
  • Belgian Waffle Dessert. ...
  • Birthday Macarons. ...
  • Frozen Fruit Popsicles.

What kind of cake can a baby eat on its first birthday? ›

A smash cake is the perfect treat for celebrating your baby's first birthday. It's essentially a small cake that's low sugar and made with wholesome, baby-friendly ingredients that your one-year-old can enjoy by “smashing” with his or her hands (and face, of course!)

What flavor cake is best for 1 year old? ›

Fruit Cakes are Always a Viable Option

No doubt, a dark chocolate cake is an all-time favourite among kids. But you can even go for a fruit flavoured cake. There is no doubt that your one-year-old would love this cake and would enjoy the party. It would be best if you opted for tastes that children usually like.

What kind of cake to get someone who doesn t like cake? ›

These are sure to be as stunning a centerpiece as the most lavishly decorated birthday cakes – and they're shipping nationwide!
  • Classic Macarons. ...
  • Tiny Pies. ...
  • An Assortment of Cupcakes. ...
  • Boozy Cupcakes. ...
  • Mini Cheesecakes. ...
  • Ice Cream & Ice Cream Sandwiches. ...
  • Ice Cream Donuts. ...
  • Ice Cream Cake.
Mar 17, 2023

Is it cheaper to buy or make a birthday cake? ›

Turns out, whilst baking from scratch at home is still cheaper than buying a cake from a professional bakery, it would actually be cheaper to Fake Bake. You don't need to turn on the oven, saving you on energy.

Is it rude to refuse birthday cake? ›

No, it isn't rude to refuse cake at a birthday party. It's never rude to refuse any food offered to you with a simple, “No, thank you.” People have medical conditions such as diabetes and may not want to eat cake. People may not even like cake.

What to make someone who doesn t like sweets for their birthday? ›

Mini muffins: Carrot, blueberry and banana are all great choices. Use all or part whole-wheat flour or add ground flaxseeds for a nutritional boost. 4. Banana bread: Cut in slices like cake, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve with fruit salad.

What not to do to a cake? ›

Continue reading.
  1. Not preheating the oven. ...
  2. Wrong ingredient measurement. ...
  3. Frequently opening the oven. ...
  4. Leaving the cake too dry or too wet. ...
  5. The cake flour is not blending smoothly. ...
  6. Ingredients are at the wrong temperature. ...
  7. Using rough egg whites. ...
  8. The cake mix is not baking evenly.
Feb 14, 2022

Can you have a birthday without a cake? ›

Rachelle Sorensen-Cox says her daughter isn't a big fan of cake, so they've celebrated her birthday with donuts and rice crispy treats. And Allison Flynn said, “My oldest asked for birthday brownies, and my youngest wants cookies.” Pinterest has some great ideas and recipes for alternative birthday cakes.

What are popular cake flavors? ›

Jump to:
  • Best Cake Flavors Roundup!
  • 25 Best Cake Flavors for Any Occasion.
  • Olive Oil Cake.
  • Strawberry Lemon Layer Cake.
  • The Best Vegan Chocolate Cake.
  • Vegan Funfetti Cake + Vanilla Buttercream.
  • Honey Lavender Sheet Cake.
  • Best Southern Salted Caramel Cake.
Sep 14, 2023

Is it OK to give 1 year old birthday cake? ›

Yes, cake is a perfect treat for the one year old tot to celebrate his/her first birthday! To decrease the sugar content, buy or make a cake with whipped cream frosting. It will be lighter and less sweet for the youngster.

What kind of food do you give a one year old for a birthday party? ›

First birthday cake
  • Cupcakes.
  • Iced cookies.
  • Ice cream sundaes and ice cream cones.
  • Pie or crumble.
  • Pudding.
  • Chocolates and chocolate-dipped fruit.
  • Popsicles and freezies.

Should you give a 1 year old cake? ›

The World Health Organisation recommends that children under the age of two consume no or minimal sugar, hence parents should consider a baby smash cake or first birthday cake that are baby friendly and baby safe for their littles ones.

What do you give a 1 year old birthday? ›

So toys with different textures that invite small hands (and, of course, mouths) to grab and investigate are good choices, as are starter ride-on toys that offer the opportunity to roam. This age is also a good time to invest in keepsake items that will remain special as a child grows up.


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.